Mining Scene Atlanta Idaho

Illustrated History of the State of Idaho

Last Updated on September 22, 2016 by Dennis

Prepared by a number of writers, and deriving its information from various sources, the History of Idaho is now submitted to the reader for his criticism. The compilation covers a long period of years, extending from the epoch of glorious statehood and the dawning of a new century back to the time when the untutored savages roamed at will over the plains and through the mountain fastnesses of this now opulent and attractive region of the great northwest, with none to dispute their dominion. In the collation of subject matter recourse has been had to divers authorities. These have been numerous, including various histories and historical collections, and implying an almost endless array of papers and documents, public, private, social and ecclesiastical. That so much matter could be gathered from so many sources and then sifted and assimilated for the production of one single volume without incurring a modicum of errors and inaccuracies would be too much to expect of any corps of writers, no matter how able they might be as statisticians or skilled as compilers of such works. It is, nevertheless, believed that no inaccuracies of a serious nature can be found to impair the historical value of the book, and it is also further believed that the results of our work will supply the exigent demand which called forth the efforts of the publishers and the editorial staff. Numerous extracts from other volumes and minor compilations, considered authoritative, have been made, with an eye ever single to the historical value of the matter used, while acknowledgment must be made to many who have come to our aid by personal contributions and the offering of data otherwise impossible of securing. To many are we indebted for such kindly courtesies and assistance, and with so much accredited authority, even in the face of seemingly insuperable obstacles, the publishers feel confident that a valuable book has been produced, one whose intrinsic worth will be cumulative and be the more appreciated as time advances.

Illustrated History of the State of Idaho

  • Biographies of the State of Idaho
    These 480 biographies were extracted from the Illustrated History of the State of Idaho and represent the leading men of Idaho at the turn of the 20th Century.

History of Mining from the Illustrated History of the State of Idaho

  • Idaho Mines and Mining
    Idaho is essentially a mining territory. It was her mines that first stimulated immigration to within her borders, and it is to the results of the mines that her present prosperity is due in a great measure. Now that mining has been reduced to a legitimate occupation, there is less reckless speculation, perhaps, than of old, but more solid, substantial business. The days of stock gambling in mining properties are about over. Science, aided by practical experience, has taught the best methods of treating ores. Capitalists no longer purchase prospects for fabulous prices on the strength of picked specimens or the vicinity of rich claims. It is a fortunate circumstance for Idaho that mining has been for the most part a steady, productive industry, yielding rich returns to the patient and intelligent prospector, and that it has not been necessary to rely on fictitious "booms."

History from the Illustrated History of the State of Idaho

Biography, History,

Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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