Biography of Edward Louis O’Brien

EDWARD LOUIS O’BRIEN – of Northampton’s younger members of the bar who have established themselves under the successful auspices of a high regard for the profession and a thorough training for its practice, Mr. O’Brien, whose earlier plans as a practitioner were temporarily interrupted by his World War activities, has entered upon a field of broad prospect, and one in which his capabilities are measuring up to the demands of the hour. His interests in Northampton and its advancement are those of the active, loyal and progressive citizen, who is prompt to share in the civic issues of the times. … Read more

Aurelia Frances Todd Cudworth of Worthington MA

CUDWORTH, Aurelia Frances Todd7, (Lyman6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born June 6, 1825, died Aug. 27, 1918, married, Feb. 3, 1847, Joseph, son of Charles and Susannah (Keith) Cudworth, who was born July 14, 1833, in Chesterfield, Mass., died Aug. 16, 1901, at his home in Worthington, Mass. In early life he was a mechanic but later when his health began to fail him he bought a farm in Worthington, Mass., and spent his remaining years there. Children: I. Mary, b. April 16, 1848, m. April 24, 1870, Alvin M., son of Ezekiel and Mary (Moore) Locke, who was … Read more

Biography of Albert Parsons

ALBERT PARSONS, expert in agriculture, cattle raiser, and dairy farmer of North Amherst, Massachusetts, was born June 1, 1883, in North Amherst, the son ‘ of Howard Albert Parsons. The family name of Parsons is derived from the Latin word persona, a mask. In early times actors wore a mask of wood to project their voices, a suggestion of the speaking-trumpet and telephone of later years. The actor came to be called after the mask he wore dramatis personae. The word had a two-fold meaning. In ecclesiastical language it was referable to a man of dignity, and bestowed upon one … Read more

Biography of Charles Henry Tower

Famous in the annals of American history is the long-established family of Charles Henry Tower, for its representatives helped establish and build up the New England colonies, were always ready to fight for freedom and justice, and participated in the early French, the Revolutionary, and the Civil Wars. Moreover, these men of fine old stock, sturdy and hardworking, were in the habit of using their hands in some trade or occupation of immediate benefit to the community. These traits came down from his forebears to Charles Henry Tower, who in his eighty-nine years and until retirement, was in some way … Read more

Biography of Robert James Decker

ROBERT JAMES DECKER – When we think of tobacco in its various forms, as cigars, cigarettes or “the pipe that sootheth,” we are apt to think of the Orient, of far and distant lands like Egypt, Greece, Bosnia, or on our Western Hemisphere of Havana, Porto Rico, or of our own product of Virginia, famous the world over. That there is a considerable amount of the fragrant weed grown in our Northern States and distributed by a large industry is a fact known not so widely as it deserves. Among the packers and growers of tobacco in Massachusetts, an important … Read more

Biography of August Bauman

August Bauman. Because of their variety and importance, the interests which have engrossed the attention and abilities of August Bauman have brought him to the very forefront among the business men of Neodesha, with which city he had been most prominently identified for about thirty years. For the most part he is now directing his energies toward the advancement of his huge grain business, but various other interests also have the benefit of his sound advice and judgment. Mr. Bauman’s extensive connections have necessarily made him a very busy man, yet he had never found himself too actively employed in … Read more

Biography of Homer Crane Bliss

The ancient prestige of the Bliss family is shared in full by Homer Crane Bliss, of Florence, Massachusetts, assistant treasurer of the Corticelli Silk Company. Mr. Bliss was born in Springport, Michigan, April 30, 1868. His father was George Porter Bliss and his mother Susan V. (Crane) Bliss. The first of the name of whom there is any trustworthy record was Thomas Bliss, of Belstone Parish, in the county of Devonshire, England. Thomas and George, his sons, and Thomas, a nephew, the eldest son of the first Thomas Bliss, and a son of Jonathan Bliss, came to America and are … Read more

Charles Todd of Lasalle IL

Charles Todd8, (Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born May 1, 1817, in Northampton, Mass., married Dec. 1, 1850, Eliza A. Leonard, who was born in 1827, died June 6, 1852, in Lasalle, Ill. Charles Todd was associated with his brothers, George and Washington, in the flour milling industry in St. Louis, Mo., which had been his immigrant ancestor, Christopher Todd’s calling at New Haven, Conn., nearly two centuries before. Child: *2011. Fannie E., b. Nov. 16, 1851.

Biography of James Hale Newton

When a man’s manifold activities in the field of banking, building, and general business win for him the title of “Grand Old Man,” his place as leader is firmly established. Thus was James Hale Newton regarded in Holyoke, Massachusetts. He was of a long-established New England family, which originated in England. The pioneer ancestor was Richard Newton, who settled in Massachusetts in 1638, and afterward was admitted as freeman of the colony. For many years he lived in Sudbury, then settled in Marlborough, where with eight others he founded the township, and died’ there when nearly a hundred years old, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Sheldon

Ebenezer, son of John Sheldon, was born November 15, 1691. He was captured by Indians in 1704. but returned, and lived in the old Indian House, Deerfield, where he kept a tavern. In 1735 the general court granted to him and his sister Mary three hundred acres of land in consideration of the cost of entertaining Cahuawaga Indians (with whom they had become acquainted during their captivity) on their frequent visits afterwards. In 1744 he sold the Indian House to Jonathan Hoyt, and removed to Fall Town. The first proprietors’ meeting held in the latter town was at his home, … Read more

Biography of Daniel Lynch

DANIEL LYNCH – Among Northampton’s most useful and practical citizens, Daniel Lynch, expert brick mason, contractor and builder, has performed a work of permanent value to the material interests of the city in the course of the quarter of a century that he has been engaged in business on his own account; and the city and its neighborhood have profited in the result of good workmanship. Honest dealing and sound common sense have invariably characterized his enterprises as a builder, as well as his sterling counsel in matters relating to civic economics and community betterment. Of his industrious and zealous … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rememberance Sheldon

Remembrance, son of Lieutenant Ebenezer Sheldon, was born October 16, 1717, died April 31, 1787. In 1749 he was sergeant in the French war, in Israel Williams’ company, also in the same company. December 11, 1755, to October 18, 1756, doing scout duty. He was stationed at Colerain, October 19, 1756, to January 23, 1757, and for his services there received five pounds, eighteen shillings, one pence. His name also appears on John Burk’s enlistment roll, ending November 30, 1758, at which time he had charge of a fort in Fall Town. In 1777 he was on the committee of … Read more

Biography of Horace Everett Boynton, D.C., Ph. C.

HORACE EVERETT BOYNTON, D. C., Ph. C. – In the younger group of professional men in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Dr. Horace Everett Boynton is taking a leading position and his activities are reflecting credit not only upon himself but upon the school of healing of which he is a representative. A native of the State of Massachusetts, but for some years a resident of New Hampshire, Mr. Boynton is a member of a family long prominent in New England. He is a son of John Boynton, and a grandson of Joshua Boynton, the family tracing back through many generations of … Read more

Hampshire County MA Inferior Court of Common Pleas Records, 1677-1837

Hampshire County MA General Sessions and Common Pleas

These twenty-six folio volumes of records come from the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of Hampshire County MA which were held at Springfield and Northampton Massachusetts. These courts handled civil and minor criminal matter and the majority of volumes appear to be unindexed. Regardless, these records will prove to genealogists with ties to Hampshire County Massachusetts. The physical copies of these volumes are held at the Amherst Library at the University of Massachusetts. They have made them freely available in PDF format for download.

Biography of Frebun Elwin White

FREBUN ELWIN WHITE – The immigrant ancestor of this family, Captain Thomas White, is believed to have come to America with Captain Gorges, in 1623 as the latter came to Weymouth, Massachusetts, in that year. Captain Thomas White was born in England and died in Weymouth, Massachusetts, in 1679. He was admitted a freeman March 3, 1635, and lived in Weymouth the rest of his life. He was deputy to the General Court from 1637 to 1657, and again in 1671, and held other offices of trust and responsibility. His children, born at Weymouth: Joseph, Hannah, Samuel, Thomas, Ebenezer, of … Read more

Biography of Delos Thomas Pepin

For thirty years the Pepin family has maintained in Easthampton, Massachusetts, one of the largest and most energetic lumber businesses in that section of the State, a business now incorporated and under the able management of Delos Thomas Pepin, president, treasurer and general manager of the D. T. Pepin Lumber Company, Inc. The company has done much to build up the town of Easthampton, inspired always by the ideal of service and beauty. Some of the largest and most attractive public and private buildings in town were erected by Mr. Pepin and his associates. The father and grandfather of Delos … Read more

Biography of Hinsdale Smith

Among the many families that can boast of long and honorable connection with the history of the New England States, especially Massachusetts, none is more worthy of mention than the Smith family. The name has appeared conspicuously in association with public and private affairs through more than three centuries. (I) Richard Smith, immigrant ancestor, was born in England in 1617. He testified in September, 1684, that he was sixty-seven years old, that he came from Martha’s Vineyard with his vessels, and did some work for his brother-in-law, Matthias Treat. He was admitted a freeman in Wethersfield in 1669. He received … Read more

Hampshire County Massachusetts Cemeteries

North Cemetery, Worthington, Massachusetts

A complete listing of all available online Hampshire County Massachusetts cemeteries, with links to multiple cemetery transcriptions, gravestone photos, tombstone photos, official records, etc.

Biography of Frederick Bridgman Shaw

FREDERICK BRIDGMAN SHAW, farmer, of South Amherst, Massachusetts, was born April 16, 1876. The family to which he belongs is one of the oldest and most noted in New England. (I) The immigrant ancestor was Abraham Shaw, who came from Yorkshire, England, in 1636. He was admitted as a freeman, March 9, 1636-37, and at the time was a proprietor of Watertown. When his house there was burned down in October, 1636, he moved to Dedham. He signed the famous compact, and was elected, September 6, 1638, a constable of Dedham. Abraham Shaw moved to Cambridge, where he became a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Humphrey Hoyt

Hoyt, James Humphrey; lawyer; born, Cleveland, Nov. 10, 1852; son of James Madison and Mary Ella Bebee Hoyt; educated, public schools, Hudson Academy, one year Western Reserve University, two years Amherst College, graduated, Brown University in 1874, graduated, Harvard Law School, LL. B. 1877; married, June 17, 1884, Jessie P. Taintor; issue, one daughter, Katherine Boardman and one son Elton II.; formed law partnership with H. S. Sherman, firm name, Sherman & Hoyt; later Willey, Sherman & Hoyt, and then Sherman, Hoyt & Sherman, Hoyt & Dustin; now firm name is Hoyt, Dustin, Kelly, McKeehan & Andrews; gives attention to … Read more