Biography of Thomas G. Lowe

Last Updated on March 23, 2012 by

Thomas Galloway Lowe, who follows farming near the town of Franklin, is a son of Thomas and Eliza (Galloway) Lowe, who were natives of Scotland. Reared and married in that country, three children were there born to them, after which they sailed with their family for America, in 1853. They landed in New York and made a location in the east, but by various removals gradually made their way westward, and in the interim six more children were added to the family. In 1861 they started to cross the plains with an old yoke of oxen, bringing with them their nine children. They traveled from spring until fall, but eventually reached their destination in safety, and Mr. Lowe, who was a carpenter by trade, at once secured work on a grist mill. He remained at East Weaver, Utah, until the spring of 1863, when with his wife and children, now ten in number, he came to Oneida county, Idaho, and settled upon unsurveyed lands. There he made his home until 1886, when he was called to his final rest, at the age of sixty-five years. His wife survives him and now resides on the old homestead, in the seventy-third year of her age, a much respected old lady, numbered among the brave pioneer women of the state. She was the faithful and loving mother of sixteen children, fourteen of whom are living.

Thomas G. Lowe, the eldest child, was born in Scotland, April 11, 1851, and was only two years old at the time of the emigration of the family to America. He obtained the greater part of his education in a private school in Franklin, Idaho, under the instruction of President Woodward. He learned the carpenter’s trade with his father, and worked on the building of the Logan Temple for three and a half years. In 1875 he was sent by his church on a mission to Europe, where he labored very successfully in Scotland and England for two years, bringing with him on his return trip one hundred and thirty-six converts to the Mormon faith, the voyage being made on the ship Wyoming.

After his return Mr. Lowe was called by President Taylor to superintend the building of the Paris stake tabernacle, and carried it forward to successful completion, it being by far the best house of worship in the state. After spending two years in that work he returned to Franklin and engaged in merchandising, securing a very liberal patronage and prospering in his under-takings. However, he sold out to engage in the sheep industry, in which he has also met with excellent success. He has on hand most of the time as high as forty-three hundred head of sheep, and his lambs in the season of 1898 brought him four thousand dollars. He has sheds in which he protects his sheep in the winter and thus has fine lambs for the early market, at which time they bring the highest price.

In 1872 Mr. Lowe was happily married to Miss Elizabeth A. M. Pernell, a native of St. Louis, and their children are as follows: Louisa, Thomas M., James S., Euphana, Nora, Refuge, Marvelous, Era and Silver. The eldest daughter is now the wife of Thomas J. Poulter.

In politics Mr. Lowe is a Democrat. He takes a deep interest in educational matters and has efficiently served as school trustee of his district. In the church he is an active worker, has been president of the elders’ quorum and president of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association. He is also president of the teachers’ quorum, and in all such positions has shown himself to be the right man in the right place. In business affairs he is industrious, diligent and capable, has met with success in every undertaking, and is a credit to the town in which he was reared and educated, fully deserving the prosperity that has come to him and the high esteem in which he is held.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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