Arter, Charles Kingsley; attorney-at-law; born, Cleveland, April 24, 1876; son of Frank A. and Delia Kingsley Arter; educated, Amherst College, 13. A., 1898; Harvard Law School, 1901; married, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1902, Grace Denison; issue, Elizabeth and Calvin Kingsley Arter; member of the well-known law firm of Smith, Taft & Arter; at Amherst won Commencement Debate, one of the highest honors to be gained in college; admitted to the bar in Massachusetts, in 1901; immediately afterwards came to Cleve-land and admitted to practice in the Ohio Courts; firm makes a specialty in corporation and banking law in which I have had wide experience, having large financial and corporate clientele; Republican; director American Multigraph Co. and The Hermit Club Co.; member Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity; Chamber of Commerce; Union, Hermit, Nisi Prius Clubs.