1759, June 1, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 26th of Last Month the Little Carpenter arrived here & came directly to the fort and said that he was verry sorry to hear that in his Absence there had been so many bad talks and that Some of them had been to Virginia & killed the white People there & that he did not Know how to behave on this Occafsion, but that Since he was come it Shoud be so no more & that he had given good talks to all the towns as came along and in three day’s I will Acquaint You with the … Read more

Biography of Capt. S. H. Julian

Captain Julian is the son of Isaac and Nancy (Wood) Julian, and was born, in Monroe county, Tennessee, April 4, 1822. When he was fifteen years of age his parents moved to Greene county, Missouri, and settled the farm in Cass township, where they both afterwards died. Stephen grew to manhood upon the farm, and on May 15, 1842, was married to Miss Sarah L. Vestal, of Putnam county, Indiana, but a native of North Carolina. They were blessed with six children, Flavius C., Melcena M., Mary L., John C. (deceased), Robert F. and William R. He built a house … Read more

1757, July 11, Fort Loudoun Letter 1

Sir Juft as my Dispatches were a letter from Capt. Morris Arrived from Theowee, Dispatched from Esign Bogges, with a letter from Capt. Daniel Pepper, from New Windfor, a Coppy of which I send your Excellency with a letter from Leiut. Wall Directed to me, & a coppy of another that he wrote to John Hatton of Theowee which Original Ensign Bogges acquaints me that he has Sent to your Excellency, together with one of James Nosmith I do no Approve of Leuit. Wall writing to me to interceed for him with your Excellency, after his last Behaviour in attempting … Read more

1758, July 31, Fort Loudoun

Sir J am Sorry to acquaint your Excellency, with Things that j heard this Morning, which trouble me much, and may ruin me intirely. Elliot brought back again a Certificate which he recived for payments last Winter when they were going to kill the Stears, the Butchers told me they had nothing to put the meat in after is was Salted and would be Spoiled they desired to have large Casks made for the porpas, which j did, Seeing that they could not do without it. The assembly would not accept it, as he Says. When j ordered last fall … Read more

1759, November 3, Fort Loudoun

Sir Sixteen Days ago I Reed, a letter from Capt. Stuart, and inclosed a Copy of a letter from your Excellency to him. The 24th of last month arrived Little Carpenter, and Willeleway with their Gang, having two French Prisoners, with them; as he knew very well, that there was at Fort La Afsumption, great many Savana Indians, constantly watching, and on Scouts, he went on Mifsifsipi River, where he knew that there were constantly People pafsing and repafsing, from New Orleans, to New Charlres, and from thence to Fort La Afsumption: he thought to meet some whom he might … Read more

1759, April 12, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 5th of Febry. 1758, j sent on Acct. to your Excellency of Thing issued to the jndians to the Amount of 355 Curoy. In favour of Messrs. Sonjn. Smith & ____________and as those Gentlemen never wrote to me about it, j am afraid it was never pat’d therefore j beg, your Excellency will Speack that j may be pay’d, it was 3 Days after my arrival, and all the Gentlemen then present persuaded me to do it as my Brother had not Enough to give to large Gang of Indians that came from War. The other Day two … Read more

8 May 1759, Fort Loudon

We have been to y French fort and no Succefs. Y reason of it wafs, while 42 of our brefkost Younge fellows was waiting about the fort, and y rest of us within Eight Mile of it with our canoes at camp, gooding Stole one of the cannos and wone of our people that wafs Lurking About y fort See the French Indians beat him, the outside of y fort, he stole away with him 2 of our jndians Bundles, y French and Indians purfued our People from y fort on the information Gooding Gave Them. We Left our Cannoes … Read more

1757 July, Fort Loudoun

Sir By Dennis Hegan I was honoured with your Excellys Letter of 9th ultimate, I can with pleasure Afsure your Excellency that Since my arriavall here I have not been able to discover anything in the behaviour of the Indians but what denotes good humour & Freindship, and give me Reason to hope that the Machinations of the french & Their Emmifaries are Frustrated. I shall now, Sir, From what Light I have acquired give your Excellency the best Idea I can of the State of the Trade in this Nation, when I said that he traders durst not go … Read more

Biography of Charles B. Grigsby

CHARLES B. GRIGSBY. One of the old and prominent citizens of Stone County, Arkansas, is Charles B. Grigsby, who has labored for the good of this section for many years, although a native of Monroe County, East Tennessee; he was born in 182S, to James and Margaret (Houston) Grigsby, who were born in the Old Dominion. They were married in Blount County, Tennessee, and made their home there and in Loudon Counties until 1850, when they came to Arkansas, locating in Independence County, eight miles above Batesville and two miles from the White River. While residing in Tennessee, the father … Read more

1759, January 27, Fort Loudoun

Sir Few Days ago the Hunters brought me a very Large Tyger’s Skin with the Clawths on’t, and only a fine Beaver Skin, cased as j gave them Directions, with the Clawths, Head, and Tail, j have Sent them to be dressed, and as Soon they are ready j shall Send them to your Excellency. J have likewise a Nest of jndians Baskets, most finished, if they are agreeable to you, j shall Send them also. J Expect more Skins by other Hunter’s when you Excellency Shall thinck proper to have me released j shall be infinitly obliged if you … Read more

Roll of Captain John Stuarts Company

An effective Roll of Captain John Stuarts Company Working at Fort Loudoun July 11th, 1757 John Stuart Captain James Adamson Lieutenant John Miller, Sergeant Jacob Glaughenberg,  Sergeant John Roberts,  Corp Arch, Watson,  Dr Lawrence Masterson John Bower Archibald Watson Senr. Jacob Rough Joseph Velts George Swaggart George Moan Henry Volk Thomas Kelly James Read George Hefser Thomas Coyle Henrye Jinceller Stephen Terrey Joseph Vert Martin Miller Bryan Rourk Michael Shecklin Henry Maxwell John Shults Joseph Vennegan William Campbell Adam Kellar John Purcell James Moon Tobias Holmes Thomas Mills Martin Herter Edward Manahan William Buttler Patrick Campbell Thomas Abrahood Gaspar Dickinson … Read more

1758, July 30, Fort Loudoun

Sir on the 20th jnstant arrived here the Express with Letters from your Excellency, and according your orders, the next Day j Sent to Chotee, to acquaint old Hopp and the rest of the Warriours, that j had Letters to Communicate to them, and desired them to appointd the Day and Place where we shoul meet. old Hopp sent me word, that he should be glad to see me ar Chotee on the 21_h accordingly j went with Ensn. Coytmore and Dr. Anderson, and in my way j took little Carpenter with me. when we came there, old Hopp Said, … Read more

1758, October 15, Fort Loudoun

Sir two Days ago j recived you Excellency’s Letter of the 28th of August, with another for Old Hop. Accordingly yesterday j went to Chotee and delivered it to him he told me, he was very glad to hear from you, and desired me to acquaint your Excellency that you Might depend on him, and that he would do always his best Endeavours, to keep Peace & Harmony between the English, & his People, that he was very Sorry, for what had happened but he could not help it. As Mr. Beamer’s Son was with me, he gave him a … Read more

1757, October 11, Fort Loudoun

Sir I am very Sorry that I had forgot to Mention to you Excellency, the Receit of the Letter of the 10th of August & that of the 21st of July, with a Pokett compass. It is impossible for me to describe how tormented I am Every Day with the Indians. Some bring their Guns to be mended & it must be done because the Carpenter told them it should be So, and you promised him; Some bring Hatchets to be mended other Padlocks to have keys made to them; others want Salt, others sometimes Meat, & great many other … Read more

1759, June 2, Fort Loudoun

Sir Last night j recived your Excellency’s Letter of the 2d of may, and this Morning, j called, the Carpenter, Smith and the Man that take care of the Glasses and Hedges ______ and told them that j orders not employ them constantly, but when j should have occasion, they desired me to beg of your Excellency that you would stand by them because by the strencks of their work, they have bought Things for their wives & family. In all Appearance Everything is now Easy & quiet with the jndians & us, and if j can prevail, that new … Read more

1758, November 6, Fort Loudoun

Sir J recived your Letter of the 2 of Octr. And Since j had the Honour to write you Excellency last, Every Body has been very Quiet in these Parts. Few Days ago old Hop invited me to go to his Town, accordingly j went; as j was riding throw their Towns j was Sruprised to See all their House Shewt up, and no Man, When j camd to Chotee j asked the old Man what was become of all the Men, for j had seen but three of four, he answered they are all gone hunting but, said he, … Read more

1759, February 27, Fort Loudoun

Sir I received you Dispatches of the 2nd Inst. The 25th Last month I acquainted you Excellency that the Great Warriour had disappointed me in not going to Warr as he promised, Giving out in the town Houses that a Great many white people where coming up to destoy them from Charlestown, On which their Young people grew very Imertinent Threatening to kill the white people here, & then Stop the Communication between their & Keowee, the Same day the Exprefs left this I Send the Linguister to Chattuga, to see if Thickleggs, a warriour of that town wou’d go … Read more

1757, February 23, Supplying the Garrison of Fort Loudon

The following officers were this day called together by orders of Capt. Raymond Demere to consult the most Expedient Method for Supplying the Garrison of Fort Loudon with Provisions and to examine the Commifsary’s Return of this Date. VizCapt. John Portell Luiet Probart Howorth Luiet John Grey Luiiet Robert Wall Luiet James Adamson Ensign Richard Coytmore Ensign Maurice Anderson Upon Examining the Commifsary’s Return of this date, we find the following Provifsions in the Store Vis Corn Flower 110 Buffshells 600 Salt Pork Beef 200 4 Quarters Making in the whole 16 days Bread and 2 days _______ for the … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Thomas

HENRY C. THOMAS. James Township, Stone County, Missouri, has its full quota of vigorous, enterprising, thoroughgoing agriculturists, whose popularity is based upon both their social qualities and their well-known integrity and unusual industry. None among them is more popular or has worked more perseveringly than he of whom we write. Like at least one-half of the citizens of the county, Mr. Thomas is a native of Tennessee, born in Monroe County, in the month of December, 1848, to the union of George W. and Sarah A. (Smallin) Thomas, both natives of Monroe County, Tennessee, the father born September 15, 1819, … Read more

1759, November 15, Fort Loudoun

Sir Mr. Elliot came to this Fotrt yesterday and Brought to Captain Demere a Copy of your Excellency’s Letter to Mr. Coytmore Captain Bemere having been indisposed Some days has desired me to acquaint your Excellency that theere are not Twelve indians in these over_ill Towns. But are all out a hunting. And yesterday before Elliot’s Arrival the Carpenter went out for a Short hunt of four days, we have dispatched a Runner for him as Elliot has brought your Exxcelly’s talk to the middle Settlement Indians, which Cap’ Demere propose reading to him if he Return before Mr. Elliot … Read more