By mere chance I receiv’d Your Dispatches of the 15th Ultimate, & can afsure You that the Indians over here were peaceable until they heard the Ammunition was stop’d, & then they grew very uneasy; & the Mefsenger which Old-Hop & the Standing Turkey had sent to the Albama Fort returning at the same Time, took that opportunity of telling them that the time was now come for the English to cut him off, which they might plainly see by their stopping the Ammunition, this made them worse. And being inform’d that there was some Provisions on the Road, the Man-killer of that town, with some more, went out & way-laid the Road for them, & kill’d one Peter, a Man belonging to Mr. Beamer, who happen’d to be foremost with his Horfes, & I imagine wou’d have kill’d the other, had not Captain C__sar been in company with him, the 7th Instant, being the last Day of their Green Corn Dance. The town of Settiquo taking part with Telliquo , sent four men to way-lay this fort, where they kill’d & scalp’d a Man within a hundred Yards of our Corn Field; & last night, some Fellows belonging to the same Town, killed & scalp’d one William Veal, that traded in Chittowee. Four Days ago I sent a Part of Men to drive in the Cattle, & soon after they went I perceiv’d a great number of Indians going the same way, & was afraid that they were gone to way-lay & cut them off, but the Party returning with the Cattle soon after my fears were difsipated; but am credible inform’d that was their Errand, & that they were set on by Judges Friend, who is at the head of all this Mischief. I muft likewife acquaint Your Excellency that the Roads were narrowly watch’d, & orders given that no white Man shou’d discover any to have paft in the Night to follow & kill them. I have prevail’d on the Groat Warriour whom I have made large Promifses to, to accompany Samuel Benn & Cookley who set off with Horses to afsist Capt. Stuart up, & he has promifed me he will set off tomorrow, & will stay to come up with him, & that he will talk strongly to all the Towns as he goes along. I have but 20 days Flour in the Fort, no flints & very little Match. Since writing I am inform’d that those who lately had been with the French, had sold them three white People’s Scalps; & as they now had accomplish’d their Promife, they intended to be easy for a while; but that if they did not get Ammunition, they had nothing to do but kill the white People here, & carry their Scalps to the French who wou’d supply them with plenty of Ammunition & every Thing elfe. I am
Sir, Your Excellency’s most obed. & most hble Servant
Paul Demere
P. S. I hope as soon as the Little Carpenter comes, who I am sure is well intention’d for the English, he will make up everything; & the reason they commited these Things was becaufe they expected him soon, because they had promised the French three Scalps for Ammunition. Having examin’d the fort, & finding a great many things deficient, expecially the _innings being rotten, I employ’d the Carpenter to repair it as much as pofsible; and as I have but few Spike Nails I shall be obliged to make ufe of Wooden Pins
You may be afsured that I shall Make the best defence I can, & keep a good look-out.