In the subject of this review we have one who has attained distinction in the line of his profession, who has been an earnest and discriminating student and who holds a position of due relative precedence among the medical practitioners of northern Idaho. He is the leading physician and surgeon of Grangeville and has a very large and lucrative practice. A native of New York City, he was born May 24, 1847, is of Scotch descent and is a representative of a family of physicians. His grandfather, Samuel Bibby, and his father, George Bibby, were both eminent medical practitioners of the American metropolis. The latter married Miss Ann Lavery, a lady of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and they became the parents of eight children. They are faithful members of the Presbyterian Church, and Dr. George Bibby has been a lifelong Republican in his political affiliations. He is now seventy-eight years of age, and his wife has reached the Psalmist’s span of three score years and ten.
Samuel Edward Bibby, their third child, acquired his literary education in the schools of his native city. He is a graduate of the University of New York and of the Columbia University of Washington, and his education was further perfected by a course in the Edinburg University of Scotland. Thus afforded the highest educational advantages to be secured by the practitioners of medicine, he entered upon the work of his profession peculiarly well qualified for its arduous duties. He began practicing in New York City, and was afterward retained in a professional capacity in the service of the United States government, after the civil war. He went to Fort Lapwai, Idaho, in 1884 and after three years passed there came to Grangeville, where he has since remained, enjoying an extensive practice that comes from miles in every direction. He had had the honor of being surgeon on the staff of Governor Willey, and in 1896 he received the appointment to represent Idaho in the Pan-American Medical Congress, held in Washington, D. C. The success which attends his efforts is but in natural sequence, for his position soon became assured as an able physician, a man of sterling integrity and one devoted to his profession and to the interests and welfare of those to whom he ministered. He possesses marked judgment and discernment in the diagnosing of disease, and is peculiarly successful in anticipating the issue of complications, seldom making mistakes and never exaggerating or minifying the disease in rendering his decisions in regard thereto. He is a physician of great fraternal delicacy, and no man ever observed more closely the ethics of the unwritten professional code or showed more careful courtesy to his fellow practitioners than does Dr. Bibby.
During his residence in Grangeville the Doctor has become fully identified with the town and its interests, and has invested a considerable sum in business property in the heart of the town. He has erected a number of good buildings and is also largely interested in mining and has a large stock ranch at White Bird, on Salmon river, where he breeds Hereford and Durham cattle and Hambletonian horses; these business interests, however, are not allowed to interfere in the slightest degree with his ministrations to the sick and suffering.
On the 25th of December 1889, Dr. Bibby was married to Miss Addie Pearson, a native of Grangeville, and a daughter of William Pearson, a prominent pioneer of Idaho. The Doctor is past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias fraternity, a valued member of the Masonic order, of the Eastern Star and of the Woodmen of the World. In politics he is a stalwart Republican, and has served Idaho County as county coroner for six years. He was assistant World’s Fair commissioner for Idaho, and undoubtedly had he aspirations in that direction could win high official honors, for he is a man of strong mentality and recognized ability, commanding the respect, confidence and esteem of his fellow men.