Biography of George J. Charlesworth, M. D.

George J. Charlesworth, M. D., one of the prominent professional men of Riverside, who is a Canadian by birth, dating that event at Chatham, Kent County, Ontario, in 1858. His parents, George and Ann (Scott) Charlesworth, were natives of Yorkshire, England, who immigrated to Canada about 1833. His father was a prominent civil engineer, employed in the engineer department in the construction of the Great Western Railway and other works. Dr. Charlesworth was given the advantages of a good schooling, closing his classical studies in Toronto. At the age of twenty years, he entered upon his medical studies at the … Read more

Biography of Walter J. Reed

WALTER J. REED. – A view of this gentleman’s residence in North Yakima, Washington, his hotel (the Reed House in Cle-Elum), together with portraits of himself and his estimable wife, is placed among the illustrations of this work. Although not a pioneer of Washington Territory, he has been a great factor in the development of Yakima and Kittitass counties. He built the first two-story business house in North Yakima, and is the founder of the town of Cle-Elum, in Kittitas county. He has also advanced a great many matters of substantial interest in both counties, and is one of the … Read more

Biography of August Siebert, M. D., PH. G.

Dr. August Siebert, engaged in medical practice in St. Louis and well known through his contributions to the literature of the profession, is a native of Hadamar, Germany, and a son of Joseph and Emma (Troost) Siebert. The father was a mining engineer and was also the author of a work on fishes. The ancestry of the family can be traced back to the fourth century, Sigebert in France, prominent leaders in the Crusades. In the middle ages many representatives of the family were professional men, including distinguished physicians. Dr. Siebert was accorded liberal educational opportunities, pursuing his studies in … Read more

McLean, Lauchlan – Obituary

Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. (MST) at the Northam-Jones Chapel in Weiser, Idaho, for Lauchlan McLean, 68, Longtime Huntington resident. McLean, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, was the son of John and Catherine McDermitt McLean. In 1914 the family moved to Canada and moved to the United States in 1933, settling in Huntington. He married Leone Zumwalt on Nov. 10, 1925. The couple had always resided in Huntington except for three years. He was employed by the Oregon Portland Cement Company and was general Superintendent of the plant at Lime. He was also a member of … Read more

Biography of William Cant Sturoc

William Cant Sturoc, “the bard of Sunapee ,” as he is often called, was born November 4, 1822, in a humble, straw-thatched cottage in Arbroath, Scotland, son of Francis Sturoc and his wife, Ann (Cant) Sturoc. Doubtless, the poetic genius has descended to him from his paternal great-grandfather, James Sturoc, who wrote a book of “Hymns and Spiritual Songs,” and died in Panbride in 1750. Other distinguished members of the family were well known in the church. Among these was the Rev. David Sturoc, who was of ready speech and pen, and two generations ago repeatedly entered public debate with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Knox

Knox, William; architect; born, Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 20, 1858; son of Thomas and Margaret Neilson Knox; studied in the Free Church Seminary, in Glasgow, special course in architecture in Glasgow and Edinburgh; married, Painesville, O., June 21, 1891, Miss Agnes Julia Child; issue, three children, Carlos C., Beulah G., and M. Neilson; business career, successor to Mr. Aitken, in the firm of Moffett & Aitken, in Edinburgh; in 1886, left Scotland to travel; applied for and secured position with Burnham & Root, architects, of Chicago, Ill.; later office mgr. for Henry Ives Cobb, eminent architect; came to Cleveland in 1893; … Read more

Biography of Joseph Lister

Lord Lister

In a corner of the north transept of Westminster Abbey, almost lost among the colossal statues of our prime ministers, our judges, and our soldiers, will be found a small group of memorials preserving the illustrious names of Darwin, Lister, Stokes, Adams, and Watt, and reminding us of the great place which Science has taken in the progress of the last century. Watt, thanks partly to his successors, may be said to have changed the face of this earth more than any other inhabitant of our isles; but he is of the eighteenth century, and between those who developed his … Read more

Biography of Samuel E. Bibby, M. D.

In the subject of this review we have one who has attained distinction in the line of his profession, who has been an earnest and discriminating student and who holds a position of due relative precedence among the medical practitioners of northern Idaho. He is the leading physician and surgeon of Grangeville and has a very large and lucrative practice. A native of New York City, he was born May 24, 1847, is of Scotch descent and is a representative of a family of physicians. His grandfather, Samuel Bibby, and his father, George Bibby, were both eminent medical practitioners of … Read more

Biography of Thomas Carlyle

Thomas Carlyle

North-west of Carlisle (from which town the Carlyle family in all probability first took their name), a little way along the border, the river Annan comes down its green valley from the lowland hills to lose itself in the wide sands of the Solway Firth. At the foot of these hills is the village of Ecclefechan, some eight miles inland. Here in the wide irregular street, down the side of which flows a little beck, stands the grey cottage, built by the stonemason James Carlyle, where he lived with his second wife, Margaret Aitken; and here on December 4, 1795, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Neil Stewart

Stewart, George Neil; university prof.; born, London, Can., April 18, 1860; son of James Innes and Catherine (Sutherland) Stewart; A. M., University of Edinburgh, 1883, B. S., 1886, D. Sc., 1887, M. B. and C. M., 1889, M. D. 1891; D. P. H., University of Cambridge, Eng., 1890; married; demonstrator of physiology, Owens College, Manchester, Eng., 1887-1889; George Henry Lewes student, University of Cambridge, 1889-1893; examiner in physiology, University of Aberdeen, 1891-1894; instructor Harvard Medical School, 1893-1894; prof. physiology and histology, Western Reserve University, 1894-1903; prof. physiology, University of Chicago, 1903-1907; prof. experimental medicine, Western Reserve University since 1907; member … Read more

Biography of Robert Bruce

ROBERT BRUCE. – Mr. Bruce was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 10, 1828, where he remained until 1844, receiving a common-school education, and learning the trade of gold-beating. In 1844 he went to England, remaining about a year, and moved thence to Canada, locating near Montreal. After remaining there four years, he crossed the plains to California in 1849 on the hunt for gold. The first year as spent in traveling from one mining camp to another until, in 1850, he located at Hangtown, where he engaged in placer mining for seven years. From this point he went to Yreka … Read more

Biography of David Langton Grey

David Langton Grey, a certified public accountant of St.. Louis, is a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, his birth having there occurred August 22, 1875, his parents being John Edward Ogilvie and Lydia Margaret (Gavin) Grey. In the acquirement of his education, he attended George Watson’s College, and afterward entered the Edinburgh University, from which he was graduated with the class of 1893, thus becoming well qualified for life’s practical and responsible duties. He started upon his business career in the same year, in connection with the firm of A. &. J. Robertson of Edinburgh, with whom he continued until 1901. … Read more