1869 | Organization of first lodge of Good Templars, Ultima Thule No. 1. April 9. |
| Arrival of H. R. H. Alfred Ernest, Duke of Edinburgh, in command of H. M. S. Galatea. July 21. |
| Lighthouse at entrance to Honolulu harbor permanently lighted. August 2. |
1870 | Fiftieth anniversary of the landing of the first missionaries celebrated in Honolulu by a grand jubilee. April 4. |
| Arrival of the S. S. Wonga Wonga, pioneer vessel of the Australian and California line of steamers from Sydney, connecting at Honolulu with the Idaho. April 19. |
| Present Hawaiian band dates from this year under brief leadership of W. Northcott. |
| Arrival of the Flying Squadron (British) from Victoria, en route to Valparaiso. |
| Death of Queen Dowager Kalama, consort of Kamehameha III, at Honolulu. September 20. |
1871 | Arrival of the Nevada, pioneer vessel of Webb’s line of California and Australian steamers, from San Francisco for Sydney. April 16. |
| Loss of thirty-three ships of Arctic whaling fleet, only seven saved. September 14. |
1872 | Laying of corner stone of new government building, “Aliiolani Hale.” March 20. |
| Capt. Henri Berger arrived from Germany to direct Royal Hawaiian band. June. |
| Opening of Royal Hawaiian hotel, built by the Hawaiian government. |
| Death of Laura P., wife of Dr. G. P. Judd, aged 68, one of the second band of missionaries. October 2. |
| Death of Kamehameha V, at Honolulu, aged 43 years, leaving throne vacant, without heir designated. December 11. |
| Death of Mrs. M. P. Whitney, one of the pioneer band of missionaries who arrived at the Islands in 1820. December 26. |
1873 | Prince NV. C. Lunalilo elected king of the Hawaiian Islands be special session of the legislature. January 8. |
| King Lunalilo takes the oath of office at Kawaiahao church. |
| Death of Dr. C. P. Judd, at Honolulu, aged 70 years, who arrived at the Islands in mission band of 1828, and joined the government in 1842. July. |
| Renewed effort for Reciprocity Treaty with the United States, on the basis of a cession of Pearl Harbor and Pearl river for a naval base. |
| Pearl harbor cession offer is withdrawn bythe Hawaiian government. |
| Emeute at the Royal Household Barracks. September 8. |
| Abolition of the army, by royal command. September 12. |
1874 | Death of King Lunalilo at Honolulu, aged 39 years, leaving throne again vacant without heir designated. February 3. |
| Election of Hon. David Kalakaua as King of Hawaii by a special session of the legislature. February 12. |
| Riot at the Court House by anti-Kalakauaites favoring Queen Emma. Armed forces from American and English warships in port quelled disturbance. February 12. |
| King Kalakaua takes oath of office at Kinau Hale. February 13. |
| Prince W. P. Leleiohoku proclaimed Prince Regent. February 14. |
| Passage of act allowing distillation of rum on sugar plantations. June. |
| Death of wife of Rev. Daniel Pole, who arrived in Hawaii in 1837. July 5. |
| Renewed effort for a Reciprocity Treaty with the United States, and Hons. E. H. Allen and H. A. P. Carter sent as commissioners to Washington. October 18. |
| Departure of His Majesty King Kalakaua on a visit to the United States, in the U. S. S. Benecia, accompanied by Governors Dominis and Kapena. November 17. |
1875 | Return of King Kalakaua and suite on the U. S. S. Pensacola . February 15. |
| First typewriting machine introduced in Hawaii by Dillingham & Co. August. |
| Arrival of the Fresco de Gama, pioneer vessel of the Pacific Mail line of steamers from San Francisco for the Colonies. October 19. |
| Hon. E. H. Allen returned to Washington on treaty business. November. |
| H. R. H. Princess Kaiulani born to Princess Likelike. October 16. |
| Remains of King Lunalilo placed in mausoleum at Kawaiahao church, expressly constructed by his wish. |
1876 | Government forwarded an exhibit to the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. |
| Reciprocity Treaty between United States and Hawaiian Kingdom ratified, permitting entry of Hawaiian raw sugar into United States Tree of duty, the first real impetus to the sugar industry in Hawaii, is ratified. August 13. |
1877 | Leleihoku. Prince Regent, died. April 10. |
| Princess Liliuokalani proclaimed Regent. April 10. |
| First telegraph and telephone line was constructed on Maui, connecting Haiku and Lahaina. July 23. |