Biographical Sketch of Frank Emory Bunts

Bunts, Frank Emory; surgeon; born, Youngstown, O., June 3, 1861; son of William C. and Clara E. (Barnhisel) Bunts; graduated U. S. Naval Academy, 1881; served U. S. N., 1881-1883; M. D., Western Reserve Medical College, 1886; married, Harriet E. Taylor, of Cleveland, Oct. 29, 1888; prof. surgery Western Reserve Medical College, since 1893; fellow Am. Surg. Ass’n; member A. M. A., Societe Internat. de Chirurgie; Miss. Valley Med. Ass’n; Ohio State Med. Ass’n; Acad. Medicine, Cleveland; Nu Sigma Nu; Republican. Clubs: Union, University, Euclid (Cleveland); Army and Navy (Washington).

Biography of Charles Reynolds Love

Charles Reynolds Love. A former Topeka citizen well remembered for his activity in business and his benevolence and splendid character was the late Charles Reynolds Love. Mr. Love came to Kansas a great many years ago, and spent many years in Topeka, where he died April 15, 1910. He was of an old and prominent Pennsylvania family and was born at Newcastle in that state August 23, 1848. His parents were John Brown and Maria (Chenoweth) Love, both natives of Pennsylvania. Maria Chenoweth was the daughter of Arthur and Maria (Reynolds) Chenoweth, both of whom were natives of Virginia. This … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Warren Bissel’s Company

(Probably from Trumbull and Mahoning Counties). Served from August 26, until November 30, 1813. Capt. Warren Bissel Lieut. Caleb Baldwin Lieut. Alexander Reany Ensign, Nicholas McConnel Ensign, Joseph Porter Sergt. George A. Stilson Sergt. Asa Baldwin Sergt. Simon Hall Sergt. John Dowlin Sergt. Parkis Woodruff Sergt. Philarmon Stilson Sergt. Andrew Stull Sergt. Isaac Blackman Corp. Abner Crossman Corp. William McCreary Corp. John Murphy Corp: Henry Fitch Drummer, Michael Pelts Private Arrels, John Beardsley, Josiah Beggs, Joseph Brothers, John Buchanan, John Buchanan, Walter Buchanan, William Burgess, Robert Chaircher, David Cowden, John Cowden, Reynolds Craft, Thomas Crawford, William Craze, Alexander Crooks, James … Read more

Roll Of Capt. David Hine’s Company

(From Trumbull and Mahoning Counties.) Served from August 23, until September 17, 1812. Capt. David Hine Lieut. Edmond P. Tanner Lieut. George Monteith Ensign, Thomas McCune Ensign, Nicholas McConnel Sergt. Julius Fanner Sergt. Silas Johnston Sergt. Daniel Fish Sergt. John Huston Corp. Christopher Razon Corp. Joseph Bruce Corp. Linus Tracy Corp. Whitney, Smith Fifer, Jacob Osborn Drummer, Zuah Cook Privates Ague, Nathan Anderson, Arthur Bartholomew, Asahel Boyd. Henry Brunstetter, Henry Calhoon, Samuel Camp, John Carter, Joseph Carver, Seneca Chul, Henry Condera, Ranels Crays, Alexander Crumb, Henry Cummins, Thomas Fisher, Isaac Ford, Isaac Godsped, Nathaniel Green, Samuel Guild, Jairus Harting, John … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Max Myers

Myers, Max; vice pres. the Nicola, Stone & Myers Co., lumber dealers; born, Germany, April 10, 1866; educated in the Youngstown schools, and graduated from the Youngstown Business College, in 1881; from 1884 to 1890, with the Youngstown Lumber Co.; traveling salesman for the Nicola, Stone Lumber Co., 1890-1898; vice pres. The Lakewood Lumber Co.

Slave Narrative of Mrs. Phoebe Bost

Interviewer: Frank Smith Person Interviewed: Phoebe Bost Location: Campbell, Ohio Place of Birth: Louisiana Place of Residence: 3461 Wilson Avenue, Campbell, Ohio Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. Phoebe Bost, was born on a plantation in Louisiana, near New Orleans. She does not know her exact age but says she was told, when given her freedom that she was about 15 years of age. Phoebe’s first master was a man named Simons, who took her to a slave auction in Baltimore, where she was sold to Vaul Mooney (this name is spelled as pronounced, the correct spelling not known.) When Phoebe was given … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. S. Odbert

Odbert, H. S.; coal business; born, Youngstown, O., Aug. 18, 1875; first business experience, Akron, O., in the retail coal concern of Odbert & Roseman, 1889; with the Starret Bros. Construction Interests, 1892-1898; with the exception of 1893, which year was spent in the coal mines of his father; 1898, to date has been affiliated with The H. S. Odbert Coal Co., and various mining interests, with which the firm is concerned; in 1910, upon the death of his father, was elected pres. of the company; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic, Keswick Golf, and Automobile Clubs.

Biography of Amasa B. Campbell

The rapid development of all material resources during the closing years of the nineteenth century has brought business enterprises up from the day of small things to gigantic proportions, where millions of dollars take the place of hundreds and where men are required to handle millions as coolly, as carefully and as successfully as their grandfathers handled hundreds. All the history of the world shows that to grapple with all new conditions, to fill breaches in all great crises men have been developed and have stood ready to assume new and great responsibilities and have discharged them well and profitably. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hessin Clarke

Clarke, John Hessin; lawyer; born, Lisbon, O., Sept. 18, 1857; son of John and Melissa Hessin Clarke; educated in public schools and by private tutors; entered Western Reserve College, at Hudson, O., graduating in 1877; degree of M. A.; in 1880, studied law under his father’s instruction, and was admitted to the bar in 1877; until 1880, practiced law at Lisbon, O., in partnership with J. M. McVicker; purchased half interest in the Youngstown Weekly Vindicator; practiced law in Youngstown, and wrote political editorials for the Vindicator; sold interests in the paper in 1882; came to Cleveland in 1897, and … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mrs. Melissa (Lowe) Barden

Interviewer: Frank M. Smith Person Interviewed: Melissa (Lowe) Barden Location: Youngstown, Ohio Place of Residence: 1671 Jacobs Road Mrs. Melissa (Lowe) Barden of 1671 Jacobs Road, was “bred and born” on the plantation of David Lowe, near Summersville, Georgia, Chattooga County, and when asked how old she was said “I’s way up yonder somewheres maybe 80 or 90 years.” Melissa assumed her master’s name Lowe, and says he was very good to her and that she loved him. Only once did she feel ill towards him and that was when he sold her mother. She and her sister were left … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Samuel Denison’s Company

(Probably from Trumbull and Mahoning Counties). Served from August 26, until November 16, 1812. Captain Samuel Denison Lieut. David Augustus Adams Ensign William Swan Sergt. Benjamin Armitage Sergt. Amos Gray Sergt. William Carlton Sergt. David Dunwoodie Sergt. Jesse Alderman Sergt. Nathaniel Cook Corp. James Walton Corp. Robert Stewart Corp. Matthew J. Scott Corp. David Raner Drummer, William Moon Fifer, Joseph McGill Privates Amiestein, Daniel Anderson, James Armitage, Ephraim Arrel, John Baggs, Joseph, Sr. Barsley, Josiah Beard, John Bell, William Boyd, Andrew Bredon, John Brothers, John Buchanan, William Carlton, Peter Carr, John Cowden, Ranels Cowden, William Crawford, William Crays, Alexander Dawson, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Joshua T. Cotton’s Company

(From Trumbull or Mahoning Counties.) Served from August 26, until November 8, 1812. Capt. Joshua T. Cotton Lieut. George Monteith Lieut. Edmond 0. Fanner Ensign Jacob Irwing Sergt. John Cotton Sergt. John Myer Sergt. George Wintermate Sergt. Abraham Wintermate Corp. John Carlton Corp. Boardman Robins Corp. John Russell Corp. George Ounsbury Fifer, Daniel Wick Privates Ague, Nathan Andres, Samuel A Blackman, Simion Boyd, Andrew Bradford, Joel Bradford, William Bradon, John Brockway, Romant Brunsteter, Henry Buchanan, Walter Calhoun, Samuel Carter, Joseph Cawer, Seneca Cowden, John Craft, Thomas Crum, Samuel Cummings, Joseph Cummings, Thomas Curtin, Zenas Demel, James Dillon, William Duc, Jacob … Read more

Biography of Nathan Brobst

Nathan Brobst, who died May 3, 1910, was one of the sterling pioneer farmers of Shawnee County, Kansas. In a lifetime of nearly seventy years he had experiences that identified him closely with many of the interesting phases of the history of the Middle West. He was born in Mahoning County, Ohio, on a farm November 13, 1840, one of ten children, two of whom died in infancy and two of whom still survive. Their parents, Henry and Susan (Fullwieler) Brobst, were born in Pennsylvania, but moved to Ohio and took their part in the activities of the wilderness, where … Read more

Biography of James H. Wright

James H. Wright, one of the oldest grain buyers in the County, residing at Arthur, was born near the town of Poland, Trumbull (now Mahoning) County, Ohio, February 6,1827 ,and is a son of James and Mary (Kidd) Wright, who were born near Poland, Trumbull (now Mahoning) County, Ohio, of Scotch-Irish origin. Rev. James Wright (father) received his education for the Presbyterian ministry at the Canonsburg College, and spent most of his life in preaching the gospel, first at Poland, and later at Westfield, Pennsylvania. He died in 1843 at the age of fifty-nine years. His father was Alexander Wright, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Muckley

Muckley, Henry C.; asst. supt. of instruction, Cleveland Public Schools; born, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Sept. 28, 1850; educated, public schools and Oberlin College, degree of A. M., from Hiram College, 1896; taught school in Tuscarawas and Stark Counties, until 1872; then in the village schools of Mt. Union for one year; moved to Youngstown, and was principal of the grammar schools until 1884; then in Rayen High School one year; came to Cleveland in 1885 and taught physics in Central High School eight years; in 1893, appointed supervisor of the Cleveland Schools; appointed second asst. supt. of schools in 1901; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cary Rudolph Alburn

Alburn, Cary Rudolph; lawyer; born, Youngstown, O., Oct. 22, 1883; son of Frederick and Cecelia Luebben Alburn; educated, grammar and Rayen High School, Youngstown, O., degree B. A. at Western Reserve University, studied law at W. R. U. Law School and three years at Oxford University, Eng., where he received the degree of Bachelor of Civil Law; married, Cleveland, May 22, 1912, Helen Alice Whitslar, daughter of W. H. Whitslar, M. D., D. D. S.; head master of Cleveland Boy’s Home at Hudson, O., 1910; chief sec’y to Senator T. E. Burton, 1910-11; sec ‘y of Business Men’s Taft Club, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jasper Holmes Sheadle

Sheadle, Jasper Holmes; Iron ore and lake transportation; born, New Bedford, Pa.; son of Obediah and Sarah Barnheisel Sheadle; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, New York, Kate Buckingham; Republican; joined his father in banking business, in Girard, O.; two years teller of the Girard Savings Bank; at the age of 22 became asst. cashier Second National Bank, Youngstown, O.; left the banking business, and went to New York City, as supt. of laying of gas mains for Standard Gas-Light Co.; 1888, became sec’y of the Mahoning Valley Iron Manufacturers Ass’n, in 1890, became sec’y’ for The Cleveland Cliffs … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William McKinley Duncan

Duncan, William McKinley; lawyer; born, Pittsburg, Pa., May 19, 1873; son of Andrew J. and Sarah McKinley Duncan; educated, public schools Pittsburgh, Pa., and Rayen High School, Youngstown, O., and Cornell University, Ithaca., N. Y.; married, Youngstown, O., Oct. 18, 1899, Viola Deetrick; issue, three sons; admitted to bar, October, 1894; associated with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey ever since; became member of firm, January, 1911; representing Eastern Trunk Railroad in the engineer arbitration; receiver of the Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Co.; member Union, Athletic, Mayfield and Hermit Clubs.

Slave Narrative of Angeline Lester

Interviewer: Frank M. Smith Person Interviewed: Angeline Lester Location: Youngstown, Ohio Place of Residence: 835 West Federal Street Story and Photo by Frank M. Smith Ex-Slaves Mahoning County, Dist. #5 Youngstown, Ohio The Story of MRS. ANGELINE LESTER, of Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. Angeline Lester lives at 836 West Federal Street, on U.S. Route #422, in a very dilapidated one story structure, which once was a retail store room with an addition built on the rear at a different floor level. Angeline lives alone and keeps her several cats and chickens in the house with her. She was born on the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Price

Price, John H.; attorney-at-law; born, Youngstown, July 31, 1g78: son of Morgan and Margaret Davis Price: graduated, Raven High School, Youngstown, 1897; Mt. Union College, A. B., 1900; Western Reserve Law School and Ohio State University Law School, 1902; married, Cleveland, June 3, 1903, Flora Staats; issue, John H. Price, Jr.; Newman Staats Price, and Emily Louise Price; Spanish-American War, Siege of Santiago, 1898; lieut. of engineers; member Republican Executive Committee, 1906-1912; admitted to the bar in 1903; member law firm Price, Alburn & Daoust; chairman Republican Party, Cuyahoga County, and City Committees, 1906-1907; special counsel to Atty. General, 1909-1910-1911; … Read more