In 1911 Carlisle was directed by the Department of the Interior to prepare a census of the Indians under their charge.
In all cases where the Indians are living on separate reservations under your jurisdiction you should submit a separate census roll of the Indians of each reservation. The names should be arranged in alphabetical order. (letter Department of the Interior, 1911)
- Student Population by Tribe
- Female Students
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Females A-B Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Females C-D Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Females E-G Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Females H-J Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Females K-M Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Females N-R Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Females S Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Females T-W Surnames
- Male Students
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males A-B Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males C Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males D Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males E-F Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males G-H Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males I-K Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males L Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males M-N Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males O-Q Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males R-S Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males T-V Surnames
- 1911 Carlisle School Census: Males W-Z Surnames