Reuben Wright Genealogy

Oliver Wright

1. Reuben2 Wright, son of Oliver1, was b. in Keene, Apr. 29, 1772, of Oliver and Sarah Wright; d. Houghton, Mich., Aug. 18, 1852; m. Dec. 30 (or 31), Olive Atwood, b. Templeton, Mass., July 5, 1775, d. Washington, N. H., Aug. 15, 1842; dau. of John and Elizabeth (Lawrence) Atwood of Packersfield. Ch.:

  1. Roxana3, b. Marlboro, Sept. 8, 1800, m. Dec. 18, 1827, Amos Corey, Jr., of Washington, N. H., b. there, Sept. 19, 1802; d. Antrim, Apr. 6, 1872, son of Amos and Achsah (Townsend) Corey. She d. at Antrim, Sept. 7, 1872. They had moved from Washington to Antrim in 1857. Ch.:
    1. Achsah Louisa4, b. Washington, N. H., 1828; m. Mar. 1857, Peter Shuttleworth of Southborough, Mass. Ch.:
      1. Ella J.5 Shuttleworth, b. May 23, 1858.
      2. Alva Kay5 Shuttleworth, b. June 14, 1859.
      3. Ida May5 Shuttleworth, b. Feb. 2, 1862.
      4. Caroline Louisa5 Shuttleworth, b. Feb. 14, 1865.
      5. Clara Mabel5 Shuttleworth, b. Oct. 11, 1866.
    2. Olive Wright4 Corey, b. Washington, N. H., 1830; d. unm. in 1872.
    3. Melinda A.4 Corey, b. Washington, 1832; d. unm. in 1861.
    4. George F.4 Corey, b. Washington, Apr. 23, 1836; m. Nov. 29, 1860, Clara R. Hill, b. Antrim, 1841; dau. of Henry and Rebecca (Kelso) Hill of Antrim. They lived for a time at Waltham, where he was employed in the watch factory, but returned to the old homestead in So. Antrim, in 1876, where he d. Mar. 1890. They had no children.
  2. Reuben Jr.3, b. Marlboro, Aug. 5, 1802, m. Fanny Hopkins; he d. in Lexington, Mich., 1860. They had five children; we have the birth dates of only two, and do not know the name of the fifth:
    1. Almon4, appears from a much confused record handed to us, to have m. a woman named Martha Stow. Res. Waltham, Mass.
    2. Jason B.4 b. Sept. 16, 1832, m. June 11, 1865, Martha Allison and lived in San Jose, Cal. A son:
      1. Jason B.5, b. Oct. 29, 1877.
    3. Arvilla4, b. Dec. 20, 1841, m. (1), Jan. 8, 1860, Charles Fisher; m. (2), Apr. 5, 1863, Jacob Brooks of So. Acton, Mass., who d. May 8, 1882; m. (3), Oct. 1885, Rufus Stickney, who d. Aug. 31, 1891. Ch:
      1. Hattie F.5 Fisher, b. Feb. 16, 1861; m. Dec. 25, 1879, Waldo C. Hill. A son:
        1. Fred6 Hill, b. 1881.
      2. Frank H.5 Brooks, b. Jan. 7, 1865; m. July 14, 1887, Caroline E. Washburn. They have three children:
        1. Mildred L.6 Brooks, b. May 10, 1888.
        2. Myrtle W.6 Brooks, b. Sept. 30, 1889.
        3. Herbert W.6 Brooks, b. May 6, 1897.
      3. Eliza Jane5 Brooks, b. Sept. 1, 1867; m. July 14, 1887, Winfield Scott Gove. They have four ch:
        1. Lydia Mabel6 Gove, b. June 28, 1888.
        2. Jennie6 Gove, b. Nov. 1894.
        3. Edith G.6 Gove, b. May 15, 1897.
      4. Fred W.5 Brooks, b. Aug. 17, 1870; d. Nov. 17, 1876.
      5. Minnie Arvilla5 Brooks, b. Sept. 27, 1874; d. Nov. 22, 1876.
    4. Lyman4, b. (place and date unknown to us), m. Alice Page and res. Waltham, Mass. Ch.:
      1. Minnie A.5, b. Feb. 3, 1873.
      2. Mabel5, b. May 28, 1888.
      3. Bertha5, b. Feb. 4, 1893.
  3. Zophar3, b. S., Mar. 30, 1805, was a farmer, and res. Roxbury and Nelson; d. May 11, 1880, and was buried at Washington, N. H.; m. (1), Merinda Shedd, b. Washington, N. H., May 7, 1811; dau. of John and Lydia (Farnsworth) Shedd. He m. (2), Sept. 4, 1877 in Nelson, by F. K. Jewett, Esq., Mrs. Betsey (Manning) Wright, b. Mason Village, N. H., 1808; d. Nelson, 1879; dau. of Artemas and Rhoda (Wythe) Manning, and widow of Ezra L. Wright. He m. (3), in Nelson, Mar. 25, 1879, Nancy B. Underwood, b. at Warwick, Mass., 1817. Ch.:
    1. Olive M.4, b. 1829,  m. Benjamin Francis Patridge of Bay City, Mich. Ch.:
      1. Clara5 Patridge, b. Oct. 10, 1858; unm. when she was reported dead at Bay City.
      2. Frank K.5 Patridge, b. (date unknown), is a physician at Detroit.
      3. Minnie5 Patridge, m. William Conly; res. Pittsburg, Pa.
      4. May Bell5 Patridge, m. Joseph Mackey; res. Chicago, Ill.

      There are said to be other ch. of the Patridges; one is said to be Asa5, a doctor in Detroit, Mich.

    2. John C.4, b. 1830; drowned in Lake Huron.
    3. Zopher Washington4, b. Jan. 1, 1832, m. (1), Mary Chickey; m. (2), Esther Towne, b. May 8, 1838. Res. Houghton, Mich., where he is president of a National bank. Ch.:
      1. Caroline H.5 Wright, b. Aug. 26, 1858; m. H. H. Hodge, res. Detroit.
      2. Lillian5 Wright, b. Dec. 2, 1859; d. Sept. 9, 1863 at Toledo, Ohio.
      3. Nina E.5 Wright, unm. at last report, at Houghton, Mich.
    4. Stephen P.4, b. 1833, m. Sarah (called Sallie) G. Knox. He was a lawyer and a speaker of the House of Representatives; d. July, 1874 at San Bernardino, Cal. Two ch.:
      1. Frank K.5, res. Crescent City, Cal.; m. Caroline Dallinger.
      2. Stephen 5. Jr.
    5. William Wallace4.
    6.  Joseph H.4 d. in Civil War, 1862.
    7. Emily4.
  4. Olive Atwood3, b. S., Feb. 28, 1807, d. Antrim, June 13, 1877; m. Sept. 1, 1831, Dea. Jesse Raymond Goodell of the Baptist church of Antrim, b. at Hillsborough, Feb. 12, 1807; d. Antrim, Nov. 6, 1886; son of David and Mary (Raymond) Goodell. He m. (2), Mrs. Ruth (Wilkins) Bennett, who d. Feb. 6, 1894. He was deacon for 65 years, and was President of the N. H. Anti-Saloon League. Ch.:
    1. Hon. David Harvey4 Goodell, ex-Gov. of New Hampshire, b. Hillsborough, May 6, 1834; d. Antrim, Jan. 22, 1915; m. Sept. 1, 1857, Hannah Jane Plummer, b. Goffstown, N. H., Apr. 13, 1835; d. Antrim, Apr. 18, 1911. He died at Antrim, Jan. 22, 1915. He was at the head, and owned most of the stock of the Company of the Goodell Co., which manufactures cutlery at Antrim and Bennington. He was president and treasurer for over fifty years. He invented the “lightning apple-parer” in 1864. He was Governor of New Hampshire from 1889 till 1891. Two sons, b. Antrim:
      1. Dura Dana5 Goodell, b. Sept. 6, 1858; m. Aug. 31, 1886, Nellie Lauretta Little, and had:
        1. Claire Dana6 Goodell, b. Antrim, Nov. 12, 1887.
      2. Col. Richard Carter5 Goodell, b. Aug. 10, 1868; m. Aug. 10, 1892, Una Gertrude White of Concord, N. H. She d. Apr. 5, 1895, and he m. (2), Feb. 22, 1899, Amy Clark Martin.

      Gov. David H. Goodell m. (2), Nov. 13, 1911, Miss Emma Sarah McCoy.

  5. Almon3, b. S., Mar. 21, 1809, res. Baltimore, Md., and was a Council man at Baltimore; m. May 6, 1835, Catherine Stanibler (or Stambler) b. Apr. 1814; d. June (or Jan.) 7, 1898. Eleven ch., their birthplace unknown to us:
    1. Elizabeth Jane4, b. July 19, 1836, m. Aug. 20, 1857, William Fletcher Boxwell, b. Oct. 28, 1829. She d. at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 22, 1860. Two ch.:
      1. William Fletcher Jr.5 Boxwell, b. Baltimore, Sept. 21, 1858; m. June 5, 1880, Ida May Reese, b. Nov. 4, 1864. They have three ch.:
        1. William Robert6 Boxwell, b. May 23, 1881.
        2. May Estelle6 Boxwell, b. Apr. 23, 1885.
        3. Frank Sheldon6 Boxwell. They were living in 1898 at Salmon, Idaho.
      2. Elizabeth Jane5 Boxwell, b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 14, 1860; d. there, Jan. 18, 1861.
    2. Alice4, b. Sept. 14, 1837.
    3. Catherine4, b. Nov. 6, 1839.
    4. John A.4, b. Dec. 8, 1841, m. July 18, 1865, May E. Grimes, b. Dec. 31, 1841. Res. Baltimore, Md. Five ch.:
      1. Olive W.5, b. Oct. 29, 1866; d. May 10, 1869 at Jacksonville, Fla.
      2. Edna G.5, b. Sept. 3, 1868; d. Dec. 24, 1875.
      3. Frank C.5, b. July 13, 1871, m. Oct. 4, 1893, Caroline E. Butler, b. Aug. 7, 1873; res. Jacksonville, Fla. Ch.:
        1. Olive Catherine6, b. July 17, 1894.
        2. Caroline Butler6, b. May 3, 1896.
      4. Mary5, b. Aug. 14, 1875.
      5. Florence5, b. Feb. 10, 1879.
    5. Olive4, b. July 4, 1844.
    6. Cecilia4, b. Apr. 24, 1846; d. Dec. 28, 1868.
    7. Almon4 (twin), b. Apr. 24, 1846; d. Apr. 26, 1846.
    8. Clara4, b. Sept. 8, 1848.
    9. Almon4, b. July 5, 1850, m. July 26, 1879, Josephine Woods, b. May 15, 1859; d. at Baltimore, Md., June 28, 1892. Ch.:
      1. Roy5, b Aug. 28, 1880; d. Mar. 15, 1881.
      2. Catherine A.5, b. Sept. 25, 1881.
      3. John G.5, b. Dec. 10, 1884; d. Mar. 12, 1887.
      4. Charles F.5, b. Nov. 26, 1886.
    10. Daniel Webster4, b. July 14, 1852; d. at Baltimore, Md., Jan. 7, 1854.
    11. Rosanna4, b. Jan. 31, 1855; d. Baltimore, Sept. 1, 1856.
  6. Daphne3, b. S., Jan. 21, 1811; m. Jos. Elliot Cummings.
  7. Lydia3, b. S., Mar. 22, 1813, m. a man named Parsons and she d. at Antrim, Aug. 3, 1867. We know nothing about her children.
  8. John Atwood3, b. S., Apr. 8, 1815,  m. Mary Hyde, and had six children. We have the names of but four, John, Edward, Robert and Mary.
  9. A stillborn dau.3, b. June 1817; bur. in Sullivan, in s. w. corner graveyard.
  10. Stillman3, b. Washington, N. H., Feb. 22, 1822, married a woman whose first name was Angeline and lived somewhere in Michigan.

Seward, Josiah Lafayette. A History of the Town of Sullivan, New Hampshire 1777-1917. Keene, New Hampshire. c1921.

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