Biography of Charles B. Grigsby

CHARLES B. GRIGSBY. One of the old and prominent citizens of Stone County, Arkansas, is Charles B. Grigsby, who has labored for the good of this section for many years, although a native of Monroe County, East Tennessee; he was born in 182S, to James and Margaret (Houston) Grigsby, who were born in the Old Dominion. They were married in Blount County, Tennessee, and made their home there and in Loudon Counties until 1850, when they came to Arkansas, locating in Independence County, eight miles above Batesville and two miles from the White River. While residing in Tennessee, the father held the office of constable for twenty-four years, and he also became one of the substantial citizens of Independence County, Arkansas He was a Whig in politics and at the time of his death was about sixty-one years of age, while his wife attained the age of eighty-five years. Her grandfather reared Gen. Sam Houston, who afterward became so well known in the history of Tennessee and Texas. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby eight children were born, of whom the subject of this sketch was the fifth.

Charles attended school in Monroe County, Tennessee, and there made his home until 1848, when he came to Arkansas and located in Independence County, in the Barrens, nine miles west of Batesville, where he rented land for a time, then entered a forty-acre tract five miles west of where he then lived. After residing there a few years he bought land in the southern part of the county, and fifty acres in the bottom, on which he erected a cotton gin which was later destroyed by fire, with seventy-five bales of cotton. This fire left him $4,800 in debt, but he kept his land there for ten or twelve years longer. The farm on which he now resides consists of 160 acres of land, forty acres of which are in the Coon Creek bottom. He has devoted the most of his attention to farming and stockraising since coming to Arkansas, and for some time while residing in Independence County he served in the capacity of deputy sheriff under Robert R. Case. In September, 1862, he joined Rutherford’s Battalion, and was afterward with Anderson’s cavalry until the war closed. He for some time served in the capacity of assistant quartermaster, and during this time had many queer experiences. He was in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and was on the Missouri raid, participating in all the battles of that famous campaign. In 1855 he was married to Martha Warren, who was born in Dyer County, Tennessee, and to them seven children have been given, three sons and four daughters, the former of whom are at home and also one of the daughters. Their mother is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and socially Mr. Grigsby is a Mason and a member of the I. O. O. F. He is a Democrat politically. Mr. Grigsby has seen many ups and downs in his life, for when he came to Arkansas he had $1 in money and was in debt $55. He was very successful, however, and when the war broke out he was in good circumstances financially, but at the close of the war had to again commence anew. He is now well off and thoroughly enjoys the fruits of his early industry and self-denial.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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