Hawaii History 1527 – 1926

Last Updated on October 25, 2013 by Dennis


1787Kalians, high chief, visited China with Lieut. Hears in the Nootka, returning the following year with Capt. Douglas, in the Iphigenia, from Oregon.
1789Kamehameha I invaded Maui and waged fierce battle with Kalanikupule in mountain passes near Wailuku. Battle called Kapaniwai, from the. bodies of the numerous slain which dammed Tao Valley stream.
Keawemauhilo slain by Keoua in battle at Hilo, Hawaii.
First American ship, Eleanor, Capt. Metcalf, visited Islands.
1790February, massacre of 100 natives by Capt. Metcalf off Olowalu, Maui. Schooner Fair American, 26 tons, tender to the Eleanor, and commanded by young son of Capt. Metcalf, cut off March 16, by Kameeiamoku, au ally of Kamehameha, in which he drowned young Metcalf and caused the others, except Isaac Davis, to be killed.
John Young, boatswain of the Eleanor, prevented by Kamehameha from rejoining his ship at Kealakekua. March 17.
1791Keel of first vessel built in Hawaiian Islands laid February 1.
Naval battle off Kohala, Hawaii, between Kamehameha and Kaeo, king of Kauai, and Kahekili, king of Oahu, in which the allies were repulsed. Battle called Kapuawahaulaula (the red-mouthed gun), from the victors using a swivel piece mounted in one of the war canoes.
1792Captain Vancouver, in the Discovery and Chatham, tender, first visited the Islands and left cattle, sheep, etc. March 5. Daedalus, store ship, visits Waimea, Oahu. Lieut. Hergest, Mr. Gooch and one seaman killed by the natives. May 11.
Keoua slain at Kawaihae, Hawaii, by Keeaumoku, as he was landing to hold conference with Kamehameha. His body with those of several of his attendants were offered in sacrifice at the temple just completed there.Kamehameha I became sole ruler of all Hawaii island.
1793Kamehameha entertained Vancouver and his officers with sham battle at Hawaii. Landed cattle for Kamehameha T. March 4.
1794Final visit of Vancouver, January 9.
Grand council aboard Discover, when Kamehameha I “ceded” island of Hawaii to Great Britain, and English flag hoisted ashore. February 25.
Kahekili, king of Oahu and Maui, died at Waikiki, Oahu, and Kalanikupule, his son, reigns.
Honolulu harbor discovered in December, by Captain Brown, of British ship Butterworth; schooner Jackall, tender to same, first vessel to enter, followed shortly by the Prince Le Boo and Lady Washington. November 21.
1795 Kamehameha subdued Maui, Lanai and Molokai. February.
Battle of Nuuanu, Oahu, fought in valley, in which Kalanikupule, and Kaiana, who had seceded from the conqueror’s ranks to join in opposing him, were slain. April.
Oahu fell into the hands of Kamehameha, who established his headquarters at Waikiki beach.
1796January, H. B. M. S. Providence, Captain Broughton, touched at Kealakekua, and left the grape vine. February.
Kamehameha, planning attack on Kauai and Niihau, embarked for that purpose in a fleet of war canoes but was driven back to Oahu by a violent wind. April.
Providence visited Niihau; massacre of the marines. This was the last of such destruction of life by the Hawaiians. July 30.
Rebellion of Namakeha, brother of Kaiana, on Hawaii; Kamehameha returned from Oahu and subdued the some in the battle of Kipapaloa, Hilo, in which Namakeha was slain. August.
1797Liholiho (Kamehameha II), born at Hilo, Hawaii, of Keopuolani, wife of Kamehameha I
Promulgation of “Mamalahoa” (“Law of the Splintered Paddle”), protecting old and young on the highways by Kamehameha.
1798Work of creating a fleet of war canoes known as Peleleu, commenced; these were of a new kind, short and broad, capable of carrying many men.
1801 Peleleu fleet arrived at Kawaihae, Hawaii.
1802Peleleu fleet arrived at Lahaina, Maui. Kameeiamoku died at Lahaina.
1803First horses in Hawaii landed by Capt. Cleveland from a Boston vessel, from California. January 23. Peleleu fleet arrived at Oahu.
1804Kamehameha plans another attack on Kauai and prepares a fleet of 21 schooners, but through appearance of a great pestilence called ahulau okuu (cholera) it was abandoned.
Keeaumoku, father of Kaahumanu, died.
John Young named Governor of Hawaii island.
1808 Hawaiian flag said to have been designed. Family traditions credit design to Capt. George Beckley, English navigator and military adviser to Kamehameha I.
1809 Kaumualii, king of Kauai, visited Oahu to meet Kamehameha I, to arrange cession of his island; hence the group became one kingdom under Kamehameha T.
1810King Kaumualii ceded island of Kauai to Kamehameha 1.
Isaac Davis died. April
1813Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha III) born of Keopuolani, at Keauhou, Hawaii. August.


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