1759, November 15, Fort Loudoun


Mr. Elliot came to this Fotrt yesterday and Brought to Captain Demere a Copy of your Excellency’s Letter to Mr. Coytmore

Captain Bemere having been indisposed Some days has desired me to acquaint your Excellency that theere are not Twelve indians in these over_ill Towns. But are all out a hunting. And yesterday before Elliot’s Arrival the Carpenter went out for a Short hunt of four days, we have dispatched a Runner for him as Elliot has brought your Exxcelly’s talk to the middle Settlement Indians, which Cap’ Demere propose reading to him if he Return before Mr. Elliot sells off, as he would be glad to Communicate to you what he can Learn of his thoughts upon the measures taken. Iff he does not Return in time he will Endeavour to gett him to Dispatch a Runner to your Excelly: with a Letter.

He Likewise desires I would Acquaint your Excelly: that we are Salting up all the Catlle but that the quantity of Salt in the fort will not be Sufficient our flour will not hold out many Days but he has Secured about 600 Bushells of Indian Corn, on the whole we have provisions for six months

We are Laying in a Stock of wood in Case of the worst and Captain Demere intends to Examin the Puncheons and Replace Such of them as are Defficient as Soon as pofsible

Since Macknamar was Dispatched nothing new has happened. The Indians in General have behaved very airly and have plentifully Supplyed the fort with pumpkins fouwls & s usual in the most peaceble times. The people are all in Good Health and Spirits. but the Buffs very Ragged and Complain much of the Cold and look with Envy on the new warm Cloaths of their Brother Soldiers

Since writing the above Captain Demere has had an Interview with the Carpenter and Read to him your Excelly. talk to the middle Settlements, acquainting him at the same time of the Good Oppinnion you Entertain of him for his Late Behaviour. he asked if you had invited him to Come and meet you to which Capt. Demere Answered he was Sure your Excelly: whould make him very Wellcome if he chose to go . after Some Silence, he Said, ____wpould not be in the power of he head men to hinder some Difsorder upon the News of an approaching army as people would be in great Dread. And Giving ______Satisfaction by Delivering up their people he did not approve of But propsed Accompanying Any body of white men to Feight the French as the properest way of making up matters. Captain Demere and the Officers join me in wishing Your Esce llency a most properuos Campaign and I am with the Greatest Respect

Sir Your Excellency’s

Most obedient and most
Humble Servant

John Stuart

To His Excelly Governour Lyttelton

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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