Biography of Walter Hoge

Walter Hoge is one of the most prominent representatives of the industrial interests of southeastern Idaho. He makes his home in Paris, where he is connected with the lumber business, both manufacturing and selling lumber. The volume of his trade enables him to furnish employment to a large force of workmen and thus he adds to the general prosperity of the community and to the welfare of the town. Mr. Hoge was born on the 18th of November 1844, and is of English lineage. His parents, Walter and Elizabeth Hoge, were also natives of the same land, and the father … Read more

Knowles Family of New Bedford, MA

thomas knowles

The family bearing this name in New Bedford, where it is one of nearly one hundred years’ standing one, too, of prominence and wealth, is a branch of the ancient Knowles family of the town of Eastham, Barnstable county, this Commonwealth. Reference is made to some of the descendants of the brothers Thomas and James H. Knowles of Eastham, several of whose sons – at least two of the former and one of the latter – in their earlier manhood cast their lot with the people of New Bedford. The firm of Thomas Knowles & Co. for many years was one of the greatest engaged in the whale fishery business in New Bedford; and its members in turn have been succeeded in business by younger generations who have most worthily worn the family name and sustained its reputation; and today the name continues of record in and about the city of their birth connected prominently with many of the most extensive commercial establishments and banking institutions of the locality.

Biographical Sketch of James Edgar

James Edgar, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Humbolt; the subject of this sketch was born in Suffolk Co., England, March 21, 1838. He married Miss Margaret Hilligoss May 8, 1862 she was born in Rush Co., Ind., Sept. 15, 1845; they had seven children, five living, viz., John P.. William T., Ora May, James Rue and Leroy. He lived in England fifteen years; he then moved to Scotland, where he lived two years and returned to England; remained there until he was 19, when he came to the United States, arriving at Chicago, and, in 1857, he came to Coles … Read more

History of the town of Durham, New Hampshire

History of the town of Durham, New Hampshire

History of the town of Durham New Hampshire by Everett Stackpole is the primary source for genealogists with families who settled Oyster River New Hampshire, which later became Durham. Published in two volumes, the first contains a narrative history of Durham, while the second contains genealogies of most of the early families who settled in the town.

Biographical Sketch of McKnabb, John

Santa Fe Prisoner John McKnabb, one more of those unfortunate ones who accompanied the disastrous Santa Fe expedition in 1841, was a native of Scotland, and came to Fort Bend County in 1837. He was at Austin during the early building of that place, when the Indians harassed the few settlers almost continually. In 1841, when the expedition to Santa Fe was inaugurated, John McKnabb was there, and volunteered, as many other young men did, for the perilous trip, and suffered all the hardships of the long march across the plains and sandy deserts; want of water and provisions being … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Beattie

(II) David, son of James and Jane (Grieve) Beattie, was born in Scotland, April 6, 1799, and died on the family homestead in Ontario county, New York. He was but three years of age when he came to this country with his parents. In 1828 he purchased the land, for farming purposes, which has since been considered the family homestead. He married Dorothy, daughter of Adam Turnbull. Their grandson, Herbert Beattie, has at the present time in his possession a “peace pipe,” dated 1671, which was dug up by Adam Turnbull on the farm now (1910) owned by William Tuttle.

Biographical Sketch of Hector Baxter

Hector Baxter, a farmer of Maple Township, Ida County, Iowa, was born in Argyleshire, Scotland, June 16, 1834. His parents were John and Mary (McNeil) Baxter, natives also of that country where they lived and died. Hector was reared and educated in Scotland where he learned and followed the trade of shoemaker for many years. In 1877, he left his native land for the United States, and after landing in New York, purchased and improved 160 acres of wild land in Tama County, Iowa. He sold this land in 1881, and bought 320 acres in Ida County. He built a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. Heron

D. Heron the third named member of the firm of Case, Bishop and Heron.He was born in Scotland in 1842; came to America with his parents when a child. In June, 1861, he enlisted in the army, in Company B, Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry; returned to Fairfield, Iowa, where he studied law, and was admitted to practice before Judge Sampson in Jasper County; held the office of superintendent of Jefferson County, Iowa; came to Jewell County, Kan., and was elected to the State Legislature, and now holds the said office.

Biography of William A. Phillips

William A. Phillips was one of the pioneers of Kansas who made it free from the dominion of slavery, kept it in the Union during the Civil war, protected the interests of the loyal Indians and afterward did fine service as a congressman. He was born in Scotland Jannary 14, 1824, and had laid the basis of a good education before he was fifteen years of age, when he came with his parents to a farm in Randolph County, Illinois. About the time he reached his majority he became associated with B. J. F. Hannah as editor of the Chester … Read more

Biography of Henry Clark

Henry Clark, of Scotland, emigrated to America, and settled in Kentucky, where he married Sarah Jones. They had Benjamin, Isaac, John, Henry, Susan, Mary A., and Sally. Benjamin died in Kentucky, and his widow moved to Boone County, Missouri. Isaac Clark was a man of superior talents, and represented his County in the Legislature for several terms; he was also Assessor four years. He brought with him from Kentucky a set of China ware, the first that was ever in Montgomery County, and used it on a puncheon table. He was married first to a Miss Campbell, of Virginia, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adam Graham

Graham, Adam; florist; born, April 17, 1840, in Scotland; educated in schools of Scotland and United States; married, Oct. 19, 1863, Janet Marshall, Philadelphia; issue, five children; pres. Adams Bag Co., Society American Florists (1897), the Saint Andrews Scottish Benevolent Society, Burns Curling, and Cleveland Florists Clubs; member Woodward Lodge, F. & A. M.

Biographical Sketch of George Gray

George Gray, of Scotland, emigrated to America previous to the revolution, and when that war began he joined the American army and served during the entire struggle. He had several brothers in the British army during the same war. Before leaving Scotland, he married Mary Stuart, and they settled first in Philadelphia, but afterward removed to North Carolina, and from there to Bryan’s Station in Kentucky. Here their son Joseph married Nary Finley, and settled in Warren County, Kentucky. In 1818 he removed to Missouri, and settled on Brush creek in Montgomery County, where he died in 1830. His children … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Beattie

Herbert Beattie, whose family has been well known in New York state for a number of generations, belongs to that class of citizens of this country, who form the bone and sinew of the entire body. They are descended from Scotch ancestry, and have brought the sturdy bodies of that country, as well as the thrifty and practical habits of their ancestors, and combined them in the manner best adapted to the needs of their new home with the modern methods which are so rapidly introduced into agricultural pursuits in America. (I) James Beattie, the immigrant ancestor of Herbert Beattie, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles McKelvie

The McKelvies are descended from an ancient and formidable Scottish clan, noted in the middle ages for their prowess, and in modern times for their sturdy application to the peaceful pursuits of agriculture, commerce, etc. The Geneva, New York family of this name were pioneers in the fruit growing industry of that locality. Early in the last century Charles McKelvie, aged eight years, emigrated from Scotland with his parents, who settled in Geneva when that city was but a small hamlet. The McKelvies were industrious farming people who firmly adhered to the precepts of the established church of Scotland, and … Read more

Biography of David Nicoll

Rev. D. Nicoll, a minister of the United Presbyterian Church & a prominent farmer in Battle Twp., Ida Co., Iowa, was born in Delaware Co., New York, Feb. 22, 1841. He was the son of Andrew & Margaret (George) Nicoll. Andrew Nicoll was born in Scotland in 1797 and was reared and married there, and in 1839 emigrated to America and located in Delaware County, New York, where the rest of his life was spent, engaged in farming pursuits. He died in 1870. Andrew and Margaret’s ten children were: Elizabeth (wife of John Beckwith, Delaware Co., N. Y.); William (married … Read more

Biography of Frank E. Mossman, A. M., D. D.

Frank E. Mossman, A. M., D. D. One of the institutions which in thirty years of existence had sent hundreds of well-trained and efficient Christians and citizens into the life of Kansas is the Southwestern College at Winfield, of which Frank E. Mossman had been president for the past twelve years. Mr. Mossman is an educator of wide experience and thorough training and had been very valuable to Southwestern College on the administrative side. He was born at Urbana, Iowa, August 26, 1873. The Mossman family were originally Scotch, went from that country to Ireland, and Mr. Mossman’s great-grandfather immigrated … Read more

Harmon, Janet Logan Simpkins – Obituary

Mrs. Janet Harmon, 416 South L Street, died in a local hospital Friday [October 5]. She was born in Scotland and was a pioneer resident of Tacoma. Mrs. Harmon was a member of the first Tacoma Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star and belonged to the Holy Communion Church. Survivors are two sisters, Miss Charlotte Simpkins of Tacoma and Miss Nellie Simpkins of Juneau, Alaska; also two brothers, George of Juneau and Hector of Tacoma. The funeral announcement will be made by Buckley-King upon arrival of the sister from Alaska. Tacoma News Tribune, October 7, 1944 Contributed by: Shelli … Read more

Biography of George Hayes

The surname Hayes is the plural form of an ancient word, Hay, or Haw, which means a fence, a hedge or a boundary, also a space enclosed, as a park or field. Its derivation can be traced to many European languages wherein both the primitive and secondary meanings are precisely the same. From this simple root have sprung the names of Hay, Hayes, Haywood or Heywood, Hayland, Greenhays and many others of a similar character. The name of Hayes is to be found both in England and Scotland, but is far more common in the former than it is in … Read more

Biography of James Archibald Campbell

James Archibald Campbell. The Campbell family have been residents of Kansas thirty-five years, and the name is especially well known and prominent in connection with the civic life of Topeka and Shawnee County. James A. Campbell has long been a business man of that city, and his two sons, James A., Jr., and Edwin A. Campbell give a distinction to the family by the fact that at the same time they hold two of the county offices of Shawnee County. James A., Jr., is the present county surveyor, while Edwin A. is the present county treasurer. Before James A. Campbell … Read more

Biography of Alexander Stalker

In the days of the early development of south-eastern Idaho Alexander Stalker came to the state, and is therefore numbered among its pioneer settlers, but he has not only witnessed the changes that have since occurred, for in all that has tended to the development, progress and advancement of the section he has ever borne his part, and may therefore well be called one of the founders of his county and town. In later years he has been somewhat prominent in political affairs, and at all times he has been a loyal citizen, deeply interested in everything pertaining to the … Read more