Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Reuben Harris

(See Foreman)-Andrew Taylor, a native of Orange County, Virginia married Jennie Bigby and they were the parents of Minerva Jane Taylor who married Robert Wesley Walker, a native of North Carolina. Their daughter Senora Adelaide Walker born December 23, 1859 in Tennessee married June 16 1878 Morgan Lemuel Pyeatt born in Washington County, Arkansas December 29, 1851. He died April 29, 1889.

Their daughter, Bessie Lee Pyeatt was born at Tahlequah in 1883. Educated in the Female Seminary.

Married at Collinsville in 1901 Reuben, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Harris. They are the parents of: George, born Dec. 1911; Violet, born April 6, 1903; Beunah, born Aug. 1, 1912 and Arthur Harris, born March 28, 1919.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris are members of the Methodist Church. He is an Odd Fellow and Knight of Pythias. They are farmers, near Ramona, Okla. Judge Walker, Mrs. Harris’ grandfather was Supreme Judge of Indian Territory.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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