Biography of Robert I. Allen, M. D.

One of the best known surgeons in northeastern Oklahoma is Dr. Robert I. Allen, who was born at Coodys Bluff on the 9th of September, 1877, a son of Dr. R. M. and Mary (Journeycake) Allen. His father was a native of Illinois, in which state he resided until after the close of the Civil war. Upon the outbreak of that war he enlisted in the Federal army and became a member of the medical staff. He was a stretcher bearer at the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Dr. R. M. Allen received his medical training at Rush … Read more

Biography of Daniel Curran Kennedy

DANIEL CURRAN KENNEDY is the founder of The Leader, the oldest newspaper in Springfield, a breezy sheet, which enjoys a good circulation and is published in the interests of the community, especial attention being paid to local affairs, making it a history of the events that transpire in this locality. Moreover it reviews intelligently the public issues of the day, and its advertising columns are well filled and show that the business community of Springfield and neighboring towns appreciate it as a medium for making themselves known to the people at large. The intelligent and able editor of this journal … Read more

Biography of Edmund Raymond Kinsey

Edmund Raymond Kinsey, president of the board of public service of St. Louis and identified in a professional capacity with the public interests of the city since 1912, was born in Muscatine, Iowa, January 24, 1873, his parents being William M. and Lucy Loretta (Chapin) Kinsey. In the paternal line he is descended from one of the old and distinguished American families that has figured prominently in public affairs throughout the history of the nation. A member of this family was one of the first justices of. the supreme court of Pennsylvania and his portrait is over one of the … Read more

Biography of Fred Warren Bailey, M. D.

Dr. Fred Warren Bailey, a St. Louis surgeon, was born in Minier, Tazewell county, Illinois, September 30, 1876. His father was Dr. G. O. Bailey, also a native of that state and of Scotch descent, their family having been founded in America in early colonial days. The family was represented in the Revolutionary war and has sent its representatives to each of the succeeding wars of the country, including the Indian war. Dr. G. O. Bailey was a graduate of McKendree College at Lebanon, Illinois, where he won his Bachelor of Science degree and later he pursued a course of … Read more

Biography of J. Harvey O’Connell

J. Harvey O’Connell, manager since 1918 with the firm Haskins & Sells, certified public accountants of St. Louis, was born in this city, October 27, 1883, his parents being Patrick and Kathleen (Royce) O’Connell. The father, a native of Ireland, came to the United States when quite young, settling in this city, where for many years he was recognized as a prominent attorney. J. Harvey O’Connell was the seventh in order of birth in a family of eight children. He pursued a public school education in St. Louis and was graduated in 1910 from the City College of Law and … Read more

Biography of Hal R. Coleman

Hal R. Coleman, attorney at law with offices in the Central National Bank building in St. Louis, was born in Warren county, Missouri, December 25, 1878, a son of the late Daniel T. Coleman, a native of Kentucky and a grandson of Jesse and Mary Ann (Trout) Coleman, who were likewise Kentuckians by birth. They came to Missouri in 1841 and here Jesse Coleman devoted his attention to farming and stock raising. He also served his country as a soldier in the Mexican war. The Coleman family comes of English and Scotch ancestry, the progenitor of the American branch being … Read more

Biography of John Menown

John Menown, member of the bar and prominently known as a musician, composer and writer of short stories, although now making the practice of law his life work, was born in St. Louis, December 17, 1876, and has always remained a resident of this city. His father, John Menown, was born in Ireland of Scotch parentage but when quite young crossed the Atlantic to the new world and at the time of the Civil war commanded a company of Confederate forces under General Johnston, being a lieutenant in that company. He won prominence in business affairs by establishing the largest … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michael A. Fanning

Fanning, Michael A.; construction work; born, Cleveland, Aug. 26, 1857; son of Michael Fanning, Sr.; common school education at St. Patrick’s Parish School, but graduated from The University of the Printing Office; in 1885, married Miss Octavia Dix, of New Orleans; issue, two daughters and one son; early business life spent in newspaper work in St. Louis, Mo., Columbus, O., and political correspondent for a number of western papers; came back to Cleveland, and in 1899, made sec’y of the Municipal Ass’n; in 1900, state agt. for the Barber Asphalt Co., and later took agencies of Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simon Diggs

Simon Diggs, of Lancaster County, Virginia, had a son named William, who married a Miss Goe, of Middlesex County, Virginia, by whom he had one son, named Christopher. His first wife died, and he was married the second time to Mary Seeton, by whom he had William, Isaac, Simon, John H., Dudley, Rowland, Barbee., Cole, Nancy, Polly, and Elizabeth. John H. married Sarah Hathaway, who lived to the age of 103 years. Their children were Lawson, Christopher Y., John H., Jr., Cynthia, Malinda, Nancy, Elizabeth, and William C. Lawson and John H., Jr., were ship carpenters. The former married Sarah … Read more

Biography of Samuel C. Parkinson

The name of Parkinson is so inseparably interwoven with the history of southeastern Idaho and its development that those who bear it need no special introduction to the readers of this volume. He of whom we write has long been accorded a place among the leading businessmen and progressive citizens of Franklin and Oneida County, where he has made his home since his boyhood days. His father is the honored Samuel Rose Parkinson, one of the founders of the town and a leader in the Church of the Latter Day Saints. A history of his life is given elsewhere in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin H. Conrades

Edwin H. Conrades was born in St. Louis, Missouri, July 22, 1861, a son of John H. and Mary C. (Freese) Conrades. He was educated in the schools of St. Louis and on the 11th of October, 1887, was married in this city to Miss. Louise R. Stifel, by whom he has two children, Paul E. and Otto S. Conrades. Mr. Conrades is the president of the Donk Brothers Coal & Coke Company, the St. Louis, Troy & Eastern Railroad Company, the St. Louis & Illinois Belt Railway, the East St. Louis, Columbia & Waterloo Railway, the St. Louis Material … Read more

Biography of Walter A. Johnson

Walter A. Johnson, president of the Missouri Life & Accident Insurance Company, with offices in the Metropolitan building, was born on a farm near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, November 23, 1869. His father, B. P. Johnson, is a native of Tennessee and is now a farmer near Waco, Texas. An uncle, Willis Johnson, was killed while serving with the Confederate forces in the Civil war. The mother of Walter A. Johnson bore the maiden name of Ella Norman and was born in Tennessee. The family has been represented in America through several generations. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson was celebrated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Banks Rogers

Rogers, William Banks; clergyman; born at Cincinnati, Dec. 7, 1857; son of Joseph Hill and Mary Rose (Mcllvain) Rogers; academic and collegiate course St. Xavier’s College, 1869-1875; St. Stanislaus Seminary, Normal, Florissant, Mo., 1875-1879, Woodstock College, Maryland, philosophy, science, 1879-1881; Louvain, Belgium, metaphysics, ethics, 1881-1882; Woodstock College, theology, 1887-1891; taught English and classics, St. Ignatius College, Chicago, 1882-1884; St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1884-1887; ordained Roman Catholic priest, 1890; perfect studies, St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1891-1892, Marquette College, Milwaukee, 1893-1895, St. Louis University, 1896-1898; pres. Marquette College, 1898-1900, St. Louis University, 1900-1908; resigned February, 1908, on account of ill health; in … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Holtcamp

Charles W. Holtcamp, serving for the fourth term as probate judge of the city of St. Louis, also identified with important business interests and prominent in Masonic circles as a thirty-third degree member, was born in Decatur, Illinois, September 1, 1859. His father, Charles Holtcamp, a native of Germany, was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for more than sixty years. His mother, Mrs. Catherine Holtcamp, was born in Ohio. After attending the public schools Charles W. Holtcamp continued his education at Illinois College of Jacksonville, Illinois, and next became a student in the law department of the Washington … Read more

Biography of John C. Settle

John C. Settle, who conducted a contracting and building business under the firm style of John C. Settle & Company, was a resident of St. Louis from 1897 until his death, which occurred April 17, 1921. He was born in Monroe City, this state, October 3, 1865, his parents being John B. and Mildred A. (Bannister) Settle. The Settle family is of English origin and was founded in America in 1770 by three brothers, one of whom took up his abode in New York and nothing is known about his descendants. The second went to North Carolina and was the … Read more

Biography of Albert Joseph Davis

Albert Joseph Davis is successfully engaged in the investment business lit St. Louis as the head of the firm of A. J. Davis & Company, which he organized in 1911 and which deals in corporation and municipal bonds. He is a native son of St. Louis, his birth having occurred on the 25th of June, 1883, his parents being Thomas D. and Martha (Littler) Davis, the former born in Cardiff. Wales, and the latter in Newbigging, Musselburgh, Parish of Imberesk, County of Edinburgh, Scotland. His education was obtained in the graded and high schools of St. Louis and in 1901, … Read more

Biography of David Ranken, Jr.

David Ranken, Jr., was born at Boystown, County Londonderry, Ireland, October 9, 1835. He was the son of David and Ann Ranken of old Scotch-Irish Presbyterian ancestry which had emigrated from Scotland to the north of Ireland several centuries ago and engaged in the linen industry, in which they were highly prosperous. He was educated in Belfast Academy, Belfast, Ireland. His mother’s last surviving brother, David Ranken, who had come to this country in 1816, died a bachelor in St. Louis in 1859, leaving a large estate which was inherited by the families of his two deceased brothers, Thomas and … Read more

Biography of Herman Hecht

Herman Hecht is the secretary and treasurer of Korrekt Klothes, Inc., of St. Louis. The company engages in the manufacture of men’s and young men’s clothing at No. 1633 to 1641 Washington avenue. Mr. Hecht was born in Coblentz, Germany, June 7, 1866, a son of Simon and Henrietta (David) Hecht, the father a well known capitalist of Coblentz. The mother, following the death of her husband, came to America in 1875, settling in Louisville, Kentucky, whence she afterward removed to Paducah, that state, her death there occurring in 1881 when she was sixty years of age. She was the … Read more

Biography of Orphred H. Brooks, Jr.

Orphred H. Brooks, Jr., the president of the O. H. Brooks Realty Company, was born in Montgomery City, Missouri, March 7, 1875. His father, Orphred H. Brooks, Sr., who is engaged in the contracting and building business in St. Louis, is a native of the state of New York and in 1867 came from Niagara Falls to Missouri, settling in Montgomery City. There he conducted a farm machinery agency and also handled real estate. He likewise engaged in vehicle manufacturing and maintained a retail business at Montgomery City for thirty years before removing to St. Louis in 1901. Since taking … Read more

Biography of Christopher W. Johnson

Christopher W. Johnson, who in a steady competitive way has accumulated a most substantial fortune, is now president of the St. Louis Basket & Box Company, with which he became connected as an operative in the factory upon starting out in the business world almost four decades ago. Step by step he has advanced until he is thoroughly familiar with the minutest detail of the business and his success is attributable to his intimate knowledge of every phase of the work, combined with his genius in the management of men and his executive ability. Mr. Johnson is a native of … Read more