1759, September 12, Letters to Indian Affairs

Dear Coytmore,

A few days afte Gallaher left this, the Setiquo People broke out in a very odd manner, sent four to way-lay the Fort, & kill’d Samuel Simmons within tow hundred Yards of the Corn Field (sho had just gone out to gather a few Grapes). The next Day thee was a Great Meeting at the fort, where all the Towns were present, & the Ammuntion that was stopt was strongly insisted for, as the means of making everything up; & that there was two Warriors to sett off for Kewohee for it, but wou’d not carry any Letter’s. Two Days ago the Person (Judges Friend) whom you complimented with a Sword,, at leaving of this, sent a Party to destroy our Cattle, & drive them off, but luckily misf’d of them, for we sent a Party of Men for them, who brought them in a different Road from that they took; and this very Person is at the Head of all this Mischief, & has sold those three Scalps to the French; & their Mefsenger sets off in two days. Yesterday they kill’d one William Veal that lives in Chittowee, which makes up the three Scalps they wanted.

We are salting as fast as we can, tho’ I doubt it son’t keep; & have but fourteen Days flour in the Fort. No Flints & but ver little Match.

The Roads are all block’d up, & no white Man suffer’d attempt to go off in the Night, Oreder is given to follow & kill them.

Settiquo & Telliquo are the only Towns that have as yet broke out & there is Orders sent to Nottaly to let none pafs there.

Please to acquaint Captain Stuart with this: & tell him, I am inform’d there is a Party intending to way-lay the Road, & cut him off if pofsible.

Since writing, the Great Warriour has agreed to accompany Samuel Benn & Cookley to Kewohee, who set off tomorrow to afsist Captain Stuart up: to whom I beg my Compliments, & wou’d have wrote but had not Time. I hope both You & Bell are well; & am

Dear Coymore

Your Affectionate Friend

Maurice Anderson

Letters to Indian Affairs

History, Letters, Setiquo,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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