Tulsa County Oklahoma Cemeteries

Bixby Cemetery - Tulsa County Oklahoma Cemeteries

Most of these Tulsa County Oklahoma cemeteries are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we provide the listing when it is only a partial listing. A complete list of available online transcriptions and gravestone photos for Tulsa County Oklahoma cemeteries. Hosted at Tulsa County OKGenWeb Archives All Saints Parish Cemetery Calvary Catholic Cemetery Section II (St. Joseph) Section III (Little Flower) Chisholm Cemetery Covey – Rosencutter Cemetery Fairview Cemetery A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N … Read more

Biography of Leonard Elmore Henderson, M.D.

Leonard Elmore Henderson, M. D. The medical profession of Wilson County numbers among its skilled and careful practitioners Dr. Leonard Elmore Henderson, who since 1907 had been located at Coyville, an enterprising community in the northwest part of the county. Prior to locating at this place, Doctor Henderson had valuable and comprehensive experience both in Kansas and Indian Territory, and this, combined with a thorough training in his calling and a natural predilection therefor, gave promise for a successful career in his professional work. That this promise had been fulfilled is shown by his excellent standing in medical circles and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Stich

William E. Stich. The largest general insurance office in Independence is owned and managed by William E. Stich. Mr. Stich is a brother of the late A. C. Stich, whose career as a business man and eitizen of Montgomery County had been described on other pages, where many of the detalls of the family history will be found. William E. Stich was born in Hanover, Germany, February 16, 1850. His parents came to this country in 1857 and located at Kalamazoo, Michigan. His early education was received in the schools there, and in the meantime he learned to be a … Read more

Barton, Howard A. – Obituary

Howard A. Barton, 82, of Baker City and a former longtime Halfway resident, died Oct. 28, 2001, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the Coles-Strommer Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Leonard Hill of Halfway will officiate. Private vault interment will be at the Pine Haven Cemetery in Halfway. Visitations will be for family only. Mr. Barton was born on Oct. 23, 1919, at Copperfield. He was the son of Fay W. and Grace Stewart Barton. He attended schools in Baker County and graduated from Pine Valley High School at Halfway. He attended … Read more

Ormsby, Lewis C. – Obituary

Mr. Lewis C. Ormsby, 835, Katy St., a longtime resident of Sand Springs, died Tuesday, December 9 [1975]. He was 84 years old. Born April 18, 1891 in Sedan, Kansas, Mr. Ormsby was a retired Commander Mills employee and the founder of Water District No. 14 in 1946. He is survived by his wife Olive of the home, and one son, Gary L. Ormsby of California. Other surviving children are two daughters, Verna Ann Keef and Mrs. Clysta Jean Korich, both of California. Two brothers survived Mr. Ormsby, LeRoy Ormsby of Texas, and Alonzo Ormsby of Utah. Also surviving are … Read more

Biography of John Rose

John Rose, who for several years had been numbered among the leading oil producers in Montgomery County fields, and resided at Independence, is a thoroughly practical as well as successful man, as his career indicates. When only thirteen he started out for himself, and had since hewed his way through difficulties, through poverty, to a successful position in the world. He was born February 26, 1861, near Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and is of Scotch parentage. His father, James Rose, was born in Scotland in 1822, was reared and learned the trade of stone mason in his native country, and about … Read more

Biography of Henry Armstrong

For many years Henry Armstrong was one of the representative agriculturists in Nowata County, residing on his highly cultivated farm near Coodys Bluff. He is now, however, living in retirement in Coffeyville, Kansas, but is contemplating returning to the old home in the near future. A native of Oklahoma, he was born at Spavinaw, Mayes County, on the 16th of June, 1846, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, the former of Muncie, Indiana, and French Canadian extraction and the latter of Seneca and Delaware Indian extraction. James Armstrong was born in Quebec, Canada, and in early life went … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Walter W. Shaw

Mary, daughter of John and Nellie (Conkle) Bullette, was born at Claremore October 24, 1886. She was educated in Lexington, Missouri Baptist Female College and Lindenwood Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, graduating from the latter institution. She married in 1906 at Claremore, Walter W., son of Charles and Ida (White) Shaw, born November 21, 1880 in Owego, New York. They are the parents of Walter W., Jr. born April 17, 1907, and Martha Helen Shaw, born August 7, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a Mason. He was elected County Judge of Rogers County, … Read more

Biography of John Wesley Kieff

John Wesley Kieff, widely known throughout Oklahoma as a journalist, is now serving as justice of the peace of Miami and is generally conceded to be the most capable incumbent in that office in the history of Ottawa County. A native of Indiana, he was born in Tippecanoe County on the 9th of March, 1857, his parents being John and Mary (Ryan) Kieff, the former a native of Ireland, while the latter was born in the Hoosier state. The father followed the occupation of farming and both parents passed away during the childhood of the subject of this review. John … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aaron Tyner

(See Carter)-James Fields, son of Lewis and Sallie (Parris) Tyner, married Quatie Charley and they were the parents of Delilah, born June 3, 1883; Aaron, born December 22, 1886; James, born March 26, 1888; Ralph, born February 19, 1891 and Minnie Christine Tyner. Aaron Tyner was educated in the Male Seminary. He married Susie Fields. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows fraternity and is a substantial farmer near Sperry. Lewis Tyner was born in 1837. Married Sallie, daughter of Moses and Mary (Langley) Parris, born in 1883. She died March 15, 1868 and he died … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clarke Charlesworth Lipe

(See Thornton, Oolootsa and Thompson) Clarke Charlesworth Lipe was born November 15, 1887, married at Tulsa July 19, 1914 Lucy V. daughter of John and Sarah Sellers born Nov. 22, 1888 near Stilwell, Cherokee Nation. They are the parents of Clarke Charlesworth Lipe born January 4, 1916. Mr. Lipe’s Cherokee name is, Oolasant. Mrs. Lipe is a member of the Baptist church. John Gunter married Catherine a full-blood Cherokee of the Paint Clan and they settled on the Tennessee River in north Alabama, where he made powder and operated a ferry. Their daughter Catherine married as her second husband Oliver … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. James H. Thomas

(See Foreman and Riley)-Eugenia, the daughter of Eugene and Jane (Riley) Triplett, was born at Fort Gibson in 1844; was educated in the Cherokee public schools, and the Cherokee National Female Seminary. She married at Wagoner on Dee. 25, 1892; James H. Thomas, born in Oklahoma in 1874. They are the parents of George H., born April 5, 1897; Arvol V., born June 10, 1899; Theron, born July 8, 1901; Gladys M., born January 16, 1905; Helen, born January 1909; Celia and Lewis Thomas, born June 20, 1911. Mr. Thomas is a member of the Knights of Pythias; and is … Read more

Biography of Thomas Lincoln Robinson

Miami owes much to the progressive spirit and business ability of Thomas Lincoln Robinson, who has been a most important factor in its up-building and development. He was formerly prominently identified with building operations in the city but is now at the head of the Independent Mining & Royalty Company and also has valuable real estate holdings here, being recognized as a very capable and enterprising business man whose efforts are resultant factors in whatever he undertakes. Mr. Robinson was born in Osage County, Missouri, August 3, 1860, his parents being John W. and Elizabeth (McLaughlin) Robinson, the former a … Read more

Ormsby, Agnes Myrtle Williams – Obituary

Last rites were conducted Friday at 2 p.m. in the Mobley Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Agnes Ormsby, 72, by Rev. A. A. Kinion, pastor of the Church of God, officiating. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. Survivors include three sons, L. C. Ormsby, Sand Springs, and Major Alonzo M. Ormsby, with the army of occupation in Germany; and Leroy Ormsby of Texarkana, Texas; seven sisters, Mrs. G. A. Isenhower, Sand Springs; Mrs. W. F. Snodgrass, Sedan, Kansas; Mrs. Lucy A. Warmbrodt, Winfield, Kans.; Mrs. Pearl McKey, Paola, Kans.; Mrs. Laura Wimmer, Mrs. Fred Brewster, Sedan, and Mrs. Mary Dawson of Oregon. … Read more

Ormsby, Henry Augustus – Obituary

Henry Augustus Ormsby, 90, an uncle of Frank Ormsby of Darlington, died April 21 at the home of a son, Louis Ormsby, in Sand Springs, Okla. it was learned here Saturday. Born Sept. 10, 1863 in Iowa, Mr. Ormsby was the last of a family of six children. Surviving, besides the son at whose home he died, are two other sons, and several grandsons. Among those proceeding him in death was a brother, W. O. Ormsby, of the White Church neighborhood, northeast of Darlington, who died Aug. 16, 1946. Funeral service and burial were to be held at Sand Springs … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Minerva Wormington

(See Ross)- Minerva, daughter of Isaac Alexander and Susannah Coody (Ross) Wilson was born at Tahlequah on Tuesday June 1, 1886. Educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and Female Seminary. She married in 1914 at Tulsa, Frederick Wormington and they are the parents of Lorine Wormington, age six. Mrs. Wormington’s father was a gentleman of more than ordinary intelligence and her mother was a member of the distinguished Ross family.

Biography of Mrs. Julia M. Boling

(See Grant)-Julia Matilda daughter of John and Ruth (Hall) was born Tuesday June 22, 1869 in Georgia. Married at the Martin Davis homestead on the Chickamauga battle ground, Georgia, December 3, 1891 James Madison, son of Reuben and Marguerite Boling born 31, 1856. He graduated from University of Georgia, Graduate of Missouri Medical College, Louis and University of Pennsylvania, Boling, who was a thirty second degree in died June 6, 1916. A pioneer physician and friend to the Cherokee and did much good. Reserved, talented and gracious; Mrs. Boling being possessed of ample means maintains a home in Tulsa, but … Read more

Biography of William Lenley Goheen

William Lenley Goheen is publisher of the Holyrood Banner and also the Galatia Register, two papers of extensive circulation and large influence in Ellsworth and Barton counties. Mr. Goheen is a veteran of the printing trade and it is doubtful if any Kansas printer or newspaper man had had a more varied and eventful experience. Much of his life had been spent in the service of that typical American institution, the traveling circus, and as a press agent he had covered nearly every town and city of the United States. Mr. Goheen, who was born at Moweaqua, Illinois, July 25, … Read more

Flett-Gray, Grace Eileen – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Grace Eileen Flett-Gray, 87, of Elgin, died June 13 at her home. Loveland Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Grace was born April 20, 1920, to William Dewey and Harriet Innes Foust in East Brady, Pa. They later moved to Oakmont, Pa. After graduating from high school, Grace enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps and served in the Philippines and New Guinea from 1942 to 1945. She received a WAC service medal, a Good Conduct medal, a Phillippine Liberation Ribbon and an Asiatic-Pacific Theater Ribbon. While in the Philippines, Grace met and married Lowell Guy Flett. After … Read more

Coy, Glendolla Jacqueline – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Glendolla Jacqueline “Jackie” Coy, 78, of La Grande, died Jan. 3 at Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland. A celebration of her life will begin at 4:30 p.m. Jan. 20 at “The Place,” 62872 Buchanan Lane, in Island City. Jackie was born July 12, 1929, to George Earl and Ida Mae McDanell in Tulsa, Okla. The family traveled quite a bit, often living in rustic conditions. Jackie was the oldest of four siblings. She would tell stories of how she and her two sisters and brother would hunt or fish for the evening meal, pick greens, fruit, … Read more