Biography of H. B. Rodecker

H. B. Rodecker, an enterprising and successful druggist of Ramona, was born near Eureka, Illinois, on the 22d of August, 1874, and was taken by his parents, William B. and Leona (Hellen) Rodecker, to Newton, Harvey county, Kansas, in 1880. The mother is a niece of the late Cecil Rhodes, multi-millionaire and statesman of South Africa. The father was a tinner by trade and followed that pursuit until 1889, when the family removed to Oklahoma City and he entered the employ of W. J. Pettie, a hardware merchant, conducting a business that has since been developed into a large wholesale … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Joseph Little

(See Grant)—Joseph Carter, son of William and Theresa Lane (Davis) Little was born at Vinita, Monday May 19, 1879. Educated in Worchester Academy, Vinita. Married at Chelsea Oct. 23, 1904, Myrtle, daughter of E. M. and Victoria (Powell) Arnold, born Oct. 23, 1884, and educated at Chelsea, Cherokee Nation. They are the parents of: Joseph, born April 5, 1907; William, born Sept. 30, 1909; Robert, born Aug. 31, 1911; Mary, born Nov. 12, 1913; Ruth, born March 9, 1918; James, born March 3, 1920. Mr. Little is one of the largest range and feeding cattle men in Oklahoma owning and … Read more

Biography of David Lee Stokes

For forty-one years David Lee Stokes has been a resident of Oklahoma and after many years of activity as an agriculturist he is now living retired in Bartlesville in the enjoyment of a good income, gained through untiring industry, perseverance and intelligently directed effort during his earlier years. He was born in Marshfield, Missouri, January 12, 1866, his parents being Granville and Pheobia (Haymes) Stokes, who established their home in the Indian Territory, in what is now Washington county, Oklahoma, in 1880, becoming early settlers of this region. The father leased a tract of land four miles northwest of Bartlesville, … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Shawnee

Charles J. Shawnee, prominently identified with farming interests at one time but now practically living retired, making his home in Ramona, was born near Alluwe, in Coowescoowee in the Cherokee Nation, December 9, 1875. The name Shawnee was conferred upon his father during the Civil war but this was not really the family name, it being French. The father was John French, who was born at Spring River, near Seneca, Missouri, and he was of French, Shawnee and Delaware extraction. His people came originally from Sandusky, Ohio, and removed thence to Illinois and afterward to Arkansas. Still later they came … Read more

Biography of William Carnahan

It is an old and trite saying that great oaks from little acorns grow but it embodies the truth which is in evidence throughout the world. From humble beginnings have sprung the great enterprises that figure in trade and commerce and from humble clerkships have come many of the leading merchants of the country. It is the man who recognizes, seizes and utilizes his opportunities that makes progress and with determination and courage he pushes steadily forward toward his goal. Such has been the record of William Carnahan, who is the President of the Carnahan Grocery Company of Ramona and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Joel Mayer

Well known at Oilton and in Creek county is Mrs. Joel Mayer, who was born in Ramona, Oklahoma, on the 6th of February, 1900. She is a daughter of Reuben Bartlett and Roxie Ann (Pierson) Tuner. The former was one of the well to do old settlers of Oklahoma, important in the tribal affairs of his people in the early days, and the family has long been represented in this section of the state. The daughter, Mrs. Mayer, pursued her education in St. Francis Convent at Nevada, Missouri, and then returned to her home in Oklahoma, having since been a … Read more

Biography of Frank Hamilton Little

Washington county is making rapid progress as a stock raising district and among those whose well directed efforts are contributing to its development along this line is numbered Frank Hamilton Little, who resides at Ramona and is recognized as one of the largest operators in this field in the state. He is a member of one of the pioneer families of Oklahoma and was born at La Fayette, Georgia, March 28, 1875, his parents being William and Theresa (Davis) Little, who were also natives of that state. They came to Indian Territory over forty years ago, settling on a farm … Read more

Biography of H. V. Lowe

H. V. Lowe, proprietor of the telephone exchange at Ramona and an alert and energetic business man, whose connection with various interests is at all times beneficial to the enterprises which he represents, was born in Sydney, Iowa, on the 18th of May, 1878. His father, James Lowe, was a native of Ohio and during the early boyhood of his son H. V. Lowe, he removed with his family to the old Indian reservation in what is now Gage County, Nebraska, settling at Beatrice. There he still resides at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. His wife, who bore the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Reuben Harris

(See Foreman)-Andrew Taylor, a native of Orange County, Virginia married Jennie Bigby and they were the parents of Minerva Jane Taylor who married Robert Wesley Walker, a native of North Carolina. Their daughter Senora Adelaide Walker born December 23, 1859 in Tennessee married June 16 1878 Morgan Lemuel Pyeatt born in Washington County, Arkansas December 29, 1851. He died April 29, 1889. Their daughter, Bessie Lee Pyeatt was born at Tahlequah in 1883. Educated in the Female Seminary. Married at Collinsville in 1901 Reuben, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Harris. They are the parents of: George, born Dec. 1911; … Read more

Biography of John C. Asahl

John C. Asahl, a resident of Ramona since 1903 and connected with its mercantile interests throughout, the period, has also figured prominently in connection with public affairs of the city and no man has labored more earnestly, zealously and effectively to bring about public progress, reform and improvement than he Mr. Asahl is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in the city of California, March 7, 1870. His father, Charles Asahl, was a native of Germany and came to the United States in 1850, settling in Chicago in the year of the yellow fever plague. He was a … Read more