1758, July 30, Fort Loudoun

Sir on the 20th jnstant arrived here the Express with Letters from your Excellency, and according your orders, the next Day j Sent to Chotee, to acquaint old Hopp and the rest of the Warriours, that j had Letters to Communicate to them, and desired them to appointd the Day and Place where we shoul meet. old Hopp sent me word, that he should be glad to see me ar Chotee on the 21_h accordingly j went with Ensn. Coytmore and Dr. Anderson, and in my way j took little Carpenter with me. when we came there, old Hopp Said, … Read more

1759, January 26, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 18th Instant arrived here the Exprefs with the Agreeable News of the Reduction of Fort DuQuenoi Immdiately I order’d From Tender Armis field, if Great Guns & the Shen Three Collies the Same Day Sent word to Old Hopp. I shod. Be with Him the Hea’t Day. Accordingly whent to Chotia & found him wth. The Standing sTurkey in his Hold House & as I intended to Spek with the Great Warriour, I desired him to Send for Him wch. He did I then told them, what yor. Excellency wrote to me Concerning this Reducttion of Fort DuQuenoi, … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Thomas

HENRY C. THOMAS. James Township, Stone County, Missouri, has its full quota of vigorous, enterprising, thoroughgoing agriculturists, whose popularity is based upon both their social qualities and their well-known integrity and unusual industry. None among them is more popular or has worked more perseveringly than he of whom we write. Like at least one-half of the citizens of the county, Mr. Thomas is a native of Tennessee, born in Monroe County, in the month of December, 1848, to the union of George W. and Sarah A. (Smallin) Thomas, both natives of Monroe County, Tennessee, the father born September 15, 1819, … Read more

1758, October 15, Fort Loudoun

Sir two Days ago j recived you Excellency’s Letter of the 28th of August, with another for Old Hop. Accordingly yesterday j went to Chotee and delivered it to him he told me, he was very glad to hear from you, and desired me to acquaint your Excellency that you Might depend on him, and that he would do always his best Endeavours, to keep Peace & Harmony between the English, & his People, that he was very Sorry, for what had happened but he could not help it. As Mr. Beamer’s Son was with me, he gave him a … Read more

1757, July 11, Fort Loudown Letter 3

May it Please your Excellency On the 2d Instant M. Grim arrived here with 99 Head of Catle, they are the best brought up yet and deserves to be continued in the Imploy. I have sent Patrick Troy and Patrick Gallahan with 20 Horses to be Loaden with Salt, and as Salt is an Ariticle much made use of here I have order’d Henry Gallman to sent two waggons to Town to be Loaden with 50 bushels Salt, And if the Ozenbrigs and plains I wrot for in my former is not sent, it may be Loaden in the waggons. … Read more

Biography of F. M. Richards

F. M. RICHARDS. The calling of the merchant is one of the utmost importance in any community, and one of its most successful followers at Rome, Douglas County, Missouri, is F. M. Richards, who has been a resident of the county since 1867. He was born in Monroe County, Tennessee, March 31, 1836, a son of Frederick and Elizebeth (Renfro) Richards. the former of whom was born in Kentucky, a son of John Richards. Mrs. Richards was also born on Blue Grass soil and was a daughter of William Renfro. The subject of this sketch was but two years old … Read more

Tamali Tribe

It is in the highest degree probable that this town is identical with the Toa, Otoa, or Toalli of the De Soto chroniclers, the –lli of the last form representing presumably the Hitchiti plural –ali. Be that as it may, there can be little question regarding the identity of Tamałi with the town of Tama, which appears in Spanish documents of the end of the same century and the beginning of the seventeenth. In 1598 Mendez de Canço, governor of Florida, writes that he plans to establish a post at a place “which is called Tama, where I have word … Read more

1757, July 23, Fort Loudoun Letter 2

Sir This Morning I Delivered my Dispatches to M. Elliot, and was in hopes that he had been thirty Miles off when in the Evening the Bearer of theis Moyetoy of Chota a Leading man came to me and told me that he had an inclinaiton to go to Charles Town with M. Elliot, this thing is done on purpofe, for Elliot is afraid to be arrefted and he thinks that having Some Indians with him, that he will be protected and come off, which I hope he may on Account of the Publick good, he did what ever he … Read more

1758, September 30, Fort Loudoun

Sir A few Days after enfion Coytmore went from hence Richard Smith the Linguifter came here from Fort Cumberland with a letter to Old Hop from the late Governour Mr. Glen to invite the Cherokees to go to War with the General against the French. They debated on the Subject a few Days, at last the Little Carpenter said he would go; and fixed on the twentieth of August for his Journey. He beat up for Volunteers, and went away with thirty. I received a Letter from your Excellency the Difturbances between the People in Virginia and thefe People have … Read more

1757, August 23, Fort Loudoun

Friends and Brothers I once Desired you to meet me and my People at Broad River which you Did. And at time you Promised to Build a fort in my nation which you have Performed. According to Your Agreement. But I am much surprised at your not sending men to Garison your fort as you Promised to Do. I muft Put you in mind of the Traid you have so often talked of. I hope you will not Delaye in sending men and all nefsearys fit for a fort. I hope it will Be of advantage to you as well … Read more

1759, April 10, Fort Loudoun

Most Honr. Sir, I Trouble you with ___ in Hopes you wd. Be so Indulgins as to Remember You kind Promise I have been here hear Two years but shod. The Service not Such wth. You to releave me wd. Very Readily Compound with your Excellency to Continue for any Time you shod. Think Proper not Excuding Two__if yor. Goodnefs wod. Excuse me hear to be sent ___for the Further I Understand ther’s a a likelihood of Severall Premotions in the In_ipend Company’s, I Hope you will be so kind as to see I ____ Have Justice done me being … Read more

Biography of Edward A. Blades

EDWARD A. BLADES. The farming class of America is notable for the degree of intelligence that is possessed among its representatives. Our subject belongs to one of the most progressive of families, and is proud of the fact that his father was one of those fast disappearing landmarks of a heroic past-an early pioneer. Mr. Blades was born in Monroe County, East Tennessee. In 1830, but his parents, Edward and Ellen (Maner) Blades, were natives of North Carolina, where they grew to mature years and united their fortunes. From there they removed to Tennessee, and about 1836 came by ox-team … Read more

1759, April 6, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 14th Isntn. Arrived the Exprefs with Dispatches from you Excellency, I hope James Holme’s whom I have sent with an Exprefs to Your Excellency is Arrived Safe, I afshure you When I sent Him, we did not know what to make of the Indian’s there was Nothing but bad talks Amongst them, & they had Meetings every day, Old Hopp & the Standing Turkey seem’d to Protect them verry much, I do not know what to make of Judge Friend, I have great reason to believe that Willinaway is sincere, he has been Constantly at there Meetings, And … Read more

Biography of Capt. S. H. Julian

Captain Julian is the son of Isaac and Nancy (Wood) Julian, and was born, in Monroe county, Tennessee, April 4, 1822. When he was fifteen years of age his parents moved to Greene county, Missouri, and settled the farm in Cass township, where they both afterwards died. Stephen grew to manhood upon the farm, and on May 15, 1842, was married to Miss Sarah L. Vestal, of Putnam county, Indiana, but a native of North Carolina. They were blessed with six children, Flavius C., Melcena M., Mary L., John C. (deceased), Robert F. and William R. He built a house … Read more

1759, November 15, Fort Loudoun

Sir Mr. Elliot came to this Fotrt yesterday and Brought to Captain Demere a Copy of your Excellency’s Letter to Mr. Coytmore Captain Bemere having been indisposed Some days has desired me to acquaint your Excellency that theere are not Twelve indians in these over_ill Towns. But are all out a hunting. And yesterday before Elliot’s Arrival the Carpenter went out for a Short hunt of four days, we have dispatched a Runner for him as Elliot has brought your Exxcelly’s talk to the middle Settlement Indians, which Cap’ Demere propose reading to him if he Return before Mr. Elliot … Read more

1757, July 23, Fort Loudoun Letter 1

Sir On the 20th Inftant M. Elliot came into the fort, and it seems that matters goes on very bad by the Oppinion the Indians have Consived of us so Suddenly, on Account of Jellousy for he want of the Ammunition, on Such a criticall Juncture of time, not only war, but they cant go out and kill a bit of meat for their family’s, that in Short they imagine we want oly a Large quantity of Privifsions and Ammunition in the fort, and then a body of men will come up and od what we pleafe with them, as … Read more

1759, February 27, Fort Loudoun

Sir I received you Dispatches of the 2nd Inst. The 25th Last month I acquainted you Excellency that the Great Warriour had disappointed me in not going to Warr as he promised, Giving out in the town Houses that a Great many white people where coming up to destoy them from Charlestown, On which their Young people grew very Imertinent Threatening to kill the white people here, & then Stop the Communication between their & Keowee, the Same day the Exprefs left this I Send the Linguister to Chattuga, to see if Thickleggs, a warriour of that town wou’d go … Read more

1759, December 7, Fort Loudoun Letter 2

Sir This well be delivered by the Carpenter who Setts out this morning with a firm Resolution of accomodating matters with Your Excellency, he Expects that the Transgrefsors witll be Demmanded and has Just told me that his Voice will be for Delivering them he may at first plead for them as he Affects popularity, but I am confident he will fall into all your Excellency’s measures, he Goes without Speaking to, or Receiving any mefsage from Old Hop and Says that he only waits for orders from Your Exey to take upon him the Execution of the Old Fellows … Read more

1759, April 12, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 5th of Febry. 1758, j sent on Acct. to your Excellency of Thing issued to the jndians to the Amount of 355 Curoy. In favour of Messrs. Sonjn. Smith & ____________and as those Gentlemen never wrote to me about it, j am afraid it was never pat’d therefore j beg, your Excellency will Speack that j may be pay’d, it was 3 Days after my arrival, and all the Gentlemen then present persuaded me to do it as my Brother had not Enough to give to large Gang of Indians that came from War. The other Day two … Read more

1759, November 22, Fort Loudoun

Sir On the 19th Currant at night Macknamar Arrived here by him I was honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of 12th Currant next Day Captain Demere delivered the Talk to the Carpenter who Exprefs great pleasure at your Excellencys promise to take off the Black beads, as he has upon all occasions Since his Return Showen great desire of Being invited to meet your Excelly Capt Demere added to the talk that you would be pleased to Meet him with the Warriors of the middle Settlements at Keewee. Those have sent the Carprean Invitation to be of there party when … Read more