B Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

Betsey and Samuel G. Clap, Mar. 8, 1843.
Sarah P., 21, d. Willard and S., and Luther Hayward, widower [publishment of intention of marriage, omits widower], May 29, 1848.
Sophia and George Copeland, Apr. 10, 1842.

Alfred of Dover, and Harriett Perry, Nov. 27, 1834.
Anna of Dedham, and William Kindall 1st, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 19, 1774.
Betsy [publishment of intention of marriage, Betsey] and Jonathan Colbourn [publishment of intention of marriage, Coulbourn], May 23, 1797.
Charlotte and George W. Thomas, May 28, 1840.
Dean and Sybil C. Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 13, 1836.
Elijah C., widower [publishment of intention of marriage, omits widower], 41, S. W[illia]m and S., and
Adaline Eldridge, Dec. 4, 1848.
Ellis and Martha Shepard, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 12, 1842.
James of N. Y., and Julia [publishment of intention of marriage, adds C.] Whitman, Jan. 8, 1845.
Lydia and Hiram H. White, Sept. 27, 1836.
Mary and Aaron Ellis, Mar. 17, 1796.
Rebecca of Deadham, and Joseph Day, publishment of intention of marriage, July 26, 1772.
Sally [publishment of intention of marriage, Betsy] and Horace Dupee, May 30, 1805.
Sam[ue]l W. [publishment of intention of marriage, Warren] of Urbana, Va., and Abby P. Clap, Oct. 17, 1839.
Sarah L. and Harvey Morse, Jan. 10, 1837.
Sopha [publishment of intention of marriage, Sophia] and Pitt [publishment of intention of marriage, Pitts] Smith, – [publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 26, 1813.
Sybil, Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, Sybil Baicon], and Dr. [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Dr.] Jonathan Wild, Mar. 4, 1827.
Syntha [publishment of intention of marriage, Cynthe] and Samuel Kingsbury, Feb. 11, 1790.
Willard [publishment of intention of marriage, Baicon] and Eliza Clap, Nov. 27, 1816.
William and Sarah Lewis, Jan. 29, 1789.
William of Boston, and Sibel Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, May 27, 1804.
Will[ia]m and Lucy Boyden, widow, Apr. 19, 1812.
William 3d [publishment of intention of marriage, Baicon] and Orra Ellis, Nov. 5, 18l8.

BACOR (see Baker),
John of Dedham, and Patience Morse, [publishment of intention of marriage,] Nov. 1, 1728.

Thomas J. and Harriet Sumner, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 10, 1831.

BAKER (see Bacor),
Abel and Sarah Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 20, 1778.
Amos of Medfield, and Abigail Smith, Jan. 5, 1796. (Intention not recorded.)
Amos of Dedham, and Olive Fisher, Oct. 18, 1825.
Ebenezer and Esther Kingsbary, Mar. 23, 1736. (Intention not recorded.)
Ebenezer and Esther Boyden, Aug. 8, 1770.
Ebenezer and Lucy Maxfield, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 20, 1800.
Ebenezer and Relief Drake, June 24, 1827.
Ellen M., 18, d. Ebene[zer] and R., and Samuel Allen Jr., July 14, 1849.
Esther and Joshua Morse, Sept. 7, 1768.
Hannah and Elias Harden, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 8, 1795.
Hinsdell and Jemima Tucker, Mar. 19, 1795.
Joseph K. of Phillipston, and Thankful Hardon, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 7, l817.
Micah of Medfield, and Abigail Streater, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 6, 1750-1.
Patty [publishment of intention of marriage, Pattey] and Lewis Fales, May 30, 1811.
Polly and John P. Bowker, Nov. 12, 1812.
Robert H. of Dedham, and Eveline Blake, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 3, 1824.
Sabin of Dedham, and Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson] Charlotte Chamberlin [publishment of intention of marriage, Chamberlain], Sept. 27, 1819.
Thankful and Isaac Heaton, publishment of intention of marriage, May 31, 1772.
Thankfull and Daniel Morse, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 13, 1741.
Willard and Lucetta Clark, publishment of intention of marriage, June 25, 1826.
William and Amelia R. Hunkings, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 15, 1829.
Ziba and Milla [publishment of intention of marriage, Mille] Cleaveland, Aug. 17, 1786.

BALCOM (see Balkam, Bolkcom).

BALKAM (see Bolkcom),
Jacob of Attleborough, and Tryphena Everett, June 30, 1785. (Intention not recorded.)

Polly and Richard A. Sayles, Apr. 21, 1833.

Joseph [publishment of intention of marriage, of Midyay] and Rebeca [publishment of intention of marriage, Rebeccah] Clark, Dec. 21, 1758 [sic, 1757].
Senica [publishment of intention of marriage, Seneca] of Medway, and Nancy Boyden, June 14, 1797.

BARDEEN (see Barden, Bardens),
Amos and Anna Hodges, publishment of intention of marriage, May 26, 1822.
Jesse and Asenath Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 10, 1817.

BARDEN (see Bardeen, Bardens),
Almira and Jeremiah Smith Jr., July 12, 1827.
Elijah [publishment of intention of marriage, Bardeen] and Lydia Whiston, Jan. 2, 1818.

BARDENS (see Bardeen, Barden),
Ebenezer and Chloe Ingraham, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 14, 1791.
Elijah and Abigail Boyden, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 9, 1780.
Elijah Jr. and Hannah Everett, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 24, 1805.
Hannah and Thomas Mace (publishment of intention of marriage, Mase], Aug. 31, 1764.
James [publishment of intention of marriage, Bardins] and [publishment of intention of marriage, Mrson] Sarah Hill, Feb. 22, 1776.
Mary and John Lewrance, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 11, 1753.
Mary and Willabough Nason, publishment of intention of marriage, June 21, 1772.
Mehitible [publishment of intention of marriage, Mrson Mehitable Bardins] and Stephen Bardens [publishment of intention of marriage, Bardins], Aug. 18, 1777.
Noah and Sarah Bullard, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 23, 1794.
Philip and Ruth Payson, publishment of intention of marriage, June 17, 1750.
Philip [publishment of intention of marriage, Phillip] and Mary Hill, Mar. 7, 1750-1.
Phillips and Phebe Basset, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 22, 1778.
Stephen [publishment of intention of marriage, Bardins of Mendon] and Mehitible Bardens [publishment of intention of marriage,
Mrson Mehitable Bardins], Aug. 18, 1777.
Tryphena [publishment of intention of marriage, Trephena] and Oliver Godard, Feb. 13, 1812.
[torn]s and Jerusha Armstrong, publishment of intention of marriage, July 27, 1740.

William and Jane Hulme[?], publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 11, 1847.

Abagail of Sharon, and Warren Morse, Apr. 9, 1821. (Intention not recorded.)
Angenette and Warren H. Billings, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 11, 1847.
Chloe and Hiram Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 14, 1819.
David and Chloe Smith, Apr. 26, 1804.
Edward and Polly Whiting, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 19, 1815.
Levi and Grace Donaldson, Oct. 2, [18]25.
Nancy of Attleboro, and Caleb S. Peck, publishment of intention of marriage, July 19, 1848.
Philena and Moses Guild, Mar. 19, 1795.

Joseph and Elizabeth Cassady, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 17, 1833.

BARTRIDG (see Partriage, Partridge, Patridg),
Sarah [publishment of intention of marriage, Partridg] and Moses Chamberlin, May 18, 1758.

BASSET (see Bassett),
Herman [publishment of intention of marriage, Homan Bassett] of Franklin, and Nancy Nason, Nov. 25, 1813.
Phebe of Stoughtonham, and Phillips Bardens, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 22, 1778.
Rachel of Tanton, and Benjamin Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 4, 1761.

BASSETT (see Basset),
Catharine and Lewis Fisher, Oct. 31, 1838.

Harriot of Mansfield, and Warren Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, July 22, 1810.

Henry of Natick, and Hannah Blackburn, Aug. 4, 1819.
Josiah of Dover, and Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson] Olive Turner, Nov. 6, 1823.

BAYDEN (see Boyden),
Harriet M. and Albert H. Billings, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 4, 1845.

Albert and Abby R. Ware, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 9, 1836.
Eleazer of Foxborough, and Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson] Patty Fales, Feb. 7, 1821.
Ira of Foxborough, and Sally Fales, Dec. 1, 1803.
John [publishment of intention of marriage, Jason] of Foxborough, and Becka [ publishment of intention of marriage, Beckey] Fales, May 22, 1800.
John of Canton, and Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson] Sally Smith, June 7, 1832.
Patty and John P. Bowker, July 24, 1822.
Susan of Wrentham, and Aaron Guild, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 6, 1843.
Unity of Foxboro, and Jabez Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, May 5, 1799.

John Jr. [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Jr.], 23, of Framingham, s. John and w., and Eunice Ellis, Oct. 28, 1846.
Lydia M., 29, d. Dan[ie]l and M., and Samuel Davis, Mar. 18, 1848.

Mary of Canton, and Maynard B. Boyden, publishment of intention of marriage, May 7, 1836.

Benjamin and Eunice Corey, publishment of intention of marriage, May 1.2, 1805.

Isaac of Wrentham, and Elisabeth Randall, Dec. 30, 1797. (Intention not recorded.)

Daniel, 35, born Sturbridge, of Sturbridge, s. Moris and
Mary, and Harriet E. Ware, Oct. 11, 1849. (Intention not recorded.)

Edward D. and Mary Jane Hawes, Jan. 1, 1841.

George [publishment of intention of marriage, W.] of Boston, and Betsy [publishment of intention of marriage, Betsey] White, Dec. 11, 1804.

Asahael and Dorcas F. Homes, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 15, 1830.

Avist of Attelborrough, and Peter Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, July 16, 1763.

Abner and Sarah [publishment of intention of marriage, Sally] Brown, Feb. 27, 1772.

BILLING (see Billings),
Beriah and Betsy Straiten, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 26, 1809.
Elijah and Elizabeth Hartshorn, July 9, 1746. (Intention not recorded.)
Hannah of Stoughton, and Eliphelet Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 24, 1758.
Parker of Sharon, and Sally Morse, Nov. 3, 1811.
Sally of Dedham, and Daniel Smith, Oct. 29, 1812.
Samuel [publishment of intention of marriage, of Stoughton] and Kezia Hartshorn, Jan. 24, 1743, [sic, 1744].

BILLINGS (see Billing),
Albert of Boston, and Harriett Gilbert, Mar. 6, 1839.
Albert H. and Harriet N. Bayden, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 4, 1845.
Anna, widow, of Sharon, and John Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, June 5, 1803.
Benjamin of Stoughtonham, and Sarah Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, July 19, 1767.
Beriah and Sally Day, Mar. 28, 1802.
Bradish of Boston, and Harriot Dupee, July 28, 1806.
Caroline and Ira Gill, Oct. 28, 1832.
Charlote of Sharon, and Joel Bullard, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 18, 1795.
Ebenezer [publishment of intention of marriage, Billing of Stoughton] and Susanna [publishment of intention of marriage, Susanah] Hartshorn,-[recorded after July 2, 1744] [publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. [torn].
Hepsibah and Eliphalet Ellis Jr., publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 13, 1782.
Jarvis of Canton, and Sarah Spaulding, publishment of intention of marriage, May 8, 1825.
Mehitable of Stoughtonham, and Joseph Man, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 28, 1782.
Nancy and Horace Dupee, May 16, 1815.
Nancy and Elias Plimpton, July 16, 1820.
Polly of Sharon, and Thaddeus Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 26, 1783.
Polly and Simeon Saben [publishment of intention of marriage, Sabens], Dec. 20, 1801.
Richard of Stoughtonham, and Mary Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 12, 1777.
Samuel, Capt., and Hannah Fisher, May 3, 1735. (Intention not recorded.)
Susan and Joel Fullar, Mar. 6, 1803.
Susan M. and Edmund Boyden, Oct. 27, 1842.
Susannah and John Smith Jr., Nov. 18, 1821.
Warren H. and Angenette Barrows, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 11, 1847.

Lois and John Foster, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 16, 1792.

Andrew and Mary Thompson, Aug. 31, 1820.
Charles and Susan K. Pond, May 28, 1840.
Elizabeth and Rev. Harrison. G. Park, publishment of intention of marriage, June 2, 1837.
Elizabeth W., 20, of Foxborough, d. E. and J., and Edward F. Jones, July 25, 1847. (Intention not recorded.)
Francis W. and Rebecca H. Cooke, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 19, 1833.
Francis W. and Abby Frances Newell, publishment of intention of marriage, May 16, 1843.
George Jr. and Eliza N. Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 20, 1822.
George of Milton, and Roxanna W. Sleeper, May 13, 1832.
Hannah W. [and] Jabez Morse, int Nov. 28, 1824.
Jonathan E and Irene Thomson [publishment of intention of marriage, Thompson], Nov 30, 1826.
Josiah N. and Martha B. Dean, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 20, 1822.
Martha and Isaac Perkins, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 4, 1827.’
Nathanel and Rhode Smith, June 28, 1803. (Intention not recorded.)
Nathaniel and Kezia [publishment of intention of marriage, Keziah] E. Payson, Dec. 31, 1826.
Samuel T. and Mary Topliff, publishment of intention of marriage, May 28, 1820.

Seth of Wrentham, and Rebecca Farringtoil, Dec. 6, 1798.
Tiffany F. of Foxboro, and Susan E. Mann, publishment of intention of marriage, July 3, 1833.

Hannah and Henry Battle, Aug. 4, 1819.
John Henry and Catharine P. [publishment of intention of marriage, omits P.] Gay, Oct. 27, 1834.
Mary Ann and Horace Plimpton, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 22, 1835.

BLACKMAN (see Blackmand),
Adam [publishment of intention of marriage, of Roxbery] and Tryphene Fisher, Nov. 5, 1761.

BLACKMAND (see Blackman),
Olive [publishment of intention of marriage, Blackman] and Asa Hartshorn, Mar. 24, 1796.

BLAK (see Blake),
Zerviah [publishment of intention of marriage, Blake of Wrentham] and Nathan Kingsbery, May 22, 1755.

BLAKE (see Blak),
Aaron and Mehetabel [publishment of intention of marriage, Mehitabel] Ellis Apr. 15, 1756.
Aaron and Elisabeth Clap, Apr. 28, 1785.
Barshaba [publishment of intention of marriage, Barsheba of Wrentham], and Henery Smith, Feb 5, 1761.
Betsy and Harvey Boyden, Jan. 23, 1811.
Charles F., 19, born Wrentham, s. Luke and H., of Wrentham, and
Adelaide [publishment of intention of marriage, Adelaid] M. Page, Aug. 15, 1846.
Dupee and Mary Snow Rice, publishment of intention of marriage, July 3, 1835.
Eliab of Wrentham, and Hannah Dupee, June 6, 1785. (Intention not recorded.)
Elias of Wrentham, and Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson] Anna Bullard, May 1, 1808.
Eliza and Henry [publishment of intention of marriage, Henery] B. Hodges, Aug. 27, 1820.
Eunice and David Morse, Dec. 19, 1826.
Eveline and Robert H. Baker, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 3, 1824.
Hannah [publishment of intention of marriage, Mrson Hannah Black] and Seth Clap Jr., Mar. 2, 1775.
Horrace of Wrantham [publishment of intention of marriage, Horatio of Wrentham, and Patty Day, Sept. 16, 1810.
Ira of N. Y., and Anna M. Polley, Nov. 15, 1831.
Jeremiah and Molly Pratt, Feb. 2, 1773.
Jeremiah [publishment of intention of marriage, Jerenniah] of Wrentham, and Clarisa [publishment of intention of marriage, Clarissa] Kingsbury, Nov. 29, 1828.
Josiah and Polly Coney, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 1, 1805.
Lucy and Alpheus Lyon, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 17, 1782.
Mary N. of Wrentham, and Harris W. Fisher, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 7, 1841.
Milla [publishment of intention of marriage, Mille] and Amos Fales, Apr. 19, 1807.
Mille, Mrson, and Eben[ezerl Clap Jr., publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 26, 1778.
Olive of Wrentham, and Benjamin Kingsbury, Oct. 20, 1785.
Robert of Wrentham, and Lydia Man, widow, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 12, 1783.
Sabin and Betsy Davis, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 11, 1816.
Vine and Daniel Clap, June 23, 1791.
Willing of Franklin, and Molly Lindley, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 22, 1792.

Sarah Ann and John Hall, Jan. 28, 1830.
Stephen [publishment of intention of marriage, of Medfield] and Sarah Partridge, July 2, 1744.

Isaac Jr. and Susan [publishment of intention of marriage, F.] Davis, Dec. 18, 1817.
Nancy, widow [publishment of intention of marriage, omits widow], 31, d. W[illia]m Parker and A., and James Richardson, July 9, 1848.

William H. of Holliston, and Mary Willett, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 25, 1837.

BOLKCOM (see Balkam),
George H. [publishment of intention of marriage, Balkcom] of Pawtucket, and Julia A. Pond, June 3, 1849.

Charls and Susan Whitney, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 11, 1831.
Ely [publishment of intention of marriage, Eli] and Hannah Kingsbury, June 2, 1805.
Levett and Mary Jackson, Apr. 22, 1833.

John B. of Medfield, and Mary Ann Slocum, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 6, 1829.

Francis and Bridget Cain, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 1, 1845.

Harrison and Louisa P. Pond, Nov. 29, 1828.

John P. of Rutland, and Polly Baker, Nov. 12, 1812.
John P. and Patty Belcher, July 24, 1822.

BOYCE (see Boyse).

BOYDEN (see Bayden),
Abagail, Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, Abigal, omits Mrson], and Samuel Smith Jr., Jan. 26, 1820.
Abigail and Timothy Wight, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 5, 1767.
Abigail and George Payson, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 9, 1770.
Abigail and Elijah Bardens, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 9, 1780.
Abigail and Thomas Clap, Apr. 17, 1794.
Adah of Wrentham, and Ebenezer Day, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 13, 1796.
Adaliza and Oliver M. Eldridge, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 7, 1846.
Ame and Samuel Smith, Nov. 22, 1787.
Benjamin and Huldy Amstery [publishment of intention of marriage, Armsbery], May 12, 1757.
Benjamin and Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson] Hannah Maxfield, Apr. 28, 1785.
Benjamin [publishment of intention of marriage, Benjamine] of Dedham, and Roxa [publishment of intention of marriage, Rockcy] Hartshorn, Jan. 14, 1800.
Benjamin L. and Sally C. Sales [publishment of intention of marriage, Sayles], Jan. 26, 1833.
Calle and Josiah Hall, publishment of intention of marriage, May 23, 1779.
Charlotte and Emmons Partridge, Feb. 5, 1823.
Clemantine and Jacob Fisher [publishment of intention of marriage, F.] Pond, Jan. 19, 1843.
Comfort and Asa Harding, Nov. 7, 1793.
Daniel and Marjory [publishment of intention of marriage, Margery] Foster, Oct. 27, 1768.
Daniel and Susy Cleaveland, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 5, 1797.
Daniel and Hannah Crawford, June 11, 1812.
David and Prudence Leach, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 9, 1730.
David and Margery Foster, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 14, 1749-50.
David [publishment of intention of marriage, Jr.] and Abigail Carriel [publishment of intention of marriage, Carrel], Jan. 30, 1755.
Deborah and David Fisher, Feb. 16, 1731-2. (Intention not recorded.)
Deborah [publishment of intention of marriage, Debroah] and Timothy Cudhorth [publishment of intention of marriage, Cudworth], Mar. 8, 1759.
Edmund and Susan M. Billings, Oct. 27, 1842.
Elhanan [publishment of intention of marriage, adds Lt.] and Mary Stearns, Sept. 2, 1762.
Elijah and Amity Fisher, Nov. 17, 1791.
Eliza and Oliver Smith, Nov. 22, 1804.
Eliza and John Mann, June 19, 1839.
Elizabeth C., d. Harvey, and Nathan Fisher, Sept. 9, 1835.
Ellis, 22, s. Harvey ana B., and Eliza M. Smith, Apr. 23, l848.
Elvira [publishment of intention of marriage, Elizza], 27, d. James and L., and John E. Grant, Sept. 2, 1846.
Esther and Ebenezer Baker, Aug. 8, 1770.
Esther, Mrson, and Capt. Ezekiel Plympton, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 4, 1779.
Esther and Oliver Page, publishment of intention of marriage, May 4, 1798.
Ezekiel and Lear Richardson, publishment of intention of marriage, July 24, 1763.
Fostor [publishment of intention of marriage, Foster] and Pheny Page, May 23, 1805.
Frelove and John Scott, publishment of intention of marriage, June 7, 1783.
Hannah and James Smith, July 25, 1728.
Hannah, Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson], and William Everet, July 10, 1760.
Hannah and James Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 17, 1771.
Hannah and Samuel Cudworth, July 1, 1784.
Harvey and Betsy Blake, Jan. 23, 1811.
Henrietta M. and Lyman Curtis, May 30, 1841.
Horatio and Charlotte W. Whiting, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 4, 1842.
Jacob and Lucy Clap, Feb. 22, 1786.
Jacob and Chloe Turner, May 13, 1804.
James and Lucy Clap, Oct. 10, 1811.
Jason and Hannah Mann, Apr. 29, 1802.
Jason 2d and Caroline M. Fuller, Feb. 5, 1835.
Jeremiah and Caty Plympton, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 7, 1805.
Jeremiah and Anna Carroll, May 2, 1830.
Jeremiah and Laura P. Ellis, Nov. 24, 1842, in Medway.
Jesse and Esther Paine, Aug. 21, 1803.
Joel and Alce [publishment of intention of marriage, Alice] Brand, Jan. 1, 1788.
John and Prudence Leach, [publishment of intention of marriage,] Oct. 19, 1728.
John and Thankful Morse, Nov. 23, 1738. (Intention not recorded.)
John and Hannah Hartshorn, Nov. 3, 1758 [sic, 1757]
John Jr. [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Jr.] and Sarah Foster, Aug. 20, 1761.
John [publishment of intention of marriage, Jr.] and [int Mrson] Olive Clap, Jan. 1, 1776.
John 4th and Lucy Smith, Nov. 29, 1804.
Jon[a]t[han] and Hannah Carrel, July 8, 1756.
Jonathan and Freelove [publishment of intention of marriage, Frelove] Smith, July 9, 1757.
Jonathan and [publishment of intention of marriage, “Mson”] Hannah Allen, Apr. 10, 1777.
Jonathan and Phebe.Robbins, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 31, 1779.
Joseph and Sarah Grigory [publishment of intention of marriage, Gregory], Apr. 26, 1787.
Joseph and Nabby Gilmore [publishment of intention of marriage, Gillmor], Oct. 2, 1799.
Joseph of Foxboro, and Nancy Ann Huff, June 15, 1842. (Intention not recorded.)
Joshua of Medfield, and Sarah Chenery, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 2, 1742-3.
Joshua and Mary Bradshaw, Jan. 7, 1774.
Joshua and Mrson Zilpha Man [int widow], Mar. 11, 1779.
Kate and Moses Ellis, Feb. 30, 1794.
Keziah of Medfield, and Oliver Clerk, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 28, 1762.
Keziah and Elias Man, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 13, 1782.
Lewis and Abigail Clap, Apr. 22, 1802.
Lois [publishment of intention of marriage, Loes] and Seth Dunbarr [publishment of intention of marriage, Dunbar], Feb. 11, 1768.
Lucinday of Medfield, and Isaac Wellman, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 15, 1811.
Lucy, widow, and Will[ia]m Bacon, Apr. 19, 1812.
Lucy and Lewis Sturtevant [publishment of intention of marriage, Sturtivant], July 4, 1825.
Luman and Mary Dudley, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 5, 1828.
Lydia and Jonathan Carrel, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 22, 1754.
Lydia and Phinehas Boyden, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 22, 1782.
Margret and Justin Bragg, Apr. 15, 1793.
Mary and Stephen Rhoads Jr. [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Jr.], Jan. 18, 1764.
Mary and Amos Ferrington [publishment of intention of marriage, Farrington], Nov. 2,8, 1799.
Mary and Charles Hawkins [publishment of intention of marriage, Hawlkins], Apr. 16, 1834.
Mary, 23, d. W. and L., and W[illia]m Otis Carroll, Nov. 24, 1847.
Mary Ann and Mason White, Apr. 27, 1824.
Maynard B. and Mary Bell, publishment of intention of marriage, May 7, 1836.
Mercy and Joshua Clap, Nov. 28, 1793.
Merib and John Smith, Jan. 26, 1786.
Nancy and Senica [publishment of intention of marriage, Seneca] Barber, June 14, 1797.
Nelle and Eliphaz Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, June 16, 1782.
Newell [publishment of intention of marriage, Bayden] and Harriot Andrew [publishment of intention of marriage, Andrews], Dec. 6, 1830.
Olive and Methyas Puffer, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 21, 1764.
Olive and Joseph Guild, Apr. 17, 1794.
Olive and Jedediah P. Leland, Sept. 12, 1843.
Otis and Julia A. Sleeper, Nov. 28, 1833.
Phebe and Adam Morse, Nov. 11, 1773.
Phebe, widow, and William Pettee, publishment of intention of marriage, May 19, 1796.
Phineas [publishment of intention of marriage, Phinehas] Jr. and Harriot Carroll, Apr. 30, 1826.
Phinehas and Lydia Boyden, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 22, 1782.
Phylah and Joseph Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, June 16, 1782.
Pliny [publishment of intention of marriage, Plina] and Clarisa [publishment of intention of marriage, Clarissa] Fales, Sept. 25, 1811.
Polly and Isaac Alden, Jan. 1, 1806.
Porter [publishment of intention of marriage, Bayden] of Dedham, and Mary Richards, Nov. 29, 1827.
Prudence and Ichabod [publishment of intention of marriage, Ichabud] Bullen, Mar. 14, 1750-1.
Rachel and Benjamin Perry, July 2, 1754.
Rebecca and Dwight F. Eager, Oct. 8, 1834.
Sabra of Foxboro, and Silas Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 20, 1842.
Samuel and Mary Day, Jan. 15, 1740-1.
Samuel Jr. [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Jr.] and Rachal [publishment of intention of marriage, Rachel] Fales, Feb. 10, 1777.
Samuel Jr. and Lucy Harris, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 15, 1807.
Sarah of Wrentham, and Daniel Clark, publishment of intention of marriage, June 30, 1765.
Sarah and Timothy Smith, Nov. 3, 1800.
Silas and Sally W. Fisher, Oct. 12, 1834.
Spencer and Rebecca Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 10, 1802.
Spenser [publishment of intention of marriage, Spencer] and Nancy Ellis, Dec. 25, 1809.
Susan and Joseph Crane, Dec. 1, 1831.
Susanna and Asa Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 18, 1781.
Thankfull and Ebenezer Hartshorn, Oct. 27, 1768.
Thomas and Susanna [publishment of intention of marriage, Susanah] Harris, May 24, 1731.
Unity and Matthias Armby, publishment of intention of marriage, June 7, 1783.
Warren and Lucretia Pond, Apr. 9, 1817.
Warren Jr. and Lucinda Ann Rhoades, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 7, 1844.
Zerviah and Fisher Hartshon, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 15, 1779.
Zilpha and Royal Smith, Jan. 24, 1793.

Esther and Joseph Petty, publishment of intention of marriage, May 5, 1753.

Herman and Maria E. Titus, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 21, 1842.

Elizabeth of Cumberland, and John Connaly, publishment of intention of marriage, June 3, 1761.

Polly of Attleborough, and Daniel Atherton, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 12, 1790.
Walter of Medfield, and Sarah Mann, Sept. 21, 1795. (Intention not recorded.)

Mary of Stoughtonham, and Joshua Boyden, Jan. 7, 1774.

Henry and Sarah Pribel, Dec. 5, 1791.
Justin and Margret Boyden, Apr. 15, 1793.
Margret and John Marsh, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 7, 1798.
Polly [publishment of intention of marriage, Polley] and George Fairbank [publishment of intention of marriage, Fairbanks], July 22, 1813.

John and Elona Smith, Jan. 23, 1832.

Alce [int Alice] and Joel Boyden, Jan. 1, 1788.

Sally [publishment of intention of marriage, Sarah] of Berwick, Me., and Isaac Alden, July 25, 1842, in Foxbury.

BRIGGS (see Brigs),
Deborah of Berkeley, and Joshua Hatch, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 22, 1769.
Lucinda and Leonard Morse, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 9, 1828.

Hosea of Worcester, and Mary Pond, Mar. 17, 1825.
Moses of Worster [publishment of intention of marriage, Worcester], and Chloe Pond, Dec. 3, 1818.

BRIGS (see Briggs),
William and Mary Fisher, Nov. 5, 1761.

Robert of Rainham [publishment of intention of marriage, Britton of Raynham], and
Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson] Elisabeth Fales, Dec. 10, 1783.

Thomas and Esther P. Carroll, Oct. 7, 1832.

Rebecah and Ziba Thompson, publishment of intention of marriage, June 4, 1820.

Eliza and George W. Kingsbury, May 7, 1839.
James of Roxbury, and Sarah Bullard, Dec. 15, 1831.
John of Boston, and “ms” Abigail Fisher, publishment of intention of marriage, June 27, 1775.
John of Boston, and Abigail Tupper, June 29, 1775. (Intention not recorded.)
John Jr. and Nancy M. Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 30, 1843.
Mary Abraham of Wrentham, and Luther Fales, Aug. 9, 1810. (Intention not recorded.)
Nancy H. of Boston, and George Hacker, publishment of intention of marriage, May 2, 1813.
Rufus, 24, of Palmer, s. J. and H., and Hannah Partridge, Sept.6, 1848. (Intention not recorded.)
Sarah [publishment of intention of marriage, Sally] and Abner Bill, Feb. 27, 1772.
Silence [publishment of intention of marriage, Silena] and Gregory S. Rockwood, Apr. 11, 1833.

Charlotte [publishment of intention of marriage, Charlottee] and Josiah Tilden, Apr. 1, 1822.
David and Mary Partridge, Feb. 23, 1797.

Franklin E. [publishment of intention of marriage, Brummet], 22, s. L. and S., and Lucy Allen, Jan. 2, 1848.

Sarah, Mrson, of Deadham, and Joseph Gay, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 20, 1757.

Luce, Mrson, of Medway, and Joshua Clap 3d, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 14, 1777.

William and Margaret Mann, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 6, 1826.

Abigail S. and Daniel Turner, Oct. 28, 1835.

BULERD (see Bullard),
Abigail and Joshua Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 1, 1728.

BULLAN (see Bullen),
Isaac [publishment of intention of marriage, Bullens] of Newton, and Margaret Clap [publishment of intention of marriage, Clapp], Mar. 15, 1829.

BULLARD (see Bulerd),
Abigail, “Ms,” of Dedham, and Aaron Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 22, 1774.
Abner of Sturbridge [publishment of intention of marriage, Sturbridg], and Mary Sanders, Dec. 5, 1765.
Anna, Mrson [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Mrson], and Elias Blake, May 1, 1808.
Benjamin of Sherbourn [publishment of intention of marriage, Sherburne], and Anna Dexter, Apr. 3, 1811.
Catherine and Henry Partridge Jr., Oct. 3, 1802. (Intention not recorded.)
Charlotte [publishment of intention of marriage, Charlottee], d. Isaac and w., and Charles D. Hartshorn, Nov. 26, 1848.
Delina and Asa Clap, May 7, 1826.
Ebenezer of Sharon, and Jemima Man, Jan. 20, 1785.
Elisabeth and Ebenezer Clap Jr., publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 6, 1788.
Geo[rge] and Catharine Guild, Aug. 19, 1827.
Hannah and Nathan Carrel, Nov. 6, 1799.
Irena [publishment of intention of marriage, Irene] and Eliphat [publishment of intention of marriage, Eliphalet] Clap, June 23, 1791.
Isaac and Sally Nason, Nov. 9, 1800.
Jabez of Boston, and Mary [publishment of intention of marriage, Molly] Hartshorn, Sept. 30, 1799.
Jemima and Joseph Willet, Sept. 18, 1799.
Joel and Charlote Billings, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 18, 1795.
Mary and [torn] Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, [Mar.] 30, 1745.
Mary of Deadham, and Seth Sanders, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 7, 1761.
Mary and Joseph Holmes, June 30, 1785.
Nabby of Dedham, and Benjamin Day, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 31, 1805
Nancy and Charles Hartshorn, Oct. 29, 1834.
Olive and Charles Guild, Jan. :29, 1793.
Roxcy of Dedham, and John Day, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 6, 1809.
Sarah of Sharon, and Noah Bardens, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 23, 1794.
Sarah and James Brown, Dec. 15, 1831.
Seth and Johanna Lewis, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 4, 1761.
Willard of Roxbury, and Susan Day, Dec. 3, 1835.
William and Hannah Sumner, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 28, 1765.
William and Mary E. Clap, Nov. 9, 1843.

BULLEN (see Bullan),
Abiram [publishment of intention of marriage, Abriam] of Needham, and
Mary A. F. [publishment of intention of marriage, Ann Frances] Smith, May 16, 1838.
Amaziah [publishment of intention of marriage, Bulling] of Medfield [in pencil], and Rachel Law-rence, Apr. 9, 1776.
Ichabod [publishment of intention of marriage, Ichabud of Medfield] and Prudence Boyden, Mar. 14, 1750-1.
Ichabod and Rebecca Pedrick, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 28, 1819.

Orpah [publishment of intention of marriage, Burbanks] and Daniel Chickering, Apr. 28, 1819.

Sarah E. and Christopher E. McNair, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 16, 1844.

Thomas of Foxborough, and Julia Ann Keith, June 24, 1832, in Foxboro. (Intention not recorded.)
Thomas and Nancy Smith, Jan. 6, 1835. (Intention not recorded.)

Simeon of Newton, and Anna Smith, Dec. 16, 1827.

Abraham and Mary Asten, publishment of intention of marriage, July 28, 1754.

Nancy A., 20, d. W. R. and E. S., and
George L. Ingraham, Oct. 14, 1846.
W[illia]m R. and Eliza Norwood, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 1, 1845.

Marriage Records,

Town of Walpole, Mass. Vital records of Walpole, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston: New-England Historic Genealogical Society at the charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund. 1902.

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