List of Surnames of the Earliest Members of Upper Octorara
Persons bearing these names, were members prior to the middle of the 18th century.
Alison, Blelock, Boggs, Boyd, Boyle, Clingan, Cochran, Cowan, Dickey, Filson, Fleming, Gardner, Glendenning, Hamill, Henderson, Heslep, Hope, Kerr, Kyle, Liggett, Lockhart, Luckey, McAllister, McNeil, McPherson, Mitchell, Moody, Park, Richmond, Robb, Rowan, Sandford, Scott, Sharpe, Sloan, Smith, Stewart, Summeril, Wiley, Wilkin, and Wilson.
Names of Pew-Holders Given on a Draft of the Old Church
Date not known but some time in the last century.
James Arthur, George Boyd, James Boyd, Wallace Boyd, Widow Boyd, Samuel Copeland, James Cowan, Joseph Cowan, William Davidson, William Divan, John Fleming (East Caln,), John Fleming Jr., John Fleming Sr., Rebecca Fleming, Samuel Futhey, Alexander Glendenning, Jacob Good, Thomas Heslep, John Irwin, Samuel Irwin, Widow Kilpatrick, Hannah Kinkead, Henry McClellan, Robert McClellan, Richard McClure, Sarah McKim, John McPherson, John Morrison, Arthur Park, John Park, Joseph Park, John Pinkerton, George Richmond, John Scott, Thomas Scott, John Sloan, John Smith, Andrew Stewart, William Stewart, Isaac Wentz, William Wilkin, Samuel Wilson, Samuel Wright, Robert Young.
List of subscribers to rebuilding of graveyard wall in 1790.
In 1790, the wall of the graveyard was rebuilt and the yard was enlarged on the north side about twenty feet further to the north. You can still see where the old wall stood on that side. The trustees of the church, who were in charge of this rebuilding, were Samuel McClellan, Arthur Park, Thomas Heslip, Joseph Park and Joseph Gardner. The mason work was done by Robert McClellan, son of trustee, Samuel McClellan. On one of the stones at the side of entrance, Mr. McClellan, the mason, carved his initials with the date ‘1790’ below them.
William Allen, David Bailey, George Boyd, James Boyd, Jane Boyd (widow), Wallace Boyd, Samuel Boyle, Adam Cowan, James Cowan, Mary Cowan, Robert Cowan, William Crawford, Edward Dougherty, William Davidson, Joseph Filson, Alice Fleming, David Fleming, John Fleming (of East Cain), John Fleming Sr., Joseph Fleming, Robert Forsyth, Samuel Futhey, Joseph Gardner, Adam Glendenning, James Glendenning, James Grier, Robert Hamill, Thomas Heslep, Thomas Hope, James Keys, William Keys, Hannah Kinkead, Henry McClellan, John McClellan, Robert McClellan, Robert McClellan, Samuel McClellan, Bryan McCune, Agnes McPherson, Alexander McPherson, Thomas Officer, Arthur Park, John Park, John G. Park, Joseph Park, John Ramsay, George Richmond, Francis Ruth, Thomas Scott, John Sloan, Gideon Smith, John Smith, Andrew Stewart, John Stille, James Thompson, William Wiley, Joan Wilkin, William Wilkin, Joseph Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Robert Withrow.
- Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Chester County, Pennsylvania
- New Side Cemetery, Chester County, Pennsylvania
History of the Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church
Two hundred and fifty years at Upper Octorara.
Gallery of the Upper Otorara Presbyterian Church

Historical discourse delivered on the occasion of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church