2 May 1759, Fort Loudoun


j have recived your Dispatch five Days ago James Holmes and yesterday j recived another from Lieut Coytmore. j am to acquaint you Excellency that the Mortar with his Gang is gone, not to the Place where he intended, (because j did anything in my Power to prevent it) but to Catowa in one of the Forks of Cousa River below Cousavatee about thirty miles. Everything is quiet at present Maximilian More is not come yet but j Expect him Every Day.

the 27 of Last month arrived here the great Warrior, with a Scalp of a French Indian as he told me, they have lost one of their People in the Expedition, as I had no presents then to give them, j told him that I expected some Every Day and when they came j would reward them, he told me that it was very well, and went away Satisfied. He told me, that one Day as he was coming back, he met with one thick Leg’s Gang on the Scout, who told him that they were going towards the French Fort with three whit Men full resolved to do mischief and to bring a French Prisoner alive.

the Same Day that he arrived j told him in private that Since he went away, Old Hop and the Standing Turkey had given me Room to be on my Watch, by reciving so kindly the mortar and his Gang, after j had Sent to them, to acquaint them, that they were not come on a good Design, and j put him in mind of a Letter that Mr. Atkins wronte to him, four Months before concerning that Man, but all in vain. He answered that he was Sorry for it, and that he would enquire about it that very Night at their Town House, and would lett me know Every Thing in three Days, accordingly he came and Said that they had denied him, that that Mortar was come on any bad Design that he only wanted a Spot of Ground to plant and Settle, and to go hunting to deal with our white People, because Every Thing was very dear in the Creek Nation; j told him that j knew the Contrairy, and that Several Warriors had told me of his bad Taleks, in the same time j named him the Men. He then Said that it was a Mistery to him, and asked me when j intended to write to your Excellency, I answered him in three Days, well then Said he don’t write till j come, and send for Willilawa and Judge Friend. Accordingly they are come to Day and dined with me the Great Warrior Said that he was informed that when the Mortar came at first his Talk was not very good Saying that he was lately amongst the French & Spaniards that they had told him that they loved the Cherokees, and they were Sorry to hear that the English had killed many of them. It is true that these sorts of Talks make often impression said he on Some of our People, and we have great many of bad Men amongst us, but now j am some said he, you shall hear no more bad Talks for j am friend to the English and shall never make Peace with the French, I remember Said he, when j was in Carolina last, j told the Governor that j should always be true to the Englesh, and j desire you Said he to me, to acquaint him that I am still the Same, and shall never give him Room to thinck otherways. J desire you Said he to write to the little Carpenter and tell him not to be uneasy that Everything is quiet here.

j am


Your Excellency’s
most obedient and
most humble servant

Paul Demere

Rec’d. May 19th 1759

Letter from Capt. Paul Demere to His Excellency dated at Fort Loudon May 2 1759


Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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