Biography of Harvey Graves McIntire, M.D.

Harvey Graves McIntire, M.D., formerly one of the leading physicians of Concord, was born in Lyndeboro, N.H., July 2, 1824, son of Elias and Elizabeth (Buxton) McIntire. Elias McIntire, son of Elias, Sr., and Bethiah (Hayward) McIntire, was a native of Reading, Mass., and belonged to one of the oldest families of that town. Removing to New Hampshire after marriage, he lived for a time in Amherst, and then settled in Lyndeboro. He followed the occupation of farmer throughout his active period, and was ninety-six years old when he died in Lyndeboro. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Phebe (Stearns) Buxton, of Reading, Mass., bore him six children. The only one now living is Deacon Nathaniel McIntire, of Lyndeboro.

Harvey G. McIntire, the youngest of the family, received his education in the district schools and at the academy of Francestown. After graduating from the latter institution, he decided to enter upon the medical profession. In accordance with this design he became a pupil, first, of Dr. Campbell, of Francestown and subsequently of Dr. Elliot, of Manchester, N.H. Later he attended lectures at Harvard University Medical School in Boston, where he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1848. He began the active practice of his profession in Goshen, N.H., where he remained some seventeen years. Feeling the need of a larger sphere, he then removed to Concord. Here he continued in practice until his death, which was occasioned by an accident, complicated with pneumonia. He married Margaret, daughter of John and Hannah (Dowst) McCrillis; and his children were: H. E., Harvey, and Nathaniel. Harvey married C. J. Briggs; and Nathaniel, who is engaged in the telegraph business at St. Paul, Minn., married Alice Millard.

Dr. McIntire died at Concord, N.H., May 2, 1892. He was regarded by the medical fraternity and the community at large as a man of progressive ideas in his profession. He kept abreast of all the medical reforms and discoveries of his time, and, upon being convinced of their superior merit, was prompt in adopting them. Dr. McIntire was the first physician in New Hampshire to use chloroform as an anæsthetic in surgical operations. He was a member of the Congregational church.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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