1757, July 23, Fort Loudoun Letter 4

Last Updated on February 9, 2013 by Dennis


When I began the Last Leter which I had the honour of writing to your excellency, I though nothing could be more certainly depended on than that all French Talks were forgotten and all their Machination Frustrated in this nation but before I had finished the mefsenger Sent by these people to the Creek nation returned, we found out that they had been with the Savannahs and at the Albama Fort, and we had reason to believe from the behaviour and Character of the persons who had been Employed on that Embafsie, that the mefsages they Carried and brought back were not favourable to us, the heads of all the Towns in the Nation were Summonsed to meet at Chota on the 14th Currant, but very few of the Leading men Came from the Valley and Lower Towns and but for a few from the Middle Settlements. They said Publickly that they Expected to hear nothing good, and that they were tired of bad Talks, about the Same time Captain Demere received M. Pepper’s Seller from New windsor acquainting him with the information he had received from the Coveta’s of these peoples designes against us here and of their proposalls to the Creek nation, I thought it not improper to Speak to the Carpenter on this Subject, acquainting him that our information came by the Creeks for altho we would not be accefsaries to an open breach yet a dess________or Jealousy which may creat a Coolnefs can be of no difsadvatage to us, the Carpenter Seemed Surprised but professed freindship for us in the warmest manner and desired that I would go with him to the General meeting, which I cacordingly did. The whole consisted of Compliments and professions of freindship from the different Towns in the Creek Nation to the Towns in this nation accompanyed with so many Strings of white beads. The French Sent in a String of white beads and Some Tobacco for Old Hop which he received, they were delivered with professions of freindship & Compliments for which the Mefsenger wsa thanked. When I came away the Carpenter returned with me to the fort, he told me that in all probability there would be other talks which they chose not to deliver before us, but that they would be of little signigicaiton that there was much said after we came away is Certain but we had not been particularly informed of it. On the 17th M. Elliot returned from Virginia, and the 18 his pack horsemen and Some horses returned from Charles Town Empty, not one shillingworth of goods nothing could fall out more unluckily, Your Excelly will See by the Seller from the head men, how much the Indians are disturbed at it, Every Forgery from the French & Savannahs gains Credit, being Strongly inculcated by that party here but it falls heavy on the carpenter the party which sells itself in opposition to him. Throw the whole blame on him and says that this is the Effects of his Counsells and negociationjs which makes him uneasy and think himself in Some measure ill used. From which Your Excellency will See the necifsity of an Immediate Supply of Poweder & ball and Such other things as are necefsary to fill them for their hunting Grounds. This goes by M. Elliot who we were Glad to gett to go down to Quiet the minds of the Indians, who will rest Satisfyed till Such time as they may reasonable Expect him back and bo longer I am very Certain but we are in hopes before that time to be able to afsure them of a Supply. Altho the Eloquence of St. Paul would not remove their uneasynefs till they see the Things they want.

M. Elliot complains much of the hardship of fitting out the Indians for their hunting Ground upon Credit, as all the other Traders in the Nations do unlicensed people come in the winter to their Towns with Small cargoes, and pick up the Skins with which they should be paid and there is no body properly authorised to Supprefs this practice.

There is a party of Savannahs’ at or near Talico Severall runners and mefsengers have been in there within these few days from them. French John Will Certainly be at Chota tomorrow or next day this I have had from Old Hop. As Captain Demere writes your Excellency very minutly I shall add no more but that I have the honour of Being with the Greatest Respect.


Your Excellency’s

Most obedient am most
Humble Sert

John Stuart

I have desired the great Warriour to be here this day with whom I shall have some conversation concerning the Savannahs.

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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