Biographical Sketch of Benjamin F. Silliman

Silliman, Benjamin F.; mechanical engineer; born, Reading, Pa.; educated, common schools, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Maud M. Valentine; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The Electric Railway Improvement Co.; vice pres. and sec’y Tregoning Electric Mnfg. Co.; director Forest City Electric Co., The Ohio Blower Co., Cleveland Steel Tool Co.; member The Perfection Spring Co.; member Masonic Order, and Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Walter Noadiah Bowler

Bowler, Walter Noadiah; pres. Forest City Paint & Varnish Co.; born, Cleveland, O., March 25, 1849; son of Noadiah and Sarah Cordelia Hannum Bowler; attended Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, May 22, 1870, Frances Shailor; issue, Walter Scott Bowler, born Jan. 10, 1872, Edward Frances Bowler, born Nov. 19, 1874, Ralph Wilcox Bowler born Nov. 27, 1879, and Florence Frances Bowler, born March 3, 1884; married, second time, July 19, 1899, Ida May Lacy; at the age of 15, left school, and went to work in B. F. Fox insurance office; in Cleveland office of O. D. Case & Co., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gerhard Fred Meyer

Meyer, Gerhard Fred; merchant; born, Hanover, Germany, Jan. 17, 1859; son of John and Mary Heitling Meyer; married, Cleveland, 1885; private in the Germany Army; owner “Fred Meyer,” The Daisy Products, wholesale and retail.

Biographical Sketch of Franklin B. Richards

Richards, Franklin B.; iron merchant; born, North Andover, Mass., Nov. 12, 1862; son of Albert D. and Mary Preston Richards; educated, grammar and high school, Somerville, Mass.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., 1884, degree S. B.; married, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 8, 1886, Caroline A. Dimick; two daughters, Katherine E., and Dorothy; chemist Stafford Mining Co., North Stafford, Vt.; 1885, asst. chemist, Joliet Steel Works: chemist Bonner Hill Iron & Coal Co., Youngstown, O., 1886; supt. same Company, 1888; mgr. Ore Sales, Tod, Stambaugh & Co.. Cleveland; mgr. Buena Vista Iron Co., Virginia, 1890-1893; Ore Dept., M. A. Hanna Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Bradley

Bradley, Arthur; law and insurance; born, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 18, 1856; son of Joseph William and Clara Amelia Morse Bradley; educated, Swathmore College, Pa., class of ’76, degree A. B.; studied and admitted to the practice of law in Philadelphia, Pa., 1881; Ohio U. S. Courts in 1910; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 24, 1891, Alice Deering llsley; one son, Arthur llsley Bradley, born July 25, 1899; practised law in Philadelphia until 1886; general publishing business, 1886-1888; connected with West Pub. Co. of St. Paul, Minn. (law publishers), 1888-1891; general solicitor of Warren Scharf Asphalt Paving Co., N. Y., 1881-1901; general … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Taylor

Taylor, Henry; florist; born, England, March 16, 1852; son of Charles and Susan New Taylor; educated, West Fendred British National School; married, Wellsville, O., Feb. 8, 1877, Susan Coyle; issue, five children; at the age of 16, began working at plumbing; followed that until 1908; worked for some of the best firms in Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., and Lafayette, Ind., as a journeyman plumber; held responsible positions with good firms in all the abovenamed cities; 1908, started in the florist business.

Biographical Sketch of Peter Stilber

Stilber, Peter; florist; born, Austria-Hungary, Jan. 13, 1871; son of Peter and Catherine Miller Stilber; educated, public schools, Hungary; married, Hungary, Jan. 13, 1897, Erma Collen; issue, two children; 1906-1910, with Fred Burger, florist; owner of own business and is in the same location where he first started; decorator and designer; member Home Guards of America, No. 44; Metropolitan; member Limberger Bicycle Club, and Hungarian Church.

Biographical Sketch of Dayton Clarence Miller

Miller, Dayton Clarence; physicist; born at Strongsville, O., March 13, 1866; son of Charles W. D. and Vienna (Pomeroy) Miller; A. B., Baldwin University, 1886, A. M., 1889; D. Sc., Princeton, 1890; married Edith C. Easton, of Princeton, N. J., June 28, 1893; prof. natural science, Baldwin University, 1883-1889; asst. in mathematics and physics, 1890-1893; prof. physics, since 1893, Case School Applied Science; fellow A. A. A. S. (sec’y Sect. Physics, 1903-1907, vice pres. 1908; gen. sec’y 1910), member American Physical Society, American Astronomical Society, Cleveland Engineering Society (pres., 1906); trustee Baldwin University since 1899. Author: Laboratory Physics, 1903; Boehm … Read more

Biography of Augustus Keefer Boom, M.D.

AUGUSTUS KEEFER BOOM, M. D., holding a noteworthy position in Western Massachusetts, has done much both along private lines of practice and in the public service and as a leading physician of Adams he is considered one of the foremost men in his profession in this section. Giving to the world his highest endeavors, his progress governed by lofty ideals, and his ever forward looking attitude, Dr. Boom has made his influence strongly felt in various lines of current endeavor, as well as in his professional work. He is a member of an old and honored family of America, originally … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Elijah Burton

Burton, Theodore Elijah; U. S. senator to March 3, 1915; born, Jefferson, O., Dee. 20, 1851; son of Rev. William and Elizabeth ‘(Grant) Burton; A. B., Oberlin College, 1872, A. M. 1875; (LL. D., Oberlin, 1900, Dartmouth, 1907, Ohio University, 1907); unmarried; admitted to bar, 1875, and since in practice at Cleveland; member 51st (1889-1891), and 54th to 61st (1895-1911) congresses; 21st Ohio Dist.; resigned from 61st Congress, March 4, 1909; U. S. senator, 1909-1915; chairman Inland Waterways Commission, 1906-1908; chairman National Waterways Commission; member National Monetary Commission; Republican nominee for mayor, Cleveland, 1907; delegate Republican National convention, 1904, 1908 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest M. Sprague

Sprague, Ernest M.; mgr. American Bridge Co.; born, Farmington, Mich., Oct. 20, 1865; son of Lorenzo and Laura G. Mead Sprague; educated, University of Michigan, 1888, B. S., C. E.; married, Denver, Col., March 8, 1901, Maude Sill; issue, two children; six years with Chicago & N. W. R. R., asst. engineer; since 1894, with American Bridge Co., and affiliated companies; last eight years, mgr. Cleveland branch; member American Society Civil Engineers, Masonic Order, Athletic Club. Recreation: Golf.

Biographical Sketch of George P. Hart

Hart, George P.; grain and coal dealer; born, Sandusky, O., Hay 30, 1858; son of William and Louise Hess Hart; grammar and high school education, Sandusky; married, Milan, 0., Aug. 11, 1881, Debra M. Wilcox; issue, Bertha L., Ernest G., and Bella; in business since 1881; stock dealer in cattle first, then became grain and coal dealer; came to do business in Cleveland in 1901; 32nd° Mason.

Biographical Sketch of Aaron Kerr Hannen

Hannen, Aaron Kerr; life insurance; born, Pittsburg, Pa., 1854; son of Henry and Amanda Kerr Hannen; educated, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.; married, Pittsburg, Pa., 1882, Annie Piper DeArent, Hollidaysburg, Pa.; issue, one son, Harry A. Hannen, of Los Angeles, Cal.; thirty years with Berkshire Life Insurance Co. of Pittsfield, Mass.; member all Masonic bodies of Western Pennsylvania, and Colonial Club.

Biography of Frederick Ruder

Frederick Ruder was a pioneer in Kansas Territory in the year 1857. His home was in Leavenworth, but he was closely identified with those activities which spread out from Leavenworth over the plains to the Far West. Leavenworth sixty years ago was one of the most important cities of the Middle West. It was a river town, was thriving and bustling with trade, and to the great territory to the west, now divided among a dozen or more states, Leavenworth occupied relatively a more prominent position than Kansas City does today. Frederick Ruder was for a number of years connected … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles S. Brooks

Brooks, Charles S.; born, Cleveland, Jan. 25, 1878; son of Stephen E. and Mary Coffinberry Brooks; educated, Yale University, class 1900; married, Cleveland, Oct. 12, 1907, Minerva Kline; entered the Brooks Co. in 1900; made sec’y of the Company in 1910; also director; member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, and Mayfield, University and City Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of J. Milton Curtiss

Curtiss, J. Milton; pres. The Curtiss-Ambler Realty Co.; born, Harrisville, Medina County, O., Feb. 26, 1840; educated in the district and city schools, Brooklyn Academy and Cleveland Institute, University Heights, now Lincoln Heights; taught district school one year; engaged in the nursery business for twenty years, helped to organize and was one of the first trustees of Brooklyn village; moved to Cleveland in 1868; member City Council, 1876 to 1883; appointed Park Commissioner by Mayor Herrick; served two years; for five years supt. Riverside Cemetery; pres. Riverside Cemetery Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of Albert Z. Howe

Howe, Albert Z.; contract mgr.; born, Lockport, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1872; son of Albert E. and Olga C. Zallee Howe; educated, public schools, Buffalo, N. Y., and private tutor in mathematics, geometry, and trigonometry; married, St. Louis, Mo., July 31, 1897, Mary Frances Hogue; first business experience, at seven-teen years of age, was in surveying and civil engineering in Buffalo, N. Y., followed by several years of the same class of work in railroad construction in the West and Southwest; later chief draftsman for the St. Louis Water Department, six years, when the sedentary occupation compelled a change; came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Mason Williams

Williams, Edward Mason; mnfr.; born, Cleveland, Nov. 9, 1871; son of Edward Porter and Mary Louise Mason Williams; educated, Yale, A. B., 1893; married, Cleveland, Oct. 11, 1899, Mary Raymond; issue, four children, Hilda, Madeline, Edward Porter and Mary Raymond; member City Charter Commission, 1913; began with the Sherwin-Williams Co., in September, 1893; supt. of their factory in Montreal, Can., November, 1895 to October, 1897; then returned to Cleveland; director The Sherwin-Williams Co., Laurence Paint Co., Ozark Mining & Smelting Co., Cleveland Box Co., Superior Savings & Trust Co.; member National Geographic Society; pres. Childrens’ Fresh Air Camp; vice pres. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Wayne Chase

Chase, William Wayne, sec’y White Sewing Machine Co.; born, Geauga County, O., Nov. 19, 1872; son of Charles E. and Annette S. Ellis; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Sept. 12, 1893, Edna E. Thomas; issue, Kathryn, Russell, Charles; married, Cleveland, March 5, 1907, Reba Neff; issue, Ruth, June; began work with White Sewing Machine Co., as bookkeeper, May, 1892; became sec’y, 1905; member Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Credit Men’s Ass ‘n, Archwood Congregational Church, Brooklyn lodge F. & A. M.; Webb chapter, R. A. M.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Ray Walker

Walker, Frank Ray; architect; born, Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 29, 1877; son of Frank and Helen Theresa Rauous Walker; educated, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; post graduate work in design; pursued study of architecture in France and Italy, 1903-1904; Walker & Weeks, architects; member Cleveland Engineering Society, Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Chapter, American Institute, M. I. T., Alumni Ass ‘n, Northern Ohio; member Hermit, Athletic, M. I. T. Clubs, New York City; East End Tennis Club, Cleveland Y. M. C. A.