Biography of Jeremiah Garvin

Jeremiah Garvin, of Chichester, an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature and a veteran of the Civil War, was born January 3, 1842, at the family homestead on Garvin Hill, where he now resides, son of Jesse and Eunice (Leavitt) Garvin. The father, a native of Pembroke, N.H., was reared upon a farm near Garvin Falls, Pembroke. When a young man he was engaged for several years in rafting logs on the Merrimac River. Subsequently turning his attention to agricultural pursuits, he purchased a large farm in Chichester. This property, situated in the southern part of the town, is known as Garvin’s Hill, which is twelve hundred feet above the level of the sea. In 1840 Jesse Garvin erected the present substantial brick residence, which is still one of the principal landmarks in Chichester; and he resided here for the rest of his life. He was twice married. His first wife, in maidenhood named Morrison, and who was a native of Pembroke, bore him two children. Of these Wilson D. survives, and resides in Concord, N.H. He wedded Olive Ann Leavitt, of Chichester, and his children are: William, Etta, Idalette, and Alonzo. Jesse Garvin‘s second wife, Eunice (Leavitt) Garvin, a daughter of Jonathan Leavitt, of Chichester, became the mother of thirteen children, of whom there are living-Benjamin, Nancy, Lucretta, Solomon L., Mary, John E., Ann Maria and Jeremiah (twins), and Emma L. Benjamin married Adeline Kimball, of Hillsborough, N.H., and has four sons-Jefferson, Herbert, Frank, and Jesse. Nancy is now the widow of Moses O. Pearson, late of Manchester, N.H.; and her children are: Nellie, Elizabeth, and Bertha. Lucretta is the widow of James P. Eaton, late of Enfield, N.H., and has one daughter, Kate Pearl. Solomon L. married Sarah Keith, who came from the West, and has three children-George, Sarah, and Perley. Mary is the widow of Charles Goss, late of Salem, Mass.; and her children are: Charles, Mary, and Perley. Ann Maria is now the widow of Charles B. Bradley, late of Manchester, N.H., and has no children. Emma L. married Abraham Ellwood, of Illinois, and has four children-Mildred, Sally, Emma, and Leonard. Jesse Garvin died on the homestead in Chichester, at the age of seventy-four years; and his wife lived to be eighty-seven. In politics he was originally a Jacksonian Democrat, but later he supported the Republican party. Both he and his wife were members of the Congregational church.

Jeremiah Garvin was educated in the common schools of his native town. After leaving school he was employed as a farm assistant in Derry, N.H., for eight years. In 1864 he enlisted in Company C, First New Manchester, and was afterward engaged in the milk business and in teaming for eighteen years. About the year 1883 he was appointed Superintendent of the City Farm, a position which he occupied for the ensuing five years. He then had charge of the Hillsborough County Farm for over five years, after which he returned to the homestead in Chichester, which he had bought in 1886. This property, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, is one of the most desirable estates in the locality. Besides carrying on general farming he accommodates a number of select summer boarders. His residence, which has a magnificent view of mountain scenery, is patronized to its fullest capacity during the heated term. Mr. Garvin is an active supporter of the Republican party. He served as a special police officer in Manchester for five years, and represented that city in the legislature from 1874 to 1877. He was also Road Agent for four years, and he served as a member of the Board of Selectmen of Chichester for two years. Experienced in public affairs, he is now President of the Republican Club of this town.

On June 13, 1862, Mr. Garvin was united in marriage with Georgietta Coburn, daughter of Isaac and Eliza C. (Nesmith) Coburn, of Londonderry, N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin have had four children, of whom three are living-Edward J., Laura E., and Charles E. Mr. Garvin is connected with Hillsborough Lodge, No. 2, I. O. O. F., of Manchester, and is a member of the encampment. He has been a comrade of Louis Bell Post, G. A. R., of Manchester, since its organization; and he is associated with Chichester Grange, Patrons of Husbandry.

Biography, Civil War,

Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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