Over the Misty Blue Hills: The Story of Cocke County, Tennessee

1836 Map of Cocke County, Tennessee

“Over the Misty Blue Hills: The Story of Cocke County, Tennessee,” written by Ruth Webb O’Dell and published in 1951, provides a historical account of Cocke County. The book covers various aspects of Cocke County’s history, including its political, social, religious, and industrial developments. The contents are divided into several detailed sections: the political history of Cocke County, the significance of local names, the natural resources and setting, early settlers, religious history, industrial development, and notable figures from the county. Additionally, it delves into specific family histories, offering insights into the lives of many influential families such as the Allens, Burnetts, Huff, McMahan, and many others.

Centennial History of Wise County, Texas, 1853-1953

Centennial history of Wise County, 1853-1953

The “Centennial History of Wise County 1853-1953” by Mary Cates Moore, published by The Story Book Press in Dallas, Texas, commemorates the hundred-year history of Wise County, Texas. This volume serves as a detailed record of the county’s development from its early settlement through various significant historical events, up to the mid-20th century.

History of Mercer County Ohio

History of Mercer County Ohio

“History of Mercer County Ohio,” authored by Bronshart H. Gilberg and published in 1959 by the Mercer County Historical Society, serves as a comprehensive journey through the annals of Mercer County, Ohio. This book emerges from a deeply felt need among the residents of Mercer County for a cohesive and detailed account of their county’s past—a narrative that had been missing from local educational and cultural institutions.

History of Sheldon Illinois, 1859-1959

Sheldon Centennial

The “History of Sheldon Illinois, 1859-1959,” compiled by the Sheldon Centennial History Committee, offers an immersive journey into the development of Sheldon, Illinois, over its first century. It seeks to celebrate and memorialize the efforts of those early settlers whose dreams and toil laid the foundation for the Sheldon we know today.

History of Chester, New Hampshire, including Auburn

History of Chester, New Hampshire title page

The *History of Chester, New Hampshire, Including Auburn* by John Carroll Chase, published in 1926, serves as a supplement to the original 1869 *History of Old Chester*. This work was produced in response to a desire to document events that had occurred in the town since the previous publication, as well as to cover topics that were initially omitted. While Chester had seen a decline in population and industrial activity, the book highlights notable historical and social developments. It incorporates additions to military history, church records, and gravestone inscriptions, providing a comprehensive overview of Chester and Auburn’s past.

Pulaski County Georgia Spanish-American War Records

Compared with the numbers engaged in the War Between the States, the armies that met to determine the fate of Cuba were small. Georgia as a State was called on for two regiments of twelve companies each, and there was great rivalry as to which of the military organizations already formed should go. Hawkinsville at the time had a company, the Pulaski Volunteers, that volunteered their service, but they were declined. Three regiments were made up from Georgia’s National Guard, but neither of these saw service on the firing line. Two of them never left the State, though encamped at … Read more

Brown County, Kansas Spanish American War Soldiers

Brown county men enlisted in Spanish American war. They are listed first by town and then alphabetically. If you can provide further details on the enlistment information of any of these people, we’d be happy to share it with our readers. Baker Samuel P. Bachar Everest Orville E. Atwood David K. Sharp Fairview Alfred C. Pouts Samuel S. Garland Horace L. Tripp Hiawatha R. H. Bates Wm. Brown Herman Brown W. W. Beymer Perry C. Chase Homer O. Cunningham John J. Chandler Frank Clark Elliot A Davis James B. Eaton Amos E. Embrie Chas. L Finley Frederick J. Gaston Dane … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul Pinckney

Under the head of “The Press” comes the name of Paul Pinckney, one of the foremost newspaper men of the county, and editor and proprietor of the San Mateo Times. Mr. Pinckney was born in South Carolina on March 24, 1869. His early education was accomplished in the common-schools and supplemented by a course under private tutors. At fifteen, instead of going to college he decided to see the world as both his parents had passed away. Ever since this he has “been seeing the world” through the eyes of a newspaper man, serving in the capacity of both reporter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred A. Cunningham

South San Francisco has a reputation of getting almost everything it goes after for the reason that most of its big men are unselfishly imbued with civic pride and interest, or in the language of the streets are “live ones.” Among these “live ones” is Fred A. Cunningham, real estate dealer and trustee and formerly mayor of South San Francisco. Mr. Cunningham is a worker for South San Francisco and the county at large. He was one of the organizers and is at present a member of the Board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Association. He was … Read more

Hawaii History 1527 – 1926

The following pages provides a timeline of important events in the written history of Hawaii. Hawaii, a small group of islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, has played a critical roll in the history of the United States. Most especially during the Spanish American War and World War II. Our timeline takes Hawaii history through its “discovery” and up until 1926. 1527-1786 1527 Supposed arrival of two shipwrecked Spaniards at Keei, Kona, Hawaii. 1555 Discovery of the Hawaiian Islands by Juan Gateau, pilot-navigator, Claimed by Spanish archivists. 1736 Kamehamecha the Great born. November. (The year, however, is controversial, … Read more

Biography of William Horner Cocke

With various corporate interests William Horner Cocke has been closely associated, these various business enterprises benefiting by the stimulus of his industry, keen sagacity and capable management. He has made for himself a most creditable position in business circles and since 1908 has been president and general manager of the Commercial Acid Company which in 1918 became the Southern Acid & Sulphur Company of St. Louis, while with various other concerns he is also associated as stockholder or official. He was born in City Point, Virginia, September 12, 1874. His father, Henry Teller Cocke, was born in Prince George county, … Read more

Biography of Fred Warren Bailey, M. D.

Dr. Fred Warren Bailey, a St. Louis surgeon, was born in Minier, Tazewell county, Illinois, September 30, 1876. His father was Dr. G. O. Bailey, also a native of that state and of Scotch descent, their family having been founded in America in early colonial days. The family was represented in the Revolutionary war and has sent its representatives to each of the succeeding wars of the country, including the Indian war. Dr. G. O. Bailey was a graduate of McKendree College at Lebanon, Illinois, where he won his Bachelor of Science degree and later he pursued a course of … Read more

Biography of Robert Lee Orcutt

Robert Lee Orcutt, president of the General Warehousing Company of St. Louis, was born in this city October 7, 1879. His father, Rosalvo E. Orcutt, was a representative of an old English family and is now living retired. He married Annie Rose in St. Johns, New Brunswick, and they became the parents of five sons and two daughters. Robert L. Orcutt, the sixth in order of birth, was educated in the Cote Brilliant Grammar school, which he attended to the age of seventeen years and then turned his attentions to the storage and moving business, becoming associated with the firm … Read more

Biography of Lawrence Boogher

In the forty-six years of his residence in St. Louis, covering the entire period of his life, Lawrence Boogher has measured up to the highest standards of manhood and citizenship, devoted to all those interests which are worth while as factors in the upbuilding of city, commonwealth and country. In business circles, too, he has made a creditable place. He was born April 18, 1874, his parents being Simon L. and Sophia (Hogan) Boogher, who were natives of Frederick county, Maryland, and of Alton, Illinois, respectively. He is descended in both the paternal and maternal lines from ancestors who rendered … Read more

Biography of Captain Augustus Joseph Hiner

Captain Augustus Joseph Hiner of St. Louis, captain and pilot of Mississippi river steamboats, was born in Covington, Kentucky, December 17, 1860, and was but seven years of age when brought to Missouri in 1867 by his parents, David Augustus and Desdemona Amanda (Gorman) Hiner, the former a native of Hamilton county, Ohio, while the latter was born in Selma, Alabama. Captain Hiner pursued a high school course at Mexico, Missouri, and when seventeen years of age started out to learn piloting on the Mississippi river between St. Louis and New Orleans. He received his license from the government in … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Holtcamp

Charles W. Holtcamp, serving for the fourth term as probate judge of the city of St. Louis, also identified with important business interests and prominent in Masonic circles as a thirty-third degree member, was born in Decatur, Illinois, September 1, 1859. His father, Charles Holtcamp, a native of Germany, was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for more than sixty years. His mother, Mrs. Catherine Holtcamp, was born in Ohio. After attending the public schools Charles W. Holtcamp continued his education at Illinois College of Jacksonville, Illinois, and next became a student in the law department of the Washington … Read more

Biography of John W. Cook

John W. Cook, engaged in the insurance business in the Merchants Exchange building in St. Louis, was born in Fayette county, Ohio, July 20, 1878. His father, Major James F. Cook, who served the Union cause with distinction in the Civil war, was a farmer and a republican political leader. His mother, Mary Augusta (Myers) Cook, was the daughter of the Hon. John L. Myers of Ohio. Mr. Cook was educated in the public schools of Washington Court House, Ohio, supplemented by a business college course in St. Louis. In 1899 Mr. Cook located in St. Louis, engaging in the … Read more

Biography of Lieutenant Colonel Paul C. Hunt

Within a month after America had declared a state of war with Germany, Lieutenant Colonel Paul C. Hunt had enlisted for service and after training in America and active duty overseas he was sent with the Army of Occupation into Germany, following the signing of the armistice. Since his return he has concentrated his efforts and attention upon commercial interests in Jefferson City as a dealer in stationery and office supplies. He was born in New York city, July 10, 1877, a son of Paul and Kate Chapman (Clayton) Hunt, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of … Read more

Biography of Floyd Stewart, M.D.

Dr. Floyd Stewart, formerly connected professionally with the United States army and navy for several years, is now engaged in the private practice of medicine in St. Louis, making a specialty of genito-urinary diseases. A native of Georgia, he was born at Thomaston, October 20, 1873, a son of the late Alcee W. Stewart, who was born in Louisiana and was of Scotch descent. His grandfather was Samuel Stewart, who was born in County Down, Ireland, and was a lineal descendant of the family of Stewart that formerly reigned in Scotland and England. Samuel Stewart came to America in 1816. … Read more

Biography of Herman W. Bundy, M. D.

Herman W. Bundy, M. D. As a physician and surgeon Doctor Bundy enjoys the complete confidence and most of the patronage of the community in and around Pesotum, where he has practiced actively for the last five years. Doctor Bundy is a Kansas man by birth, having been born at Nickerson, March 11, 1879. His parents, Isaac Newton and Helena (Smithson) Bundy, were both born in Ohio. His father was an attorney who enjoyed a good practice and name as an orator in eastern Illinois, and it is recalled that he stumped the district for Joe Cannon when that Illinois … Read more