1757, August 4, Letter to Cherokee Nation

Edmon Pittkins Esq. His Britainioh Majesty King George’s Agent for and Superintendent of the Affairs of his faithfull Allies the Severall Nations of Indians fr_habiting the frontiers of his colonife of Original, North Carolina, and South Carolina, and Georgia and their Confererates To Conicoughly Governour of the whole Nation of Cherokee Indians. Brother, King George the father of all the white people L____ on thir Side the Great Water, hath talen it into Consideration that the Governour’s of his severall Colonies have Enough to do to mind wile the Affairs of the White people; and cannot go to Visit the … Read more

1757, August 31, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 21st of the Instant arrived here and Exprefs from M. Atkins the Agent at Winchester in Virginia, with a Letter for me and another for old Hop and the warrious, I shall not Mention any thing of that Letter, as I doubt not but Your Excellency has Received a Coppy of the Same beore now from Fort Prince George. As the Exprefs told me that he had wrote it himself and gave it to Ensign Bogges that it might be sent to you. The next day I sent for old Hop and the _____of the Warriours, and beig … Read more

1757, August 30

This Day Old Hop, the Little Carpenter, and several of the head Men being afsembled at the Fort the Pipe Sent up by the Governour was produced and smoaked out of by everyone present, when Old Hop, after many Speeches, profofsing the Greatest Friendship, and Sincerity to King George, and all his Children, and adding that he desired to live forever in Peace and Unity with all the English, and declared his aversion to the French, as his Brothers were at war now with them, he said that the Cherokees, had long ago Promised the English some Land in their … Read more

1757, August 25, Talk given to the Indians at Fort Loudoun

Willm Shorey Linquaster I am Glad to see you Warriours and Beloved Men once more afsembled to sit and talk here with your Brothers. I am now going to talk with you, but first let me afsure you ( as I have been told you hat lyes) that I shall now and at all time, like a Good Brother tell you the truth as the Power above shall be a witnefs of. The reason of my Sending for you was to communicate to you the contents of some letters received from the Governour and talk a little with you. You … Read more

1757, August 23, Fort Loudoun

Friends and Brothers I once Desired you to meet me and my People at Broad River which you Did. And at time you Promised to Build a fort in my nation which you have Performed. According to Your Agreement. But I am much surprised at your not sending men to Garison your fort as you Promised to Do. I muft Put you in mind of the Traid you have so often talked of. I hope you will not Delaye in sending men and all nefsearys fit for a fort. I hope it will Be of advantage to you as well … Read more

1757, April 24

May it please your Excellency I have received your Excellencys letter of the 30th of Last Monthy, And in pursuance to your order I here Inclose and Acct. of the sums dispurs’d by me. When I was in Town I acquainted Your Excellency that I was in want of some money and that 5 months pay migt be granted me, to which I meet with no Opposision, therefore the Balance of the ___3400 in my hands in __59.16.6. I shall neverthelefs make use of what money of my own in my hands here, as there wil occafsion for to pay … Read more

1757 July, Fort Loudoun

Sir By Dennis Hegan I was honoured with your Excellys Letter of 9th ultimate, I can with pleasure Afsure your Excellency that Since my arriavall here I have not been able to discover anything in the behaviour of the Indians but what denotes good humour & Freindship, and give me Reason to hope that the Machinations of the french & Their Emmifaries are Frustrated. I shall now, Sir, From what Light I have acquired give your Excellency the best Idea I can of the State of the Trade in this Nation, when I said that he traders durst not go … Read more

1756, October, Direction for the Day for the Fortiffication

1__Every Sargent of the provincials are to have ____men (____ the English by themselves under Sargents ______ Germans by themselves under Sargents) which 18 men the Sargent are to oversee, & every Sargent are to have a List of his men, in which lift is to be ____, the christian & firname & alfo tool of every man, the Edays mornings & noons of his Labour & the Days mornings & noons of his abfense, he is to fee everyone Delivering his tool (after The D____ discharges thm) to the guard he is to have his list continually about him, … Read more

1756, October 8, Directions for the Fortification on Tenifsee River

1__out of the 120 men ordered to the fortiffication, 24 men are to work in the Fafieens with more Diligency as hethertoo, they have not made 3 faceens to a man this two Days, tho they are to make least 12 to a man. 2__the carpenters in part are to continue to make halms in the tools & others are to make three hand barrows with bones 1 ½ foot wide 1 foot longe & 8 inches deep, to carray Stones to raife the Smith fournis. 3__one carpenter with 6 ax men are to be commanded to the company to … Read more

1756, October 5, Tennasie River one mile & half nov. from Tamathle

Tennasie River one mile & half nov. from Tamathle The proper work for the following Men for the 5thOctb 1756 The Two Miners wuz Michael Brennan and William Campbell are requisite to make a tryal in quarying of Stone on this point of the Hill which leyes to the nor of the camp on the River. The Carpenters’ are to be employed to make handles for falling and broad axes wuz for Spades Grubing and other Hoe’s and pick Axes&c. The Sawyers are to put the whip & crofs out Saw’s in order and the Facine maker and seven Afsistants … Read more

1756, October 14, From the English Camp

As I was busy about dispatching M. Crayton I coud not answer your letter before ______which I ______open in which you begg the _______of me not to move one man Employed by your dircetoion in the fortification, and not to give any other order concerning the fortification, but not such as are entrly agreable to your Dircetions, you further desire that I may not give orders for anything I want done but apply to you in a private mannerm because as you say, it woud confound you in your heavy charge in which you are (Unus and __us) what you … Read more

1756, October 12, Directions for ____Fortiffications

1. Since the first articul, likewife the 2d & 3th of the Directions of y 12th 8hr. never has ben executed, & consequently without observing them the 8th articul of y Directions of y 3th gbr. Cannot be executed, & His Majeste & puplick muft consequently be Loosers of there expenses this articul will therefore put all Thofe in remembrance, who has charge of y men. 2. after _______pallisador work is finished, the two provincial compaynies are to devide them self: Every compaynie is to take (as ufuale) his own cantoune : vis one cantoune is from the Deviding upon … Read more

1756, October 11, Tonefse River

1__Stephenson the carpenter of the Regulars is chosen to be carpenter Mafter & to have 12 carpenters, Three paire of Sayers & two good Squarers under his command to lay out for them all nefesary work to manadge all carpenter bufsinifs concerning the Fortiffication immediately, & to keep and account of all such, & to Deliver every Saturday Directions for this Day are af ufual, except the following Suplement a Lift of his men, There ______, work & working days. 2__one pigneur is all fims enough to mine 50 men, & as there are but 22 men of the Regulars working … Read more

1756, December 25, Fort Lowdson

May it please your excellencey I must beg live to trouble your Excellency with a few lines as Capt. DeBrahm is a going down, the Seven Month in front there was a fiold day order’d and Capt Damorce had the _____ of war Read to the people and told them that if the works was done that they should not one of them _____ till Capt. Stwart Return’d from town which has occasion’d so much uneadenofs among the people that I can hardly perswad them to do any work Capt. Damerce alfo told me that after the works finifh’d if … Read more