1758, July 30, Fort Loudoun

Last Updated on November 9, 2012 by


on the 20th jnstant arrived here the Express with Letters from your Excellency, and according your orders, the next Day j Sent to Chotee, to acquaint old Hopp and the rest of the Warriours, that j had Letters to Communicate to them, and desired them to appointd the Day and Place where we shoul meet. old Hopp sent me word, that he should be glad to see me ar Chotee on the 21_h accordingly j went with Ensn. Coytmore and Dr. Anderson, and in my way j took little Carpenter with me. when we came there, old Hopp Said, j am affraid my Brother, the Governer, has heard of the Behaviour of Som of our People, but j protest j am innocent of it, and wish that great many more had Suffered for their bad Conduct. When j had read to them what had happened in Virginia, and all their Recontees, they Seemed to be Sorry for it, and old Hopp Said, j told them when they went away, to be kind to the White People, but some will be Rogues; and we have to many amongst us, Expecialy the lower Towns; on which j tolk him that Some of Satico had been cncerned with the rest, and that j was well informed that they had brought with them great Quantity of Goods, belonging to the White People.

j know that very well Said old Hopp, and have heard of it but what can j do, j must Call them all together, and Speack to them j desire you to come back here on the 28th and you shall have my answer. Accordingly we went and we Saw great many jndians on their Great Parade, but the old Man, was not Satisfied, and thought that great many neglected to come, on his call, and Said, that if he was going to tell them Lyes, they would Come in greater Number, but as they knew that he was going to tell them truth, they di’nt chose to Come. then he begon to give them a Talk; Saying that great many went to the Noth. dare pretente to assist the English against their Enemyes, that they had been kindly well come there, and that an their Coming back, they had comited great Hostilities against their Freinds, that he was Shamed of their Conduct, and did not know what to thinck of them. he would write to his Brother the Governor.

The same day j recived a Letter from Mr. Gist and another for old Hop Wherin he mentioned what had happened in Virginia when they heard the Contents of it, they all blamed their own People, and Said they were Rogues, and did not behave like friends.

The next Day the little Carpenter in Company with Willilawah Came to See me, and Said that they were to Eat with me, I told them they were well come and glad of their company, Come time after j said to them, that j had heard that some jndians of the Middle Settlements and those of the lower Towns intended to Surprise Keowee Fort, and to kill the White People; he answered that a head Man of the lower Towns had talked about it, but he was Sure that they would thinck long while before they do it, and if they were comiting any Hostilities against the White People, then they would join all together, and destroy them all. He further Said, j have spoke to two Warriors to go to Keowee with my Brother Coytmore, they are to give a Strong Talk, to the lower Towns jndians and as he will be there present, he will hear whay they say, and will inform your excellency of their intentions. He then desired to write to you

J Sincerily belive that our Upper Towns are very much to our jnterest at present. But in the same time, j am most certain, that the whole depends on the News; that we shall hear from the North.

We had lately Some French Partys in these Parts, Some of our hunters failed among them, the King of Chotee and another jndian were killed but j have heard nothing further.

Eight Days ago the thick Legg Warrior came back with his party, they have been absent five Months, but had no Succes. They have been at fort L’Assomption, and have Seen Many Parties going back & forward towards that Fort, but they were to weak to atten any Thing. He declares that he will go there back again after the green Corn Dance to Endeavour to have better Succes. J shall be infinitly obliged to you Excellency, if you would tell me know, whether j am to encourage the jndians to go to war against the French Fort, as j am very certain great many will propose it at their green Corn Dance and what they are to recive, at their Setting out. They were always allowed for a great journey, two Pounds of Powder, four Ponds of Bullets, & a great knif a Piece, besided Pint, few Hatches, and one War Hatchet, and Flints j hope not withstanding all their Threatenings, that j shall always be able to acquaint your Excellency that Every Thing goes on well, in these Parts, and that j am with great Respect.


Your Excellency’s

Most obedient
& most humble Servant

Paul Demere

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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