Ephraim Cole

1. EPHRAIM1 COLE was b. June 14,1688; m.-, Sarah . She d. July 27, 1799, aged 93. They had several children, Ebenezer2 being one of them. He was b. in 1732, and d. Nov. 2, 1808. He m. Elizabeth Wheeler, b. in 1730 and d. Feb. 27, 1814. Their children were: 2. i. DANIEL, b. Sept. 19, 1755. 3. ii. STEPHEN, b. –     iii. JOHN, b. -; m. Jan. 3, 1825, Lucy M. Pike of Cornish, dau. of Ebenezer and Salome (Marley) Pike. They lived in Morristown, Vt. One son, Jason Cole.     iv. ASA, b. -; m. , … Read more

Biography of George William Dunbar

The first known ancestor of the Dunbar family in America was Robert Dunbar, a Scotchman who, circumstances indicate, was one of the Scotch prisoners sent over to the Massachusetts Colony in 1652, by Cromwell after the battles of Dunbar and Worcester. It is certain that this Robert Dunbar was the ancestor of the Dunbars of Abington and Bridgewater, if not of all bearing that name in New England. The family has always shown the characteristics which have so favorably distinguished the Scotch people. They are good, law-abiding citizens, with a frugal thrift and industry, a careful economy, and cautious and … Read more

Benjamin Kimball Chase

10. BENJAMIN KIMBALL6 CHASE (Daniel5, Moses4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. April 5. 1795. A farmer and ever res. upon his father’s estate. He d. June 16. 1842. He had m. Oct. 21, 1835, Sarah Ann Taft. b. June 9, 1815. After his death, his wid. m. March 7, 1843, Enoch F. Chellis of Plainfield, b. Aug. 9, 1815, who, after this, lived in town the remainder of his life, dying Aug. 1, 1355. Shed. Feb. 4, 1888. Children: i. DANIEL, b. July 9, 1836. Was in trade at the Flat several years and afterwards in Boston; associated with his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Frederick Putnam

GEORGE FREDERICK PUTNAM, youngest son of John Putnam, Esq., was born November 6, 1841; received his literary training at Norwich University, and studied law with N. B. Felton, Esq., of Haverhill, N. H., and was admitted to the bar in 1866.

Levi Henry Cobb

3. LEVI HENRY8 COBB (Levi7, Ebenezer6-5-4-3, John2, Henry1) b. June 30, 1827. He m. Jan. 12, 1858, Harriet J. Herrick at Malone, N. Y., b. in Milton, Vt., Jan. 10, 1827. Children: i. MARY ABBIE, b. March 7, 1859; m. , Rev. E. F. Hunt. Res., Conway, Mass. ii. HARRIET ELIZABETH, b. March 16, 1860; d. in Oberlin, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1881. iii. GEORGE HENRY, b. Jan. 20, 1863. Graduated from Amherst College, also from College of Physicians and Surgeons. Res., N. Y. City (1898). iv. NELLIE MARIA, b. Jan. 18, 1868; d. June 23, 1872, in Springfield, Vt.

Church History of Acworth NH

The Congregational Church in Acworth was organized March 12, 1773, with eight members, as follows: Henry Silsby, Betbiah Silsby, Thomas Putnam, Rachel Putnam, Samuel Silsby, Elizabeth Silsby, Dean Carlton, Anna Cross. During the first fifteen years the church was supplied by George Gilmore, David Goodale, Isaiah Kilburn and others. The first pastor was settled on the second Tuesday of November, 1789. The first meeting-house, erected in 1784, in front of the present house, was not ready for use till 1789. The present edifice was built in 1821. The Confession of Faith and Covenant were revised by direction of the church, … Read more

Aquilla Chase

AQUILLA1 CHASE, b. in Conway, Eng., in 1618, was the honored ancestor of all of this name who have ever lived in Cornish. With two of his brothers he came to America in 1639, and settled in Hampton. He m. Ann Wheeler, rem. to Newbury, Mass., in 1646 and d. there Dec. 27, 1670. They had eleven children. Their youngest son, Moses2, sometimes called “Ensign Moses,” was b. Dec. 24, 1663. He lived and d. in Newbury. He m. Nov. 10, 1684, Anne Follansbe. They had nine children. Their eldest son Daniel3 was b. Sept. 20, 1685; m. Jan. 2, … Read more

Biography of Hiram H. York

Hiram H. York, a well-known farmer of Cornish, has always resided in this town on the estate where he was born December 6, 1823. His grandfather, William York, also born in Cornish, was prominently identified with the Democratic party of the early days. William, in many ways the most prominent man in the town, was a noted veterinary surgeon, whose practice covered an extensive district. He was Sheriff of Sullivan County for many years. In the later part of his life he joined the Methodist church. A man capable of much physical endurance, he had a remarkable constitution, which, perhaps, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Breck

HENRY BRECK, now eighty-one years of age, was a native of Boston. He came to Croydon in 1807, and was clerk in. the store at the Flat, owned by his brothers, William and. James. In 1815, he purchased their interest and continued. in trade there until 1818, when he removed to Four Corners,. where he continued in business until 1837, when he removed to Cornish Flat. On the death of his brother William, in 1848, he removed to Claremont, and settled on the” homestead” where he now lives. Mr. Breck took an active part in the erection of the Church … Read more

Joseph Kenyon

The Kenyon family came from Rhode Island, The first name we find is that of Joseph Kenyon, b. Feb. 5, 1737; m. Catharine Enos, b. Sept. 12, 1742, and d. Sept. 5, 1826. This family came to Plainfield (date unknown) and settled on a farm north of Cornish line, opposite the farm of Dr. Joseph Chapman in Cornish. He d. April 15, 1829. children: 1. JOSEPH, JR., b. March 15, 1761. 2. PAINE, b. Feb. 26, 1763. 3. MARCY, b. March 29, 1765, m. Abel Stone, Jr. She d. July 15, 1848. He d. Oct. 23, 1848. 4. MUMFORD, b. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lyman Hall

ALBINA HALL and LYMAN HALL, Sons of James Hall, after spending most of their minority in town, turned their attention to medicine. The former married Livia Powers, and after practicing awhile in Maine and New York has returned to Croydon. The latter followed his profession at Cornish Flat until his death, which occurred but a few years since.

Charles N. Kenyon

CHARLES N., KENYON (John Nelsoln3, Mumford2, Joseph1) was b. Jan. 16,1831; m. Feb. 2, 1852, Elizabeth A. White, dau. of Smith and Mary (Horton) White. Lived in the northern part of Cornish, also some years in Plainfield. He d. July 12, 7885. Children: 1. FRANK 1-i., b. Feb. 22, 1851, in Plainfield; d. Jan. 12, 1876. 2. FRED P., b. March 20, 1856, in Plainfield. 3. GEORGE R ., b. Nov. 21, 1863, in Cornish. 4. EMMA C., b. Jan. 12, 1866, in Cornish; m. Feb. 17, 1891, Robert A. Dannatt. She d. June 16, 1901. 5. MARY .1., b. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lavina Durkee

LAVINA DURKEE, sister of the foregoing, married John B. Stowell, Esq., and removed to Newport, where be became a prominent and influential man, and held many important offices. He afterwards removed to Manchester, N. H.

Biographical Sketch of Sherman Cooper

SHERMAN COOPER, Son of Hon. Lemuel P. Cooper, was born Aug. 20, 1833. He received his academical education at Meriden, N. H., studied medicine in New York City, and graduated at the New York Medical College in 1856. The following year he was deputy resident physician of Blackwell’s Island Hospital. He settled at Claremont in 1858. He entered the army in 1861, as Assistant Surgeon of the 6th Regt. N. H. Vols:, but was promoted to the rank of Surgeon in March, 1863. At the end of three years, in 1864, he returned to Claremont and resumed the practice of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lieut. Edward Hall

LIEUT. EDWARD HALL came to town during the Revolution, bringing with him seven sons-Ezekiel, Abijah, James, Edward, John, Darius and Ezra-and settled on the flat, south of the farm of J. Nutting. From this family and Rev. Samuel Read Hall have descended the Halls. The family were shrewd, and fond of amusements.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Marsh

SAMUEL MARSH, from whom have descended the Marshes, came early to town and settled near the Four Corners. His wife, who had long lived in the family of a physician, and had become skilled in the “healing art,” kept the first primitive “Apothecary’s Shop” in town. Besides her knowledge of medicine she was noted for her mechanical ingenuity. The old ” dies,” with which she used to print the ladies’ calico dresses, are still in being, as also the “pillion” on which she visited her patients. The husband died in 1832, aged 94; the wife in 1834, aged 90 years.

Biography of Edgar A. Churchill

Edgar A. Churchill, a prominent resident of Cornish, was born in this town, August 29, 1847. His parents were Barker B. Churchill, son of Lewis Churchill and Mary (Angier) Churchill, of Cornish. The latter, who was Barker’s first wife, had eight children, of whom Edgar A., Mary E., and Jennie reached maturity. Mary is now Mrs. Lovell B. George, of Newport, and has two children-Jennie and Albert. Jennie Churchill, who married William F. Waite, a pattern maker of Hubbardston, Mass., is now deceased. The father, a carpenter by trade, was in the late war, having enlisted at West Lebanon in … Read more

Jacob Chase

9. JACOB6 CHASE (Joseph5, Caleb4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. March 20, 1799; m. Oct. 27, 1825, Sarah Tinkham of -, b. Sept. 25, 1793, and d. Aug. 1, 1972. He d. March 10, 1852. He was a farmer and lived in the western part of the town. Children, all b. in town: i. FREDERIC J., b. Sept. 30, 1826; d. in 1903. 11. ii. LEWIS T., b. Nov. 15, 1827. iii. LAURA S., b. June 10, 1829; m. April 24, 1877, Rev. John A. Parker. Lived in Keene (?). Shed. July 17, 1903. Had no children. iv. MARY J., … Read more

Biography of George Musalas Colvocoresses

George M Colvocoresses

Born in Scio, Grecian Archipelago, October 22, 1816. During the Greek Revolution the Turks invaded that island in 1822, and after narrowly escaping the massacre that followed, George with his mother and two young sisters were carried captives to Smyrna. Through friends in that city he was ransomed and sent in an American brig to Baltimore; much kindness was shown him by members of the Greek Relief Committee, and the story of his misfortunes excited the sympathy of Captain Alden Partridge, head of the military academy then at Norwich, who offered to receive and provide for young Colvocoresses as his … Read more