Biography of Warren P. Hunt

Warren Palmerton Hunt, who has been a highly respected citizen of Lewiston since 1862, and is numbered among the California pioneers of 1854, was born in Erie County, New York, March 13, 1832, a son of Isaac and Diantha (Allbee) Hunt, the former a native of Vermont and the latter of the Empire state. In 1852 the father went by way of the Cape Horn route to California, but returned to his farm in Erie County, where he made his home until his death, which occurred in the eighty-sixth year of his age. His wife passed away in her eighty-second … Read more

Washington County Its Towns, Resources, Etc.

Washington County lies on the western border of the state of Idaho, and about five hundred miles from the Pacific coast. It contains a large area of land suited to various purposes. It has a population of over five thousand people. Its inhabitants are, generally speaking, enterprising and thrifty people, many of them having settled here in the early 6o”s and have remained ever since. The early settler devoted himself to stock-raising and placer-mining, and he thought that was all the county was fit for. But as the county began settling up it was soon found that anything which grew … Read more

Walker, Sydney W. – Obituary

Sydney W. Walker, 89, of Grangeville, Idaho, and a former Baker City resident, died Aug. 19, 2006, at Life Care Center in Lewiston, Idaho. His funeral will take place Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Blackmer Funeral Home in Grangeville. Inurnment will be Friday at 2 p.m. at the Prairie View Cemetery in Grangeville. Sydney was born Sept. 2, 1916, at Steele, N.D., a son of Sydney A. and Faye Crofoot Walker. The family moved to Grangeville, where he graduated from high school in 1936. Following his graduation the family moved to Baker City, where he worked in the shoe … Read more

Biography of Jay M. Dorman

No man has been a more prominent factor in the growth and improvement of Mount Idaho than this gentleman, who for many years has been identified with its building interests, nor have his efforts contributed alone to his individual prosperity, for he belongs to that class of representative Americans who promote the public good while securing their own success. A native of Delaware County, New York, he was born August 27, 1837, and is descended from an old American family, early settlers of the Empire state. His father, Anthony Dorman, was likewise born in Delaware county and married Miss Charlotte … Read more

Biography of Alexander I. Watson

A third of a century has passed since Alexander Irwin Watson, of Grangeville, took up his abode in this section of Idaho, and for thirty-seven years he has been a resident of the state. He was born in Darke County, Ohio, June 2, 1830, a representative of one of the pioneer families there. His paternal grandfather was a native of Ireland, and on leaving that country crossed the ocean to America. He became an industrious farmer of Darke County, and served his adopted country as a soldier in the war of 1812. He was almost one hundred years of age … Read more

Biography of Edmond Pearcy

Edmond Pearcy, whose history is one of close connection with the pioneer development of the state as well as its latter-day progress and prosperity was born in Bedford County, Virginia, on the 22d of March 1832, and is of Scotch and Dutch descent. His ancestors were early settlers of Virginia, and for many years the families were represented in Bedford County. His father, Nicholas Pearcy, was born there, and having arrived at years of maturity he married Rebecca Hardy, a native of Maryland. They became the parents of twelve children, eleven sons and one daughter, and of the number but … Read more

Early Residents of Idaho County, Idaho

John Aram, born in Seneca, N. Y., in 1827, came with his brother Joseph to Cal. in 1850 by sea. He resided 5 years in San Jose, and 4 years in Amador County, Cal., after which he removed to Oregon in 1859, and to Grangeville, on Camas prairie, Idaho, in 1864. He married, in 1853, Sarah Barr, born in Wyoming County, N. Y., in 1831. Loyal P. Brown, born in Coos County, N. H., in 1829, came to Cal. by sea in 1849, the schooner Haunt Nut, of the Massasoit Company, bringing them to the Isthmus of Panama. Crossing on … Read more

Williamson, Clarence Lewis “Big Lou” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Clarence Lewis “Big Lou” Williamson, 58, died Jan. 31, 2003, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Monte Loyd of Baker Valley Christian Assembly will officiate. Mr. Williamson was born on Sept. 6, 1944, at Robinson, N.D. He was a son of Edwin and Purnelby “Dolly” Brady Williamson. He grew up and attended school at Lake Williams Country School. Lou worked in his uncle’s service station at Cottonwood, Idaho, then later moved to Boise, where he worked at General Tires and … Read more

Biography of James Edwards

After a long period of active connection with the industrial interests of northern Idaho, James Edwards is now living a retired life in Grangeville. He was born in Richmond, Chittenden county, Vermont, on the 20th of June, 1838, his parents being George and Martha Sophia (Burr) Edwards, both of whom were natives of Massachusetts. The father was a farmer and a dealer in cattle and grain. He attained the age of only fifty years, but his wife lived to the ripe old age of eighty-four years. They were Universalists in religious faith, and Mr. Edwards was a man of ability, … Read more

Biography of James and Thomas Surridge

The Surridge Brothers, of Bridgeport, Idaho County, came to the territory of Idaho in June 1876, and are numbered among the most enterprising and progressive citizens of the community in which they make their home. They are both natives of London, England, sons of John and Mary (Cochran) Surridge, who emigrated to America in 1859, bringing with them their three children. They located at Milan, Monroe County, Michigan, where the father improved a good farm and spent his remaining days. Mr. Surridge died in 1898, at the age of seventy-two years, and his wife is still living, in 1899 at … Read more

Biography of Aaron Freidenrich

Aaron Freidenrich, one of the most prominent merchants of Grangeville, and the managing member of the firm of Alexander & Freidenrich, wholesale and retail dealers in general merchandise, is in control of the largest establishment of the kind in the town, and perhaps no town of equal proportion in the entire country can boast of a better or more extensive store. The success of this enterprise is due to him whose name begins this sketch, a most energetic and progressive man, whose sound judgment is supplemented by industry and honorable methods. These qualities have brought to him a most creditable … Read more

Idaho County, Idaho Census Records

1870 Idaho County, Idaho Census Free 1870 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1870 Idaho County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1870 U.S. Census Guide  Hosted at Idaho County IdahoUSGenWeb Census Project 1870 Idaho County Idaho Census 1880 Idaho County, Idaho Census Free 1880 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1880 Idaho County, Census (images and index) 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1880 U.S. Census Guide 1890 Idaho County, Idaho Census Free 1890 Census Form … Read more

Biography of John Hanson

John Hanson, who loyally served this country as a member of the navy, is now successfully engaged in farming and stock raising on Camas prairie, in Idaho county, where he owns four hundred and eighty acres of land. He is a native of Denmark, his birth having occurred in that land on the 9th of June 1827. At the age of fifteen he bade adieu to home and friends and went to sea, eventually sailing to New York, in 1849. While there he joined the United States Navy and served for sixteen months, at the expiration of which period he … Read more

Prominent Cities and Towns of the State

Boise, The Capital City The following descriptive article is an excerpt from the souvenir edition of the Boise Sentinel, issued in June 1897: So much has been said and written and sung of “Boise, the Beautiful,” that the task of saying any-thing new seems utterly hopeless; and of this there is little need. While those who have made their homes here from the beginning, and those who from year to year have come to stay, might naturally be expected to be most fervent in their praises, they have not always been the happiest in laying appropriate tributes before the shrine … Read more

Bruner, Hazel D. Jensen Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Hazel D. Bruner, 81, of Baker City died Oct. 29, 2001, at St. Elizabeth Health Care Center. Her graveside service will be at 1 p.m. Saturday in the veterans section of Mount Hope Cemetery. Baker City Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 3048, will conduct miliary honors. Mrs. Bruner was born on July 19, 1920, at Redmond, Utah, to Leslie Peter and Hazel Jean Sorenson Jensen. She was raised and educated at Redmond, Utah. She enlisted in the Womens Army Auxiliary Corps (WAACs) during World War II. She married LeRoy Andrew Bruner at Payette, Idaho, on Jan. 31, … Read more

Biography of William A. Hall

Honored and respected by all, there is no man in northern Idaho who occupies a more enviable position in professional circles than William A. Hall, who for many years has devoted his energies to the practice of law and to the spread of the gospel among his fellow men. Born in England, February 15, 1847, he was five years of age when brought to America by his parents, William and Lucy (Atkinson) Hall, who crossed the Atlantic with their six children and became residents of Walworth county, Wisconsin. There the father engaged in farming up to the time of his … Read more

Hafer, Guy – Obituary

Cove, Oregon Guy Hafer, 71, of Cove died unexpectedly at his home Oct. 27. Memorial services will begin at 2 p.m. Friday at Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St. A dinner will follow at the Cove Sportsmen’s Club on Highway 237. A private burial will be held at a later date. Guy was born on a farm near Falfa, Colo., on July 31, 1936, to Charles “Paul” Edward and Erma Irene (Rea) Hafer. He, his sister and brothers grew up on farms and ranches in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado around Durango. Guy rode horseback to small country schools … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Schnabel

Thirty-seven years have passed since Charles Augusta Schnabel came to Idaho. This state, so aptly termed “the gem of the mountains,” was then a wild district, its lands unclaimed, its resources undeveloped. A few courageous frontiersmen had dared to locate within its borders, but the work of progress and improvement remained to the future, and there was little promise of early development. In the years which have since passed Mr. Schnabel has not only witnessed a most wonderful transformation, but has largely aided in the labors which have transformed the wild tract into a splendid commonwealth. Now in his declining … Read more

Carpenter, Erwin H. – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Erwin H. Carpenter Erwin H. Carpenter, 80, of Lewiston, Idaho, and formerly of Grangeville, Idaho, and Union County, died Feb. 20 at the Idaho State Veterans Home in Lewiston. Viewing will be from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at Daniels Chapel of the Valley, 1502 Seventh Street, La Grande. A graveside service will follow at 2 p.m. at the Grandview Cemetery. Erwin was born Jan. 13, 1927, to Earl and Ida Carpenter in La Grande. As a child he lived on the family farm near Elgin. He and his sister, Doris, rode their horse three miles to attend … Read more

Biography of Evan Evans

Evan Evans, a successful business man of Grangeville, came to this town in 1880 and for almost twenty years has been one of her enterprising and highly valued citizens, taking a deep interest in and giving aid to every measure and movement intended to promote the general welfare. He was born in Norway, February 5, 1855, and is of Norwegian ancestry. His parents were Andrew and Mary (Olson) Evans, successful farming people and respected members of the Lutheran church. The subject of this review acquired his education in his native country, and at the age of seventeen went to England, … Read more