Biography of Thomas G. Lowe

Thomas Galloway Lowe, who follows farming near the town of Franklin, is a son of Thomas and Eliza (Galloway) Lowe, who were natives of Scotland. Reared and married in that country, three children were there born to them, after which they sailed with their family for America, in 1853. They landed in New York and made a location in the east, but by various removals gradually made their way westward, and in the interim six more children were added to the family. In 1861 they started to cross the plains with an old yoke of oxen, bringing with them their … Read more

Biography of William Woodward

One of the pioneer settlers of Franklin, Oneida county, Idaho, and a farmer of the above state, William Woodward, was born on the 4th of January, 1833, in Bushey, Hertfordshire, England. He received a common-school education in his native village. In 1845 he removed to Watford, and there he heard Mormonism by a blacksmith, Richard B. Margetts, and he was baptized June 21, 1848. He soon became anxious to join his coreligionists in Salt Lake valley, then in upper California. In January 1850, Mr. Woodward sailed from Liverpool, England, on the ship Argo, Captain Mills, with four hundred Latter Day … Read more

Biography of George C. Parkinson

George C. Parkinson, president of the Oneida stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, with residence at Preston, Idaho, is a native son of Utah, his birth having occurred in Keysville, Davis county, July 18, 1857. His father is Samuel Rose Parkinson, one of the most prominent pioneer citizens of Oneida County, Idaho. President Parkinson is the fourth child and third son of the family. He was educated at Brigham Young College, in Logan, Utah, and was graduated with honor in the class of 1880. He entered upon his business career as a teacher in … Read more

Biography of Lorenzo L. Hatch

A prominent representative of the Church of Latter Day Saints is Lorenzo Lafayette Hatch, who is now bishop of the Franklin ward in the Oneida stake of Zion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and who makes his home in the pretty little town of Franklin. He was born in Lehi, Utah, December 25, 185 1, and is of English lineage, his ancestors having been among the early settlers of Vermont. They were participants in the events which form the early history of this country, and representatives of the name loyally served in the Revolutionary war. … Read more

Biography of Edmund Buckley

The pioneer in the woolen industry in Idaho is Edmund Buckley, an enterprising and progressive business, man who is now carrying on operations in the line of woolen manufactures near the town of Franklin. A native of Yorkshire, England, he was born April 25, 1839, of English parentage, and was educated in the land of his birth, where he remained until 1863, when he sailed for America, Utah being his destination. In 1856 he had been converted to the faith of the Latter Day Saints, and taking passage on the Atlantic, a sailing vessel, he arrived at New York after … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Scarborough

One of the capable county commissioners of Oneida County is Joseph Brook Scarborough, of Franklin. He was born in England, September 11, 1851, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Brook) Scarborough. When ten years of age he came with his mother to the United States, crossing the Atlantic in 1861, in a sailing vessel which, after a voyage of six weeks, reached the American port. They then crossed the plains and located at Lehi, Utah, thirty miles south of Salt Lake City, and there the mother remained while the son went to Dixie, where he worked for a … Read more

Biography of Isaac B. Nash

Isaac Bartlett Nash is one of the early settlers and highly respected citizens of Franklin, where he has made his home since 1864. He became a resident of Salt Lake City in 1849, and ‘s a native of Wales, his birth having occurred in Kedwelly, Carmarthenshire, on the 14th of June 1824. He was educated in his native country and spent seven years as an apprentice to the blacksmith’s trade, after which he worked at the business there until 1849. In the year 1847 he was converted to the faith of the Latter Day Saints, and it was this which … Read more

Biography of Samuel R. Parkinson

The name of this gentleman is so inseparably connected with the history of Franklin, its up-building and its progress along commercial, educational and church lines, that no history of the southeastern section of the state would be complete without the record of his useful career. He was one of the first to locate in Franklin and is numbered among its honored pioneers. A native of England, he was born in Barrowford, Lancastershire, April 12, 1831, a son of William and Charlotte (Rose) Parkinson, who were likewise natives of that country. He was only six months old when his father died, … Read more

Prominent Cities and Towns of the State

Boise, The Capital City The following descriptive article is an excerpt from the souvenir edition of the Boise Sentinel, issued in June 1897: So much has been said and written and sung of “Boise, the Beautiful,” that the task of saying any-thing new seems utterly hopeless; and of this there is little need. While those who have made their homes here from the beginning, and those who from year to year have come to stay, might naturally be expected to be most fervent in their praises, they have not always been the happiest in laying appropriate tributes before the shrine … Read more