Page 2 - Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek

Indian Treaties, Acts and Agreements

Last Updated on September 22, 2016 by Dennis

The following Indian Treaties, acts and agreements represent a large collection of federal and state treaties with the various Indian tribes. Treaties are still used today by the American government between itself and other Nations. The United States treated many of the Native American tribes as individual Nations, and produced treaties with them for the purpose of expressing friendship, purchase of land, and treaties which were signed after a War between the United States and that tribe. Many of the treaties required the Indian Nation move from where they lived at the time, and relocate, normally west, though in a few occasions, they moved in other directions. The United States and Canada had much difficulty negotiating land treaties as it was often difficult in the tribal government to find out who had the right to give away the land in the first place. Land ownership as we think of it today, was unheard of for Native Americans. Native Americans also had great difficulty understanding the the language of the treaty, and their responsibility to it. Since they didn’t think of themselves as “owners” of land, but rather “users” in synchrony with the land, they often failed to understand that they gave up their right to use the land when they gave up ownership of it.

Treaties provide a vivid history of a tribe and often have lists of names included in them or as attachments to them. When we find these, they are included with the treaty.

  • Signers of Native American Treaties
    This unique database comprises a list of all signers of each specific treaty, whether the signer be white or Native American. To search for a white ancestor, place their name in the Surname and/or given (first) name below. To search for a Native American ancestor try the Indian and Other searches, each one separately.

Click on the tribes listed below to read the agreements and treaties:





Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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