Biography of Daniel B. Sanborn

Daniel B. Sanborn, a successful farmer of East Concord, Merrimack County, was born in Webster, N.H., April 12, 1840, son of Daniel and Sally (Batchelder) Sanborn. Mr. Sanborn’s grandfather, Tristam Sanborn, came to Webster with his wife and her parents, and took up land on what is now known as Sanborn and Clough’s Hill. He lived to be quite an old man, and remained in this place until his death. He had a large family of children, of whom Daniel, father of the subject of this sketch, was the youngest but one. Daniel Sanborn moved to Canterbury when his son … Read more

Biography of Leonard Wood Peabody, M.D.

Leonard Wood Peabody, M.D., of Henniker, one of the oldest medical practitioners in Merrimack County, was born in Newport, Sullivan County, September 13, 1817, son of Ami and Sarah (Johnson) Peabody. He is a descendant of Francis Peabody, who, born in England in 1614, came to New England on board the ship “Planter” in 1635. This ancestor, after residing in Ipswich, Mass., for a while, removed to Hampton in 1638, and in 1651 settled in Topsfield, Mass. From him the line of descent comes through Captain John Peabody, who was born in 1642, Ensign David Peabody, born in 1678, John … Read more

Biography of Major Hiram Fifield Gerrish

Major Hiram Fifield Gerrish, of Concord, N.H., the present Deputy State Treasurer, was born in Boscawen, N.H., September 27, 1839. His parents, Calvin and Ann S. (Fifield) Gerrish, were both lifelong residents of Merrimack County. Major Gerrish is a descendant of Colonel Henry Gerrish, one of the early residents of Boscawen, who was an officer during the war of the Revolution, serving as Lieutenant-Colonel in Colonel Stickny’s regiment, and was present at the battles of Bennington and Saratoga. Colonel Gerrish was one of the leading citizens of his town and State, holding many positions of trust and responsibility, being conspicuously … Read more

Biography of Albert Bingham Woodworth

Albert Bingham Woodworth, the Mayor of Concord and a well-known merchant of the city, was born in Dorchester, April 7, 1843, son of George and Louisa (Hovey) Woodworth. His grandfather, Sylvanus Woodworth, born in Lebanon, Conn., who was one of the first settlers of Dorchester, served in the Revolutionary War, and fought at Bunker Hill under General Putnam. The father, also a native of Dorchester, was a man of lofty character and thoroughly respected where he was New Hampshire. He was prominent in the Congregational church, of which he became a member early in life. The mother was a native … Read more

Biography of Henri G. Blaisdell

Henri G. Blaisdell, an accomplished musician of Concord, N.H., was born in Dorchester, N.H., October 23, 1850, son of Pettingill and Laurette (Lillis) Blaisdell. He is originally of Scotch descent. His paternal grandfather was Sanborn Blaisdell, who was long a resident, and presumably a native, of Dorchester, in which town he was engaged in farming and where he spent his last years. He married Mehitable Sanborn. Pettingill Blaisdell, father of Henri G., was born in Dorchester in 1824. He received his education in the district schools and subsequently engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling lumber, for many years … Read more

Biography of Nathaniel S. Drake

Nathaniel S. Drake, the treasurer and superintendent of the Drake & Sanborn Shoe Company, of Pittsfield, was born here, September 16, 1851, in the house he now occupies on Main Street, son of James and Betsey (Seavey) Drake. His genealogy is traced to Robert Drake, born in the County of Devon, England, in 1580, who came to New England with a family before 1643. Robert was one of the grantees and first settlers of Exeter. He removed in 1651 to Hampton, “where he owned and left considerable estate.” Much respected throughout his life, his death on January 14, 1668, was … Read more

Biography of Jeremiah Garvin

Jeremiah Garvin, of Chichester, an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature and a veteran of the Civil War, was born January 3, 1842, at the family homestead on Garvin Hill, where he now resides, son of Jesse and Eunice (Leavitt) Garvin. The father, a native of Pembroke, N.H., was reared upon a farm near Garvin Falls, Pembroke. When a young man he was engaged for several years in rafting logs on the Merrimac River. Subsequently turning his attention to agricultural pursuits, he purchased a large farm in Chichester. This property, situated in the southern part of the town, is known … Read more

Biography of Joseph Wilkins

Joseph Wilkins, a resident of Pembroke and a veteran of the Civil War, was born May 24, 1844, son of Jeremiah Hall and Mary (Thompson) Wilkins. He is not only a representative of an old New Hampshire family, but a lineal descendant of ancestors who were first settlers in this country. Bray Wilkins, who came from Wales, Brecknock County, was a descendant of Lord John Wilkins, who belonged to a family that traced their lineage back to 1090 and had borne many honorable titles. Lord John was a connection of the Bishop Wilkins who married the sister of the Protector, … Read more

Biography of Rev. Isaac G. Hubbard

Rev. Isaac G. Hubbard, at one time the rector of Trinity Church, Claremont, was born here, April 13, 1818, son of Isaac and Ruth (Cobb) Hubbard. His grandfather, George Hubbard, who was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War, came to Claremont in 1778 from Tolland, Conn. Judge J. H. Hubbard, of Windsor, a son of George, was one of the ablest lawyers in New England. He was a powerful man, and as a pleader at the bar he had few equals. Isaac Hubbard, another son, who settled in Claremont, became a successful farmer and stock-raiser. He was an influential man, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Younglove Gowen

Gowen, Albert Younglove; born, Cleveland, May 8, 1883; son of Caleb and Gertrude Younglove Gowen; educated, Harvard College, 1907; married, Cleveland, June 2, 1909, Margaret Huntington Smith; one daughter, born July 7, 1910; went to public schools, Cleveland, studied at University School for six years; later attended St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., going from there to Harvard College; at completion of college course, started to work in the stone quarries of the Kelly Island Lime & Transport Co., at Kelly Island, O.; remained there six months; then came to the main office in Cleveland, and has been there ever … Read more

Biography of Herman Wells Greene

Herman Wells Greene, formerly a lawyer of considerable note in Hopkinton, was born here, April 11, 1836, son of Herman H. and Ellen Chase (Little) Greene. His only brother died at the age of fourteen years; and his only sister is now the wife of a Mr. Roberts, of Philadelphia, Pa. After receiving his early education in the public schools of Hopkinton and at Pembroke and Gilmanton Academies, he became interested in the legal profession, and read law with George & Foster, of Concord, and later with Beard & Nickerson, of Boston, Mass. On his twenty-first birthday he was admitted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Crispin Oglebay

Oglebay, Crispin; manufacturer; born, Wheeling, W. Va., in 1880; received early education in the public schools of Kansas City, Mo., then attended St. Paul’s School, in Concord, N. H., graduating with the class of 1896; graduated from Yale in 1900; returned to Kansas City; worked as clerk for Swift Packing Co. for one year; engaged in real estate business for one year; came to Cleveland in 1903, as sec’y for the Hoffman Hinge & Foundry Co.; in six month’s time was made pres. of the company; in 1906, The Ferro Machinery & Foundry Co. was incorporated, taking over the business … Read more

Biography of Sylvester Prentiss Danforth

Sylvester Prentiss Danforth, an enterprising member of the well-known firm of Danforth, Forest & Morgan, contractors, builders, and lumber dealers of Concord, N.H., was born in Boscawen, N.H., August 14, 1838. His parents were Nathan C. and Sophia C. (Brown) Danforth, both residents of Merrimack County for many years. His father and grandfather were engaged in the lumber business for years, while his maternal ancestors were farmers in this county. Sylvester P. Danforth attended the public schools and Boscawen Academy, completing his school education at the age of eighteen years. He then learned the cabinet-maker’s trade with Caldwell & Amsden, … Read more

Biography of Horace LeRoy Choate

Horace LeRoy Choate, a wellknown and respected farmer of Hopkinton, N.H., was born in Henniker, Merrimack County, April 20, 1833, a son of George and Betsey Davis Choate. He is a lineal descendant of one John Choate, who was a son of Robert and Sarah Choate, and was baptized at Groton, Boxford, Colchester, England, June 6, 1624. In 1643 John emigrated to New England, and at the age of nineteen was a resident of Chebacco in Ipswich, Mass. Soon after he bought up shares of common lands allotted to the proprietors on Hog Island (which acquired its name from its … Read more

Biography of Abraham Gates Jones

Abraham Gates Jones, a wellknown gentleman of Concord, N.H., formerly engaged in the printing business, but now retired from active business affairs, was born in the town of Bow, five miles south of this city, October 21, 1827, son of Philip and Sarah M. (Gates) Jones. His paternal ancestors for many years were residents of Merrimack County, while the maternal progenitors came from Massachusetts. Philip Jones, father of the subject of this sketch, was the son of Joseph Jones, and was a merchant in Hookset. He died on January 26, 1836. His wife, Sarah M. Gates, was a daughter of … Read more

Biography of Arthur Wilson Silsby

Arthur Wilson Silsby, of Concord, who for the past thirteen years has been Judge of Probate for Merrimack County, was born in Concord, August 28, 1851, son of George H. H. and Sarah F. (Chickering) Silsby. He is a direct descendant of Henry Silsby, who emigrated from England about the year 1630, and settled in Salem, Mass. Captain Henry Silsby, greatgrandfather of Arthur W., was an early settler in Acworth, N.H. He served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was a member of the Committee of Public Safety. His son, Ozias, Judge Silsby’s grandfather, was a Congregational preacher. … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Huber

Charles A. Huber, an energetic and successful farmer of Northfield, was born January 12, 1846, in Melun, France, near Paris, son of Melheur and Katherine (Farney) Huber, both also natives of Melun. His father, who followed the sea during the active period of his life, died in France, August 21, 1855. Mr. Huber’s mother, having survived her husband but three days, died August 24. Melheur and Katherine F. Huber were the parents of fourteen children, as follows: Petre Paul, who died in the army; Joseph, who resides in Pennsylvania; Louis, who lives near Manchester, N.H.; Alexander, a bricklayer of Concord, … Read more

Narrative of the Captivity of Nehemiah How

Fort Dummer

A Narrative of the captivity of Nehemiah How, who was taken by the Indians at the Great Meadow Fort above Fort Dummer, where he was an inhabitant, October 11th, 1745. Giving an account of what he met with in his traveling to Canada, and while he was in prison there. Together with an account of Mr. How’s death at Canada. Exceedingly valuable for the many items of exact intelligence therein recorded, relative to so many of the present inhabitants of New England, through those friends who endured the hardships of captivity in the mountain deserts and the damps of loathsome prisons. Had the author lived to have returned, and published his narrative himself, he doubtless would have made it far more valuable, but he was cut off while a prisoner, by the prison fever, in the fifty-fifth year of his age, after a captivity of one year, seven months, and fifteen days. He died May 25th, 1747, in the hospital at Quebec, after a sickness of about ten days. He was a husband and father, and greatly beloved by all who knew him.

Biography of John Evans Robertson

John Evans Robertson, a wellknown ice dealer of Concord, was born May 9, 1843, in Warner, N.H., son of Harrison D. and Sarah C. (Evans) Robertson, both of Warner. The families of both parents were old residents of Merrimack County, New Hampshire. The maternal ancestors originally came from Newburyport, Mass., where Grandfather Benjamin Evans officiated as Sheriff, being also a prominent business man. John E. Robertson attended the public schools of Warner, and subsequently fitted for college in the academy at Henniker, N.H. However, after leaving school at the age of eighteen, he did not go to college. In 1864 … Read more

Biography of Robert Ives Lee

Robert Ives Lee. In the death of Robert Ives Lee, which occurred at Chicago, Illinois, December 19, 1911, there passed away one of the most prominent horsemen of the Middle West. He was born May 5, 1846, at Boston, Massachusetts, and was a son of the late Brev.-Brig.-Gen. William Raymond Lee III, U. S. V., A. M., A. A. S., and Helen Maria (Amory) Lee, of Amory Street, Boston, the former of whom was descended from Henry and Mary Lee. Henry Lee, the founder of the Lee family of Marblehead, Massachusetts, died at Manchester, that state, in 1675, and was … Read more