Biographical Sketch of Charles R. Nourse

Born in Missouri, reared in Ohio and now engaged in manufacturing in Illinois, three great states have had to do with the career of the subject of this sketch. Charles Robert Nourse was born in St. Louis, December 27, 1864, the son of Gilbert D. and Almira J. (Keith) Nourse. When eight years of age the family removed to Cleveland and six years later to Springfield. In the public schools of the two Ohio cities the son obtained his early education. In early manhood he became bookkeeper with a manufacturer of children’s carriages at Springfield, and later he became connected with the Whitely interests, then among the most extensive engaged in the manufacture of harvesters.

Leaving Springfield in 1889, Mr. Nourse engaged in various pursuits till 1893, when he removed to Youngstown, Ohio. Here he took a position with the United Engineering and Foundry Company and remained for eleven years. In 1904 he removed to Rock Island to assume charge of the new plant of the Standard Oil Cloth Company, in which capacity he has met with unqualified success.

Mr. Nourse is one of the many workers who are too busy to hold public office. He has never taken an active part in politics beyond the exercise of the franchise. He affiliates with the Republican party. He united with the Masonic fraternity early and is now a member of Western Star Lodge, No. 21, Youngstown Chapter, No. 93, and St. John’s Commandery, No. 20, all of Youngstown; and Kaaba Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Davenport, Iowa. He is also a member of Youngstown Council, No. 387, of the Royal Arcanum.

Mr. Nourse was united at, Springfield in 1884 with Miss Rose J. Henry, and they have one son, Robert C., born in 1889.



Biographical Publishing Company. Portrait and Biographical Album of Rock Island County. Illinois; Chicago: Biographical Pub. Co.

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