Hawaii History 1527 – 1926

Last Updated on October 25, 2013 by Dennis


1888First diffusion process plant for sugar it manufacture received, introduced by Col. Z. S. Spalding for Makee Sugar Co., Kauai.
Walter Murray Gibson, ex-minister of Foreign Affairs under Kalakaua, died at San Francisco. January 21.
Electric lighting of Honolulu streets established. March 23.
Lighthouse at Barber’s Point, Oahu, erected.
Ground broken for street railway system (mule-drawn).
Mrs. W. D. Alexander, of the 1832 missionary arrivals, died. June 29.
Samuel C. Wilder, one of Honolulu’s most prominent citizens, promoter of steamship line and other enterprises, flied, aged 82 years. July 28.
Oahu Steam Railway franchise granted to B. F. Dillingham and associates, on Oahu. September 4.
Opening of streetcar system by Hawaiian Tramway Co. December 28.
1889Parcels post system with United States inaugurated. March 1.
First turf for Oahu Railroad turned.
Death of Father Damien, Catholic priest, at the Leper Settlement. Molokai, aged 49 years. April 15.
Death of Mrs. Mary Dominis, mother-in-law of Princess Liliuokalani, aged 86 years, resident of Honolulu since 1837.
April 24. Departure of Princess Kaiulani for England to finish her education. May 10.
Track laying for Hawaiian tramway completed (12 miles).
July 12. Insurrection of R. W. Wilcox and party of malcontents quickly subdued; six insurgents killed, twelve wounded, and remainder surrendered. July 30.
First section of inter-island cable laid between Maui and Molokai August 12.
First trial over Oahu Railroad, called “Dillingham’s Folly.” September 4. Opening of railroad to Aiea and Ewa. November 18.
1890Cable laid between Oahu and Molokai, but its first message proved its last, owing to inferior quality of cable. April 2.
Rev. Hiram Bingham II completes his translation of the entire Bible into Gilbert Island language. April 11.
Reform party cabinet resigns on a tie “want of confidence” vote. June 13.
First ostriches (three) introduced from California by Dr. C. Trousseau, followed a few months later by others from the British Colonies. June 27.
Departure of King Kalakaua on the U. S. S. Charleston for San Francisco in search of health. November 25.
H. H. H. Princess Liliuokalani appointed regent of the kingdom. November 25.
Official census of the Islands taken under direction of Dr. C. T. Rodgers. December 28.
1891Death of King Kalakaua in San Francisco, aged 54 years. January 20.
Kalakaua’s remains arrived at Honolulu on the Charleston. January 29.
Liliuokalani proclaimed queen of the Hawaiian Islands. January 29.
State funeral of King Kalakaua. February 15.
Cabinet resigns at request of queen, and a new ministry of her “election appointed. February 25.
Princess Kaiulani, niece of queen, proclaimed heir apparent. March 9.
Cornerstone, Central Union Church, laid. June 3.
Semi-centennial anniversary of founding of Oahu College celebrated. June 25.
H. R. H. John Dominis, Prince Consort, died at Washington Place, Honolulu, aged 60 years. August 27.
H. A. P. Carter, Hawaiian -Minister Resident at Washington, died, aged 56 year. November 1.
1892 Total loss, by fire, of American whaleship John P. West in Oahu Molokai channel. Crew, in boats, towed to port by passing vessel. January 5.
Hawaiian Historical Society formed. January 11.
Australian ballot system adopted. February 3.
Opening of Honolulu harbor bar commenced. April 16.
Lottery Bill introduced in legislature for a twenty-five years franchise. August 30.
“Want of confidence” resolution against cabinet carried by a vote of 31 to 10. August 30.
New cabinet appointed with C. E. Macfarlane as premier. September 12.
New “Want of confidence” resolution failed by one vote. Protest entered, and question being referred to Supreme Court (Hawaii). President’s ruling confirmed. September 15.
Completion of deepening harbor bar to 30 feet, at an expenditure of $175,000. September 20.
“Want of confidence” resolution carries on a vote of 31 to 15. October 17.
Cornwell-Nawahi cabinet formed; rejected same day on vote 26 to 13.
Wilcox-.Jones cabinet appointed. November 8.
Dedication of Central Union Church. December 4.
Cornerstone of Masonic Temple laid. December 27.
Opium license bill passed the House by large majority. December 31.


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