Biography of Henry Wax

Henry Wax, president of the board of trustees of Grangeville and one of her most enterprising business men, claims California as the state of his nativity, his birth having occurred in San Francisco, on the 4th of August, 1859. His parents were Jacob and Amelia (Elkles) Wax natives of Germany, who located in California in pioneer days. The year 1852 witnessed their arrival in the Golden state, where the father carried on merchandising in several towns up to the time of his death. He passed away in his forty-fourth year, his estimable wife having been called to the home beyond … Read more

Biography of Aaron Freidenrich

Aaron Freidenrich, one of the most prominent merchants of Grangeville, and the managing member of the firm of Alexander & Freidenrich, wholesale and retail dealers in general merchandise, is in control of the largest establishment of the kind in the town, and perhaps no town of equal proportion in the entire country can boast of a better or more extensive store. The success of this enterprise is due to him whose name begins this sketch, a most energetic and progressive man, whose sound judgment is supplemented by industry and honorable methods. These qualities have brought to him a most creditable … Read more

Carpenter, Erwin H. – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Erwin H. Carpenter Erwin H. Carpenter, 80, of Lewiston, Idaho, and formerly of Grangeville, Idaho, and Union County, died Feb. 20 at the Idaho State Veterans Home in Lewiston. Viewing will be from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at Daniels Chapel of the Valley, 1502 Seventh Street, La Grande. A graveside service will follow at 2 p.m. at the Grandview Cemetery. Erwin was born Jan. 13, 1927, to Earl and Ida Carpenter in La Grande. As a child he lived on the family farm near Elgin. He and his sister, Doris, rode their horse three miles to attend … Read more

Biography of Henry F. Samuels

There is coming to the front of Idaho a class of lawyers of the younger generation who are making their mark in no uncertain way and will be worthy successors to some of the older members of the bar when their time for retirement shall come. One of the best and most prominent of these is Prosecuting Attorney Samuels, of Shoshone County, some account of whose busy and successful career to the present time it is purposed to introduce here. Henry F. Samuels was born in Mississippi, April 4, 1869, a son of Captain Floyd and Isabella (Jenkins) Samuels. His … Read more

Biography of John M. Crooks

John M. Crooks, now deceased, was numbered among the Idaho pioneers of 1862 and was at one time the owner of the land upon which the town of Grangeville is now located. He was born in Indiana, June 28, 1820, and was of Irish and German lineage. He married Martha Pea, a native of Virginia, and in 1852 they crossed the plains to Oregon, accompanied by their five children. One child was added to the number during the journey. For many long weeks they were upon the way, traveling across the arid sands or through the mountain passes, but at … Read more

Biography of Keith W. White

Keith Wood White, a retired farmer now residing in Grangeville, is a native of the far-off state of Connecticut, his birth having occurred in the town of Ashford, Windham County, on the 15th of May 1838. His ancestors came from old England and settled in New England at an early epoch in the history of this country, and there the family remained for several generations. Keith W. White, the father of our subject, was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, and married Catharine Farnum, a native of Connecticut. They became the parents of two children, and the father provided for their support … Read more

Biography of Henderson Orchard

Each community is judged by the character of its representative citizens, and its social, intellectual and business standing is determined thereby. The sterling worth, commercial ability and enterprise of the leading men are mirrored forth in the public life of the town, and therefore the history of the people of prominence is the history of the community. No account of Grangeville would be complete without the life record of Henderson Orchard, the popular president of the board of trade and a man whose public spirit is manifested in his many efforts to improve the conditions and promote the upbuilding of … Read more

Biography of William F. Schmadeka

This gentleman has been such an important factor in the upbuilding of Grangeville that his life record forms a part of its history, and no work purporting to give an account of the growth and improvement of Idaho and her towns and cities would be complete without an account of his life. He has always resided in the northwest, his interests are centered here, and he has labored untiringly for the best interests of this section of the country. A native of Lane county, Oregon, he was born on the 5th of September, 1860, and is a son of George … Read more

Biography of Edwin R. Sherwin

This well and favorably known resident of Grangeville came to the territory of Idaho when the, flourishing city of Lewiston was but a collection of tents, and through the thirty-seven, years that have since come and gone he has been an important element in the business life of this section of the commonwealth. He was born in Onondaga County, New York, January 26, 1821, and is of English and German descent. His ancestors were early settlers of New England, and the grandfather. Captain Joshua Sherwin, was a resident of Hartford, Connecticut. He was one of a family of seven sons, … Read more

Biography of George Schmadeka

History was at one time almost entirely a record of wars, a tale of conquest in which armed hosts went forth to capture, pillage and destroy, but with advancing civilization it has become a very different chronicle, being now more particularly the story of the onward march of progress, the upbuilding of towns and the establishment of those enterprises and interests which contribute to man’s happiness and welfare. In pursuing the study of Idaho’s history we find that the flourishing town of Grangeville owes its existence in part to the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He arrived on Camas … Read more

Biography of Evan Evans

Evan Evans, a successful business man of Grangeville, came to this town in 1880 and for almost twenty years has been one of her enterprising and highly valued citizens, taking a deep interest in and giving aid to every measure and movement intended to promote the general welfare. He was born in Norway, February 5, 1855, and is of Norwegian ancestry. His parents were Andrew and Mary (Olson) Evans, successful farming people and respected members of the Lutheran church. The subject of this review acquired his education in his native country, and at the age of seventeen went to England, … Read more

Bruner, Hazel D. Jensen Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Hazel D. Bruner, 81, of Baker City died Oct. 29, 2001, at St. Elizabeth Health Care Center. Her graveside service will be at 1 p.m. Saturday in the veterans section of Mount Hope Cemetery. Baker City Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 3048, will conduct miliary honors. Mrs. Bruner was born on July 19, 1920, at Redmond, Utah, to Leslie Peter and Hazel Jean Sorenson Jensen. She was raised and educated at Redmond, Utah. She enlisted in the Womens Army Auxiliary Corps (WAACs) during World War II. She married LeRoy Andrew Bruner at Payette, Idaho, on Jan. 31, … Read more

Prominent Cities and Towns of the State

Boise, The Capital City The following descriptive article is an excerpt from the souvenir edition of the Boise Sentinel, issued in June 1897: So much has been said and written and sung of “Boise, the Beautiful,” that the task of saying any-thing new seems utterly hopeless; and of this there is little need. While those who have made their homes here from the beginning, and those who from year to year have come to stay, might naturally be expected to be most fervent in their praises, they have not always been the happiest in laying appropriate tributes before the shrine … Read more

Biography of John F. McLean

John F. McLean, sheriff of Idaho County, is a native of Indiana, born in Lebanon, June 22, 1843. The family is of Scotch lineage and was founded in America by Samuel McLean, the grandfather of our subject, who crossed the Atlantic with his family and took up his residence in Pennsylvania. He was a miller and millwright by trade, and after spending some time in the Keystone state, he went to Indiana, becoming one of the pioneer settlers there. He lived to be eighty-four years of age, and his wife, who was four years his junior, passed away at the … Read more

Biography of Samuel E. Bibby, M. D.

In the subject of this review we have one who has attained distinction in the line of his profession, who has been an earnest and discriminating student and who holds a position of due relative precedence among the medical practitioners of northern Idaho. He is the leading physician and surgeon of Grangeville and has a very large and lucrative practice. A native of New York City, he was born May 24, 1847, is of Scotch descent and is a representative of a family of physicians. His grandfather, Samuel Bibby, and his father, George Bibby, were both eminent medical practitioners of … Read more

Biography of Alexander I. Watson

A third of a century has passed since Alexander Irwin Watson, of Grangeville, took up his abode in this section of Idaho, and for thirty-seven years he has been a resident of the state. He was born in Darke County, Ohio, June 2, 1830, a representative of one of the pioneer families there. His paternal grandfather was a native of Ireland, and on leaving that country crossed the ocean to America. He became an industrious farmer of Darke County, and served his adopted country as a soldier in the war of 1812. He was almost one hundred years of age … Read more

Biography of James Edwards

After a long period of active connection with the industrial interests of northern Idaho, James Edwards is now living a retired life in Grangeville. He was born in Richmond, Chittenden county, Vermont, on the 20th of June, 1838, his parents being George and Martha Sophia (Burr) Edwards, both of whom were natives of Massachusetts. The father was a farmer and a dealer in cattle and grain. He attained the age of only fifty years, but his wife lived to the ripe old age of eighty-four years. They were Universalists in religious faith, and Mr. Edwards was a man of ability, … Read more

Biography of Jacob C. Garber

The efficient and capable postmaster of Grangeville, Jacob C. Garber, is a native of Rockingham County, Virginia, born near Fort Republic, January 7, 1829. The family is of Swiss origin and the ancestors of our subject crossed the Atlantic to the New World prior to the Revolutionary war. They were long residents of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and in religious faith were Dunkards. Martin Garber, the father of our subject, was born in the Old Dominion and married Miss Magdalen Mohler, a lady of German lineage and a representative of one of the old Virginian families. Fourteen children were born of … Read more

Biography of James F. Ailshie

James F. Ailshie is one of the most distinguished criminal lawyers of Idaho, his marked success in that department of jurisprudence winning him enviable prestige. He is also public-spirited and thoroughly interested in whatever tends to promote the moral, intellectual and material welfare of his town, ranking among her progressive and popular citizens. A native of Greene County, Tennessee, he was born June 19, 1868, and is of Scotch ancestry, the family having been established in the south at an early period in its settlement. His great-grandfather, Stephen Ailshie, fought for independence in the war of the Revolution, and after … Read more

Biography of Samuel G. Benedict

Samuel Benedict, a brave Idaho pioneer, who was killed by the Nez Perces Indians June 14, 1877, was born in Kingston, Canada, and was of English lineage. In his early manhood he married Miss Sarah Kelley, a native of New Brighton, New York, and in 1862 they came to Idaho. They were among the earliest settlers in the northern section of the state and Mr. Benedict established a general mercantile store at the mouth of White Bird River, where he was carrying on business at the time of his death. When the Nez Perces Indians went upon the warpath they … Read more