Bennet, Nathaniel J. – Obituary

Nathaniel J. Bennet, father of Mrs. A. B. Lee of Redstone township, died Monday night [March 19, 1929] of old age. Mr. Bennet has been in failing health since away along last summer and has steadily been growing weaker. He was 70 years, 2 months and 27 days old at the time of his death. He had always been a very active man and had never been sick a day in his life until last summer. Mr. Bennet has resided on the farm west of town for a number of years, coming here from Iowa some fifteen years go, and … Read more

Knowles Family of New Bedford, MA

thomas knowles

The family bearing this name in New Bedford, where it is one of nearly one hundred years’ standing one, too, of prominence and wealth, is a branch of the ancient Knowles family of the town of Eastham, Barnstable county, this Commonwealth. Reference is made to some of the descendants of the brothers Thomas and James H. Knowles of Eastham, several of whose sons – at least two of the former and one of the latter – in their earlier manhood cast their lot with the people of New Bedford. The firm of Thomas Knowles & Co. for many years was one of the greatest engaged in the whale fishery business in New Bedford; and its members in turn have been succeeded in business by younger generations who have most worthily worn the family name and sustained its reputation; and today the name continues of record in and about the city of their birth connected prominently with many of the most extensive commercial establishments and banking institutions of the locality.

Cattaraugus Indian Reservation Map and Occupants, 1890

Theodore F. Jimerson (De-hah-teh), Cattaraugus Seneca

The Cattaraugus Reservation, in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, and Erie Counties, New York, as delineated on the map, occupies both sides of Cattaraugus creek. It is 9.5 miles long on a direct east and west line, averages 3 miles in width at the center, dropping at is eastern line an additional rectangle of 2 by 3 miles. A 6-mile strip on the north and 2 “mile blocks” at diagonal corners are occupied by white people, and litigation is pending as to their rights and responsibilities. The Seneca Nation claims that the permit or grant under which said lands were occupied and improved … Read more

B Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

BABBITT, Betsey and Samuel G. Clap, Mar. 8, 1843. Sarah P., 21, d. Willard and S., and Luther Hayward, widower [publishment of intention of marriage, omits widower], May 29, 1848. Sophia and George Copeland, Apr. 10, 1842. BACON, Alfred of Dover, and Harriett Perry, Nov. 27, 1834. Anna of Dedham, and William Kindall 1st, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 19, 1774. Betsy [publishment of intention of marriage, Betsey] and Jonathan Colbourn [publishment of intention of marriage, Coulbourn], May 23, 1797. Charlotte and George W. Thomas, May 28, 1840. Dean and Sybil C. Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. … Read more

Miller Family of Middleboro MA

Atlantic Works

ABISHAI MILLER, than whom no man connected with the iron industry in New England stood higher in reputation for skill and efficiency in workmanship, and at the time of his death, Jan. 30, 1883, president of the Atlantic Works, which he had helped to organize and in the prosperity of which he had long been a vital factor, was born June 22, 1809, in Fall Brook, Middleboro, Mass., son of John and Susanna (Sparrow) Miller, and a member of a family which located in that town in the seventeenth century. John Miller, a native of England, born in 1624, was … Read more

Bennet, W.J. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon A Sudden Death Architect W.J. Bennet of La Grande Expires at the Hotel in Union Wednesday Morning A surprise and shock to this community was the advise by phone that architect W.J. Bennet, of La Grande, died at the Hotel in Union at an early hour yesterday morning. he was taken suddenly ill about midnight and medical attendance was immediately summoned, but all efforts were unavailing. Heart disease is said to be the cause of death. Deceased was a member of the Masonic fraternity and K. of P. and had belonged to the Macabees but … Read more

Narrative of the Captivity of Nehemiah How

Fort Dummer

A Narrative of the captivity of Nehemiah How, who was taken by the Indians at the Great Meadow Fort above Fort Dummer, where he was an inhabitant, October 11th, 1745. Giving an account of what he met with in his traveling to Canada, and while he was in prison there. Together with an account of Mr. How’s death at Canada. Exceedingly valuable for the many items of exact intelligence therein recorded, relative to so many of the present inhabitants of New England, through those friends who endured the hardships of captivity in the mountain deserts and the damps of loathsome prisons. Had the author lived to have returned, and published his narrative himself, he doubtless would have made it far more valuable, but he was cut off while a prisoner, by the prison fever, in the fifty-fifth year of his age, after a captivity of one year, seven months, and fifteen days. He died May 25th, 1747, in the hospital at Quebec, after a sickness of about ten days. He was a husband and father, and greatly beloved by all who knew him.

Biography of Honorable Reuben Hatch

Reuben Hatch was born at Preston, Connecticut, July 7, 1763, and came to Norwich at an early age with his father, Joseph Hatch. He entered Dartmouth College in 1782, but was unable to complete his course of studies there by reason of ill health. Afterwards he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits and became a successful farmer; residing at different times at Tunbridge, Chelsea and Weathersfield. From “Life and Times of William Jarvis” we make the following extracts: “Mr. Reuben Hatch came from Norwich to Weathersfield Bow and bought the large brick house built by a Mr. Jennison, and considerable … Read more

1923 Historical and Pictorial Directory of Angola Indiana

1923 Angola Indiana Directory Book Cover

Luedders’ historical and pictorial city directory of Angola, Indiana for the year 1923, containing an historical compilation of items of local interest, a complete canvass of names in the city, which includes every member of the family, college students, families on rural lines, directory of officers of county, city, lodges, churches, societies, a directory of streets, and a classified business directory.