Hawaii History 1527 – 1926

Last Updated on October 25, 2013 by Dennis


1908Bids Opened for Hilo breakwater. larch. Construction commenced. September 12.
Kahului harbor breakwater practically completed at private expense. Work begins on construction of naval base and drydock, Pearl Harbor
Tobacco plantation established at Kona, Hawaii.
Hawaiian Pineapple Growers’ Association organized. May.
Famous Atlantic Fleet, Rear Admiral Sperry, arrived on world cruise. July 16.
Pacific Fleet arrived from San Francisco, Rear Admiral W. A. Swinburne, commanding. September 2.
Hawaii presents Mark Twain with koa mantel piece on his birthday in recognition of his friendly interest.
New McKinley High School opened. September 11.
Work begins on additional buildings for Fort Shatter.
Dr. Robert Koch, world ‘s eminent bacteriologist, stored at Honolulu; visited leper settlement on Molokai.
1909New municipal government of City and County of Honolulu inaugurated, J. J. Fern first mayor. January 4.
Pier 7, Honolulu ‘s modern wharf, finished. January 4.
New royal mausoleum crypt for bodies of members of the Kalakaua dynasty completed; cost $25,000.
Kauai completed twelve miles railroad from Makaweli to Kolua; company capitalized at $125,000.
Hilo Railroad Company completed fifteen miles to Hakalau from Hilo along scenic Hamakua coast.
Prof. T. A. Jaggar proposed that Massachusetts Institute of Technology established observatory and laboratory for study of earthquake and volcanic phenomena on brink of Kilauea volcano island of Hawaii, as being best location in world. Proposition promised local aid.
First lot of Russian immigrants from Siberia arrived, comprising fifty families. (This and later experiments were unsuccessful and plan was abandoned.) October 21
Brig-Ben. John .T. Pershing visited Honolulu; also John Burroughs, naturalist.
Lighthouses established and lighted at Makapuu Point, Oahu; Kalawao, Molokai; Kailua, Hawaii.
New University Club buildings opened at Haalelea Lawn. August 5.
New Methodist church and new Kaumakapili (native) church approaching completion. Mid-Pacific Institute completed.
Memorial arch erected at Kailua, Hawaii, in memory of first missionaries, and of Opukahaia and his native Christian comrades.
Revenue cutter Thetis captures twenty-three Japanese bird poachers on Laysan Island, west of Hawaii (part of group). Value of plumage taken was $122,000.
1910Second federal census of Hawaii taken under direction of Dr. Victor S. Clark; total of 191,909 souls, as against 154,000 in 1900. April 15.
“Bud” Mars introduced aviation at Moanalua, near Honolulu. December 31.
1911Cholera outbreak controlled; under authority of U. S. Public Health Department, all banana plants in Honolulu cut down to prevent yellow fever entering city, on ground they were breeders of mosquitoes, February.
Honolulu petitioned that federal building be located on square opposite old royal palace, instead of on Mahuka site, in business district.
S. S. Orteric arrived from Portugal with 1,451 Spanish and Portuguese immigrants. April 13.
Naval drydock work at Pearl Harbor naval station progressing; 2,500 piles driven in coral floor of site for a firm foundation.
“Pan-Pacific Travel Congress” launched to promote amity between countries in and bordering upon the Pacific. February.
Schooner Moi Wahine and U. S. Lighthouse tender Kukui collide in Molokai channel, former sinking. All hands lost except Captain Sam Mana, who swam twenty miles to Lanai Island. February 27.
Lava brick plant established at Kaimuki, Honolulu; capacity 20,000 bricks per clay.
Rubber plantation at Nahiku, Maui, appears to be flourishing, with 350,000 trees set out.
McKinley statue at McKinley High School unveiled.
Dr. Frank Perret, of volcanic research renown, and Dr. F. S. Shepherd, of the Carnegie Institute, Washington, study Kilauea volcano; secure temperature reading of molten lava, recording 1010 centigrade. July 30.
Sheffield Choir, 200 voices, gave concerts in Honolulu. May.
French aviator Masson made successful monoplane flights from Schofield Barracks to Kapiolani Park, Honolulu, June 18. Residents observed Coronation Day in honor of King George V and Queen Mary. June 22.
Souna’s band gave two concerts at Honolulu.
Mass meeting passed resolutions favoring unlimited arbitration between England and United States; Dr. David Starr Jordan talked on International Peace. July 9.
Duke P. Kahanamoku, of Hui Nalu club, made two amateur swimming records; 100 yards, 55 2-5 seconds; 50 yards, 24 1-5 seconds. August 13.
1912Cornerstone of College of Hawaii laid. January 22. Building completed in July; cost, $66,000.
Library of Hawaii completed at cost of $105,000.
Alice Mackintosh memorial bell tower of St. Andrew’s Cathedral completed and dedicated by Bishop Restarick. June 2.
Fire department commenced change from animal to motor equipment.
Federal Telegraph Co. (Poulson system), opened news service between Pacific Coast and Oahu. July 28.
U. S. S. California fiat modern warship to steam up newly dredged channel from sea to Pearl Harbor Naval Station. December 14.
Duke P. Kahanamoku, Hawaii’s champion swimmer, goes to Sweden, via New York, making the American team for the Olympic games at Stockholm. His 100-meter dash at Stockholm, July 6, won victory for America and gave him championship of the world; record time, 62 2-5 seconds. Broke own record at Hamburg and at other places. Accorded “aloha” welcome at Honolulu and presented with house and lot at Waikiki.
1913Naval drydock, Pearl Harbor, collapsed when caisson pumped out. February 17. New plans for holding bottom discussed and experts sera by rav to Honolulu to determine new method construction.
L. E. Pinkham appointed fourth Governor of Hawaii.
Bronze memorial unveiled at Oahu College on 74th birthday anniversary of late Gen. Samuel C. Armstrong, of Hawaii, Civil War general, and founder of Hampton Institute, Va. January 30.
Rev. H. H. Parker completed 50th anniversary of occupancy of Kawaiahno church pulpit, Honolulu. June 28.
1914Primary laws effective at year’s elections.
Centenary of Kamehameha III observed at Kawaiahao church; also at Keauhou, Kona, Hawaii, his birthplace, where a tablet was unveiled. Queen Liliuokalani and the High Chiefess Kekanian Pratt attended both observances. March 17.
Coffee crop for year estimated at 45,000 bags.
Sugar output estimated at 620,000 tons, with low market price.
Chamber of Commerce and -Merchants’ Association amalgamate, under name of Chamber of Commerce. May 27.
New Matson Navigation Company steamer Matsonia arrived, five days 4 hours 6 minutes. February 2.
New Matson steamer Manoa arrived. March.
Capt. H. C. Houdlette, commanding the Oceanic S. S. Sierra, on arrival, rounded out its 100th voyage between San Francisco and Honolulu. March 2.
German refugee ships sought and received shelter in Honolulu harbor. German gunboat Geier was interned; sixteen merchant steamers also interned. Japanese battleship Hizen, cruising off Honolulu, captured German schooner Aeolus, and burned and sank prize with copra cargo, outside three-mile limit. Vessel and cargo valued at $80,000.
Mary Castle Trust trustees donated old Kawaiahao Seminary lot in Mission Center to Hawaiian Board of Missions for Mission Memorial building.
Capt. Henri Berger’s 70th birthday honored by special band concert, attended by high officials, when he was decorated with a gold badge in token of esteem for his 42 years of service as director of the old Royal Hawaiian Band. August 2.
1915U. S. Submarine F-4 sank while entering the channel to Honolulu harbor from sea cruise. Efforts to raise the submarine were extraordinary and vessel was brought up from 50 fathoms depth of water. March 25. (She was in a broken, bruised condition and only bones and other almost unidentifiable remains of the officers and crew were found when vessel was dragged ashore.)
S. S. Great Northern departed from Honolulu, 11 p. m., reaching San Francisco in record breaking trip, 3 days 18 hours. December 6.
1916Kuhio wharf, Hilo, completed. Protected by breakwater.
Inter-Island S. S. Co. installing second coaling plant.
Coaling plant, with wharf, railroad and hoisting towers in operation at Pearl Harbor naval station; 1,000-foot concrete wharf at head of drydock is nearing completion at navy yard; naval high power radio station practically complete.
United States accepted Civic Center site for Federal building, giving up original Mahuka site. To construct million-dollar building.
Princeville plantation property, Kauai, sold to Lihue Sugar Plantation for $250,000.
Fifteen new buildings finished at Fort De Russy, cost $100,000.
Hilo Federal building, costing $200,000, almost completed.
Hawaiian sugar Planters’ Association, in view of high prices for sugar, evolved plan for bonus payments to all employees, office, mill and field. Estimated bonus payments $4,000,000.
Government plans restoration of the more important ancient Hawaiian temples (heiaus) found worthy of preservation.
Mme. Melba revisited Honolulu and gave concert.
Maui held first county fair at Wailuku. November 30-December 2.


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