Letterbooks of William Henry Lyttleton

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

Roll of Captain John Stuarts Company

Last Updated on November 9, 2012 by An effective Roll of Captain John Stuarts Company Working at Fort Loudoun July 11th, 1757 John Stuart Captain James Adamson Lieutenant John Miller, Sergeant Jacob Glaughenberg,  Sergeant John Roberts,  Corp Arch, Watson,  Dr Lawrence Masterson John Bower Archibald Watson Senr. Jacob Rough Joseph Velts George Swaggart George Moan

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Papers of William Henry Lyttelton 1756-1760

Letterbooks of William Henry Lyttleton 1756-1760: This collection contains papers relating to William Henry Lyttelton’s career as governor of South Carolina, including letters from officials in London; correspondence with other southern governors relating to Indian affairs, frontier defense, and boundaries; correspondence with military officers in America; and communications with the South Carolina Commons House and Council. A series of reports by Edmond Atkin, superintendent of Indian affairs in the Southern District, provides valuable information on the Cherokees, Creeks, and Chickasaws. There are 142 items, 1761-1766, concerning Lyttelton’s governorship of Jamaica, including material on the Negro insurrection of 1765 in St. Mary’s Parish.

Papers of William Henry Lyttelton 1756-1760 Read More »

Copy of Orders

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by Dennis Coppie of orders Sir You are to proceed with y command to hihewasey if the Cattel Should not be arrive when you come there, you are to wait till they Come up, then you are to efcort them to this place, you are charged abuve all things

Copy of Orders Read More »

1760, January 25

Last Updated on November 3, 2012 by Sir I received the 15th instant your Letter of the 29th Ult. I attempted severall times write to your Excellency, after the Little Carpenter went down, but I was always prevented by the treachery of our Indians. Sometimes by the path being way laid, that no Letters shou’d

1760, January 25 Read More »

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