Hawaii History 1527 – 1926

Last Updated on October 25, 2013 by Dennis


1893Lottery bill passed on a vote of 23 to 20. January 11.
On the success of the lottery bill, the cabinet is voted out by a majority of nine. January 12.
Parker-Cornwell-Colburn-Peterson cabinet appointed. January 13.
Queen signed the opium and lottery bills, and prorogued the legislature. January 14.
Queen attempts to abrogate the constitution and proclaim a new one, but is thwarted by her ministers.
Citizens organize Committee of Safety. January 14.
Mass meeting at the Armory confirms the Committee of Safety organization and empowers it “to devise such ways and means as may be necessary to secure the permanent maintenance of law and order and the protection of life, liberty and property in Hawaii.”
Marines from the IT. S. S. Boston landed, 5 p. m. January 16.
Committee of Safety takes possession of the Government building, and proclaims the monarchical system of government abrogated and a provisional government established in its stead until terms of union with the United States may be agreed upon.
Resignation of Judge Sanford B. Dole from the Supreme bench to assume the head of affairs. January 17.
Special commissioners leave in steamer Claudine for Washington via San Francisco, to negotiate a Treaty of Annexation. January 19.
United States Minister Stevens, at request of Provisional Government, proclaims United States protectorate over Hawaii, pending results at Washington.
American flag hoisted over the Government building. February 1.
Annexation treaty signed at Washington; submitted to the Senate by President Harrison on the 17th. February 14.
Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry established. March 1.
Annexation Club organized. March.
President Cleveland (Dem.) withdraws Annexation Treaty from Senate. March 9.
Arrival of revenue cutter Richard Rush from San Francisco with President Cleveland ‘s special commissioner, Colonel Blount, to investigate the situation. March 27.
Commissioner Blount orders American flag lowered and the naval forces back to their warships.
Departure of Commissioner Blount for Washington. August 8
Opening of new macadamized road between Hilo and the Volcano of Kilauea, 32 miles distant. October 20.
U. S. Minister Willis arrived, accredited to President Dole and the Provisional Government, and opens negotiations with Liliuokalani with a view to her restoration. November 4.
Mass meeting in Honolulu protested against President Cleveland’s plan to restore Liliuokalani; pledged support to resist attacks oil Provisional Government contrary to usage of nations. November 25.
U. S. revenue cutter Corwin arrives with special dispatches for Minister Willis; strong rumors of restoration of Liliuokalani follow. December 14.
To relieve strain of political suspense President Dole designates prominent men to wait upon Minister Willis, to ascertain proposed plans. December 18.
Minister Willis informed President Dole that President Cleveland had assumed to arbitrate in behalf of Liliuokalani and concluded she was deposed through aid of United States forces; therefore, requested the Provisional Government to restore the Queen her authority. December 19.
President Dole replied to the demand of the United States through Minister Willis declining to accede, and refuting President Cleveland’s right of self-assumed arbitership. December 23.
Corwin departs for San Francisco with United States dispatches only. December 24.
1894Celebration of first anniversary of establishment of the Provisional Government. January 14.
Neckar Island taken possession of by Capt. J. A. King, on behalf of Hawaii. May 27.
Constitutional Convention convened. May 30.
Constitutional Convention concludes labors. July 3
Declaration of the new Republic of Hawaii, by President Dole, in accordance with the new constitution. July 4.
S. N. Castle, a highly esteemed resident since 1837, died. July 14.
Kamehameha Girls’ School completed and opened. December 19.
1895 Schooner Wahlberg, from San Francisco, transfers arms and ammunition to steamer Waimanalo to be smuggled ashore, off Diamond Head, Honolulu.
Group of Hawaiians under leadership of Sang Nowlein and R. W. Wilcox surprised at dusk at Diamond Head arming to overthrow the government and restore the Queen. A squad of police and citizens’ guard were fired upon. C. L. Carter, of government force, fell mortally wounded. January 6.
Death of C. L. Carter. Martial law proclaimed. Battle of Moiliili, securing 33 prisoners; one of Capt. Ziegler’s company wounded. January 7.
Rattle of Manna Valley; three royalists killed, but nightfall enabled rebels to escape. January 9.
Sam Nowlein and three aids captured in hiding. Wilcox also found in fishing hut at Kalihi. January 14.
Arrest of Queen Liliuokalani who is confined to the executive building, formerly the Royal Palace. January 16.
Military Commission for trial of those implicated in uprising. Sittings from January 17 to end of February.
Ex-Queen sent to President Dole an abdication and renunciation of all sovereign rights, admitted and declared the Republic of Hawaii to be the lawful government, to which she certified her oath of allegiance. January 24.
Liliuokalani appeared before the Military Commission for trial charged with misprision of treason. February 5.
Sentence passed on Liliuokalani, being found by the Commission “guilty as charged.” February 27.
Military Commission closed its labors, having considered 190 cases, many of which plead guilty and but six acquitted. March 1.
Street letter boxes reestablished. May 1.
First typesetting machine in Hawaii operated in “The Honolulu Advertiser” newspaper office.
Extension of Oahu Railroad to Waianae. July 7.
French Frigate Shoals taken possession of by Capt. King for Republic of Hawaii. July 13.
First case of Asiatic cholera discovered in Honolulu; believed to have been introduced from Orient by S. S. Belgic. August 18. Strict quarantine established, inter-island travel interdicted. Later, business practically suspended to stamp out disease. Expense, $60,000.
Princess Ruth mansion, Emma street, purchased by Board of Education to be used for high school.
Liliuokalani released from custody, but subject to certain restriction of movements.
Initial export shipment of 486 eases canned pineapples. November 13.


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