Biography of Jeremiah Garvin

Jeremiah Garvin, of Chichester, an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature and a veteran of the Civil War, was born January 3, 1842, at the family homestead on Garvin Hill, where he now resides, son of Jesse and Eunice (Leavitt) Garvin. The father, a native of Pembroke, N.H., was reared upon a farm near Garvin Falls, Pembroke. When a young man he was engaged for several years in rafting logs on the Merrimac River. Subsequently turning his attention to agricultural pursuits, he purchased a large farm in Chichester. This property, situated in the southern part of the town, is known … Read more

Contributions of the Lowell Massachusetts Historical Society

Contributions of the Lowell Historical Society

The Lowell Historical Society of Lowell Massachusetts published 2 volumes of “contributions” to the recording of the history of Lowell Massachusetts at the turn of the century. These contributions were preceded by the contributions by the Old Residents Historical Association of Lowell, Massachusetts. Table of Contents Volume I Bunker Hill, The Battle of, and Those Who Participated Therein from the Towns from which Lowell was Formed, Mrs. Sara Swan Griffin Fiske, Rev. John, by Henry S. Perham Francis, Mrs. Sarah W., by Miss Mabel Hill Lincoln, Abraham, Centennial Anniversary of Introductory Address, Solon W. Stevens Recollections of Lincoln in Lowell … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ben F. Garvin

Garvin, Ben F. (See Oolootsa and Blair)— Benjamin Franklin Garvin, born May 1, 1861. Married August 8, 1882, Sarah Benge, born September 15, 1862. She died. He mar­ried Eliza J. Baldridge, born June 6, 1864. He is the father of Margaret Nannie, married Nov. 8, 1901; Walter Agnew; Ada Cornelia, married James Hail; Benjamin Franklin, married Goode; Mary Ellen, married Benjamin Franklin Bradley. Elizabeth Caroline, married James McCullough; Edward Frye, married Jessie Amos, and Elmer C. Garvin. Benjamin Franklin Garvin, Sr., is a Mason, Odd Fellow and Woodman of the World.

Biography of F. M. Garvin

F. M. GARVIN. The American bank is the synonym of dignity, respectability and safety; the medium of exchange between cities and foreign countries and the great sustainer of the various business enterprises of the country, The bank is the teacher of method and system and is a check upon reckless and indiscriminate speculation, the spirit of which is too prevalent in the country. The Harrison Bank, of Harison, Arkansas, of which F. M. Garvin is the efficient and trustworthy cashier, was established in November , 1887, with a capital stock of $30,000, the stockholders of which were largely residents of … Read more

Descendants of William Swift of New Bedford, MA

For an hundred years and more the Swift family in and about New Bedford has been one of prominence, wealthy and influential not only in their several local communities but out through the Commonwealth and into the nation, where their extensive enterprises have extended. These Acushnet-New Bedford Swifts, a branch of the Cape Cod family, brought to their new field of effort that activity, industry, ability and honesty that had for generations characterized their forefathers and also the line of business that had enriched earlier generations in the old home section – the dealing in live oak timber and its manufacture into water craft, in shipbuilding for not only the United States government, but for those across the water. Reference is here made especially to some of the sons, grandsons and great-grandsons of William Swift, of the town of Falmouth, this Commonwealth, among whose sons were Hon. Elijah, Thomas, William, John and Reuben E.; and among the sons of the latter Rodolphus Nye and William Cole Nye Swift, who with their sons together and in turn figured most prominently in and about New Bedford and abroad, as intimated; and some of their sons are yet active here and in the Massachusetts metropolis.