Creek Indian Research

Last Updated on May 6, 2023 by Dennis

Creek Indians, A confederacy forming the largest division of the Muskhogean family.  They received their name form the English on account of the numerous streams in their country.  During early historic times the Creek occupied the greater portion of Alabama and Georgia, residing chiefly on Coosa and Tallapoosa rivers, the two largest tributaries of the Alabama river and on the Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers.  Read more about the Creek Tribe History.

Creek Indian Biography

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Creek Indian Cemeteries

Creek Indian Census

Creek Indian Court Records

Creek Indian Culture/Customs

Federally Recognized Creek Tribes

State Recognized Creek Tribes

The list of tribes and organizations below are not federally recognized. Many of them are state recognized organizations only or working towards federal recognition. We do not have the resources to check the validity of each and every organization and expect that you should before attempting to join or send a monetary contribution. We will provide a listing for any Native American organization or tribe.  If you would like your organization listed please submit the information here.

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Creek Indian Suggested Reading

  • Notes on the Creek Indians
  • Notes on the Creek Indians was published in 1939 by Swanton and taken from the notes of Maj. J. W. Powell. Those notes were initially written down in interviews with two Creek Indians from Okmulgee Town in Oklahoma in the early 1880’s, Legus F. Perryman and Gen. Pleasant Porter. While not extensive, and in part, duplicates Swanton’s Early History of Creek Indians, there is specific information found within the manuscript not available elsewhere.
  • Tribal Migrations East of the Mississippi
  • The map entitled “Linguistic Families of American Indians North of Mexico”, by J. W. Powell, issued by the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, some years ago and several times revised and reprinted, indicates the position of the various groups of tribes when they first became known to Europeans. The map, as its title implies, includes the entire North American continent north of Mexico, but in the present paper, only that portion bordering on the lower Mississippi, and eastward to the Atlantic coast, will be considered.
  • A Migration Legend of the Creek Indians
  • Writing more then just a book about an Indian legend, Samuel Gatschet’s classic ethnographic manuscript delves deeply into the enthnography of the Southern tribes of Creek Indians, providing a look into the linguistic groups of the Gulf States, the tribes which spoke those languages, the villages they lived in, and a more comprehensive study of Creek life. Finally, Gatschet provides an overall look at Indian migration legends, and then gives an English translation of the Creek migration legend.


AccessGenealogy. Tribal Genealogy Research: Directory of online resources for specific tribes. Web. 2009-2013.

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