Student Population by Tribe

In 1911 Carlisle was directed by the Department of the Interior to prepare a census of the Indians under their charge.

In all cases where the Indians are living on separate reservations under your jurisdiction you should submit a separate census roll of the Indians of each reservation.  The names should be arranged in alphabetical order. (letter Department of the Interior, 1911)

To see the names of students enrolled in Carlisle School during 1911, visit: 1911 Carlisle School Census

Tribe Boys Girls Total
Abanaki 2 2 4
Alaskan 3 4 7
Apache 6 2 8
Arapahoe 2 1 3
Arickaree 1 3 4
Assiniboine 1 1 2
Bannock 5 5
Blackfeet 2 2
Caddo 6 6
Catawba 1 1
Cayuga 5 3 8
Caruse 2 2
Cherokee 46 19 65
Chetco 1 2 3
Cheyenne 28 10 36
Chippewa 123 89 212
Chittimache 11 6 17
Clallam 1 1
Colville 8 8
Comanche 2 1 3
Concow 1 1
Coeur d’Alene 1 1
Creek 1 1
Crow 3 3 6
Delaware 4 2 6
Digger 2 6 8
Filipino 2 2
Flathead 9 9
Gros Ventre 4 5 9
Hopi 12 12
Hoopa 1 1
Klamath 11 1 12
Kootenai 3 3
Lipan 1 1
Little Lake 2 1 3
Lummi 1 1 2
Mashpee 5 2 7
Menominee 6 13 19
Miami 1 1
Mission 4 2 6
Modoc 1 1
Mohawk 44 33 77
Mono 1 1
Munsee 2 2
Narragansett 1 1
Navajo 16 16
Nez Perce 17 9 26
Nomelakie 2 2
Nooksack 2 1 3
Okanagon 1 1
Omaha 14 1 15
Oneida 29 24 52
Onondaga 14 11 25
Osage 5 5 10
Ottawa 5 4 9
Paiute 3 1 4
Pamunkey 1 1
Pawnee 8 2 10
Peoria 1 1
Penobscot 1 2 3
Pend’O’Reille 2 2
Piegan 10 1 11
Pima 1 1
Pokonoket 9 8 11
Pomo 4 4
Porto Rican 3 3
Pottawatomie 2 2 4
Pueblo 24 7 31
Quapaw 3 3
Sac & Fox 4 10 14
San Poil 1 1
Seminole 1 1
Seneca 70 45 115
Serrano 2 2
Shawnee 3 3 6
Shoshone 17 8 25
Sioux 78 42 120
Spokane 5 5
Stockbridge 3 4 7
Tonawanda 1 2 3
Umatilla 2 2
Washoe 2 1 5
Wichita 11 4 15
Winnebago 27 8 35
Wyandotte 4 4
Yakima 2 2
Total 778 440 1218


1911 Carlisle School Census. Published by Department of the Interior, June 28, 1911.

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