Biography of Henry Clinton Hamilton

Among the important industrial enterprises which have been factors in the commercial development of Bartlesville is that of the Commerce Candy Company, whose plant is located on North Park street. Henry Clinton Hamilton is serving as president of the corporation and the fact that he has been chosen to fill this responsible position is indisputable proof of his marked executive ability, business acumen and enterprise. He was born in Estill county, Kentucky, September 1, 1861, and is a son of Granville and Julie (Witt) Hamilton, who were also natives of the Blue Glass state, In which the father followed the … Read more

Biography of John Falleaf

John Falleaf, a native son of Oklahoma and a representative of one of the pioneer families of the state, is widely and favorably known in Washington county, where he has spent his life, and he is now the owner of a well improved farm near Dewey. He was born ten miles east of the place upon which he now resides, his parents being Silas and Eliza Falleaf, who were natives of Kansas and made their way to Indian Territory in 1866. They were of Delaware extraction and were numbered among the earliest settlers in the territory. Mr. Falleaf acquired his … Read more

Biography of W. F. Kendall

W. F. Kendall, who has been a resident of Bartlesville for the past two decades, is well known as proprietor of the Crescent Planing Mills, in which connection he is conducting a business of extensive proportions. His birth occurred in Iroquois County, Illinois, on the 25th of November, 1880, his parents being W. R. and Elizabeth (Vennum) Kendall, the former a building contractor. In 1896 the family home was established in Lincoln, Nebraska, while five years later a removal was made to Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where both the father and mother of W. F. Kendall still reside, the former having now … Read more

Biography of George L. Wilkie

George L. Wilkie, a progressive farmer residing near Bartlesville, is interested in all modern developments along agricultural lines and by his prosperity in a modern enterprise conducted along scientific lines, is proving the value of system in promoting productiveness. He is a native son of Oklahoma, his birth having occurred at Bartlesville on the 26th of June, 1890, and his parents were Andrew and Leona (Tayrien) Wilkie, the latter a representative of one of the pioneer families of this state. His father was a native of Germany and when a young man of eighteen years he came to the United … Read more

Biography of G. T. Anderson

G. T. Anderson, an enterprising agriculturist of Washington county and a well known and highly respected resident of this part of the state, was born March 15, 1876, and is of Delaware extraction, his parents being William and Mary Anderson, both of whom have passed away. He acquired his education in the public schools of Bartlesville and on starting out in life independently chose the occupation of farming, with which he has since been identified. He cultivated a ranch on Coon creek, in Washington county, until 1920, when Mrs. Anderson purchased the home farm of eighty acres two and a … Read more

Biography of J. R. Wade

J. R. Wade, a leading agriculturist of Osage county, exemplifies in his career the progressive spirit that has been the dominant factor in the up building of the west and is a typical frontiersman, having spent much of his life on the wide, open ranges and gained that breadth of vision and keen insight which come through close communion with nature. He was born in the southeastern part of Berry county, Missouri, September 3, 1883, and his parents were E. B. and E. J. (Bradley) Wade, the former a native of Virginia, while the latter way born in Missouri. The … Read more

Biography of L. W. Servey

The lumber industry of Washington County finds a prominent representative in L. W. Servey, who as President of the Ochelata Lumber Company is controlling a large and growing business, which he has developed through close application, capable management, energy and determination. He was born in Dempsey town, Venango County, Pennsylvania July 2, 1813, of the marriage of A. J. and Adeline (Weikal) Servey, both now deceased. The father, who was a building contractor, went to Kansas in 1868 and there took up a homestead, which he improved and developed. L. W. Servey completed a course in the high school at … Read more

Biography of J. O. Crane

Among the popular and efficient public officials of Washington county is numbered J. O. Crane, who since 1914 has capably filled the office of county surveyor of Washington county. He is a native of Kansas, his birth having occurred in a log cabin in Labette county. His paternal grandfather, William Crane, successfully followed agricultural pursuits in Illinois, becoming the owner of large property holdings in that state. His son, J. H. Crane, was a native of Illinois and followed the trades of painting and wagon making in that state. In 1854 he left Decatur, Illinois, and journeyed across the plains … Read more

Biography of Addison Fox McCaleb

Addison Fox McCaleb, one of the most prominent and prosperous citizens of northeastern Oklahoma, where he first took up his abode forty-three years ago, was elected mayor of Bartlesville in April, 1920, and has since capably discharged the duties devolving upon him in that important position. He was born at Harrison, Tennessee, on the 10th of January, 1861, a son of Charles and Elizabeth (Gardenhire) McCaleb, the former a native of east Tennessee and the latter of Hamilton county, that state. The father held the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Civil war and was wounded in battle, but his … Read more

Biography of H. C. Bigham

H. C. Bigham is well known in financial circles of Washington County as cashier of the Citizens State Bank of Ramona and he is adding prestige to the institution by his efficiency in the discharge of his duties and his devotion to the interests entrusted to his care. He was born in Greene County, Illinois, October 19, 1873, his parents being Eli Thomas and Ann (Seely) Bigham, who were also natives of that state. Subsequently they removed to Indian Territory, settling on a farm on Rice creek, in Washington County, on the 20th of March, 1885. The father spent three … Read more

Biography of J. T. Shipman

J. T. Shipman, a successful attorney of Bartlesville, where he has practiced continuously during the past fifteen years, is now associated with B. A. Lewis and is widely recognized as one of the able representatives of the legal profession in northeastern Oklahoma. He was born in Ashley County, Arkansas, on the 1st of February, 1874, and began his education in the common schools there, later pursuing a high school course at Hamburg, that state. Subsequently be became a student in Ouachita College at Arkadelphia, Arkansas, which institution conferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Arts, while his professional training … Read more

Biography of G. W. Lucas

G. W. Lucas, a progressive farmer residing near Ochelata, in Washington county, is a member of a family that has contributed to the agricultural development of Oklahoma from pioneer times to the present and in addition to his farming interests he also engages in teaming, meeting with success in both branches of activity. He was born in Mercer County, Missouri, November 16, 1869, and when four years of age was taken to Missouri by his parents, John W. and Susan (Hatfield) Lucas, who came to Indian Territory in 1874, settling on Double creek, a mile south of Ochelata, where they … Read more

Biography of William Grant Rogers

William Grant Rogers, a member of one of the honored pioneer families of Oklahoma, has the distinction of being the oldest settler in Dewey, coming here long before the establishment of the town. He has been called to public positions of honor and trust and for many years has been engaged in general farming and stock raising in this section of the state but is gradually retiring from the more arduous cares of business, devoting his attention to the supervision of a well improved ranch lying adjacent to the town. He was born April 13, 1865, in the neutral land … Read more

Biography of Frank D. Custer

With industry and determination as dominant qualities, Frank D. Custer has made steady progress in the business world, being now the owner of a valuable fruit farm near Bartlesville and also having oil wells on his property. He was born in Montgomery County, Indiana, the boyhood home of General Lew Wallace of military and literary fame, on the 6th of August, 1855. Three of his brothers served in the Civil war and one of these, A. R. Custer, is now living retired in Bartlesville with his family. Frank D. Custer acquired his education in the public schools of Thornton, Indiana, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Jefferson Ellis, Jr.

The Ellis family has figured conspicuously in connection with the pioneer development and later progress of Oklahoma, and Thomas Jefferson Ellis, Jr., is worthily sustaining the traditions of the name in this respect, being engaged in oil production work. He is also one of the leading agriculturists and stock raisers of northeastern Oklahoma and as President of the Ochelata State Bank is a dominant factor in financial circles here. He was born in Sedan, Kansas, December 16, 1881, and was but a year old when his parents, Thomas J. and Vera Allen (Smith) Ellis, came to Indian Territory. The father … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Ellen Howard Miller

Mrs. Ellen Howard Miller is a woman of broad interests and accomplishments, her greatest pleasures centering around those things that are instructive and up building to herself and the people and conditions around her. To her the realm of civics is one of unlimited interest, in which she loves to spend her time when business, home and Church interests will allow, and in this field many enterprises and activities of economic value owe their birth and fostering to her inspiration and initiative. One of the earliest of these enterprises was the forming of an organization of the women of Vinita, … Read more

Biography of A. E. Myers

One of the most attractive establishments of Bartlesville is that conducted by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myers, who have here carried on both a wholesale and retail florist business during the past four years. Mr. Myers was born in Iowa on the 13th of September, 1879, and when a little lad of five years accompanied his parents on their removal to Indiana, in which state he obtained his education. Experience that well qualified him for his present line of business came to him during six years’ employment on the Coles Rose Farm at Kokomo, Indiana. In 1912, when a … Read more

Biography of Samuel G. Delametter

Samuel G. Delametter, an enterprising and progressive young citizen of Bartlesville, has been identified with insurance interests since 1918, traveling throughout northeastern Oklahoma as a representative of the Business Men’s Insurance Company of Kansas City, Missouri. His birth occurred in Pratt, Kansas, on the 18th of August, 1885, his parents being J. V. and MaryyDelametter, the former a native of the state of New York and the latter of Kansas. J. V. Delametter, who devoted his attention to merchandising in the Sunflower state, made his way to Bartlesville eighteen years ago and first became proprietor of a restaurant here, while … Read more

Biography of Fred B. Woodard

Fred B. Woodard, prominent member of the Washington County bar, residing at Dewey, has been a resident of this section of the state since 1898 and through the intervening period has left the impress of his individuality and ability upon the legal history of the commonwealth. A native of Indiana, his birth occurred in Parke County, near Bloomingdale, on the 21st of October, 1871, his parents being William Penn and Martha Ellen (Kelley) Woodard. The father’s birth occurred on a farm in Parke County, Indiana, which his father, Thomas Woodard, had entered from the government in pioneer times. The latter … Read more

Biography of Louis F. Wilkie

Louis F. Wilkie, making his home in Bartlesville, is actively identified with farming interests in Osage county and is also the owner of oil lands, from which he derives good royalties. Mr. Wilkie is a native of Osage county, Oklahoma, his birth having there occurred January 12, 1886. He is a son of Andrew Wilkie, who was a native of Germany and came to the United States when a youth of eighteen years. He arrived in Indian Territory when a young man of twenty years and for an extended period engaged in farming and stock raising. He was a close … Read more