Biography of Presley M. Bruner

A prominent practitioner at the bar of Hailey, and ex-district attorney of Alturas (now Blaine) County, Idaho, Presley Morris Bruner, was born in Chillicothe, Ohio. September 15, 1850. On the paternal side is of German lineage, and on the maternal of Scotch descent. His father, J. A. Bruner, was born in Virginia, a representative of one of the old and prominent families of that state, living in the Blue mountain region. He married Miss Margaret Morris, a daughter of Judge Presley Morris, of Chillicothe, Ohio. Her father was a descendant of the McDonald clan of the highlands of Scotland, and … Read more

Biography of William Ranck

WILLIAM RANCK. – This representative citizen of Clarke county was born at East Waterford, Pennsylvania, in 1829. At the age of five years his parents moved to Huntington county in the same state, one and one-half miles from Shade Gap postoffice, where he received the common-school education of that early time which consisted chiefly of the “three R’s.” At the age of seventeen he went to Shirleysburg to learn the trade of a wagon and carriage maker. After some years of employment at Germantown, and at other points in Pennsylvania and Virginia, on the 1st day of April, 1852,he left … Read more

Biography of Auren G. Redway

For thirty-six years Auren G. Redway has been a resident of Boise, and for many years was prominently connected with her banking interests, but is now living retired, enjoying that well earned rest which is the fitting reward of an honorable and active business career. He comes from the far-off east and is a representative of a family that was established in America in colonial days. His grandfather, Preserved Redway, served his country throughout the war of the Revolution, was one of General Washington’s bodyguard, and had the honor of being a corporal of the guard at the time of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Yount

Henry Yount of Tustin, was born in Platte County, Missouri, December 11, 1845, his parents being Henry and Deborah (Doherty) Yount, the former a native of Indiana and the latter of Pennsylvania, who moved to Missouri in 1832, locating upon a farm, and there the senior Yount died in 1845, when his son Henry was but two weeks old. His mother subsequently married Abraham Van Vranken. May 5, 1865, Mr. Yount started for California with an ox team; and after arriving he followed farming the first year in Santa Clara County; then he was a wheat-raiser in San Joaquin County … Read more

Burby, Ernest “Ernie” – Obituary

Ernest “Ernie” Burby, 80, a former longtime Baker City resident, died Nov. 27, 2005, at Idaho Falls, Idaho. His funeral and interment will be at Idaho Falls. He was born on June 7, 1925, at San Jose, Calif., to Ernest and Phoebe Burby. He attended school at Baker City and was a Baker High School graduate. He loved Baker City and returned often. Survivors include his wife, Joyce, of Idaho Falls; a daughter, Vickie Whitney of St. George, Utah; and his mother, Phoebe Burby, and his brother, Robert Burby, both of Baker City. Used with permission from: Baker City Herald, … Read more

Biography of Sylvester Lyman

Sylvester Lyman deceased. American biography has always been considered to be of the greatest interest, far outranking in this regard the same study in any other country. The cause of this is the large proportion of self-made men in our population, men who have plucked the flowers of success from the thorns of difficulty. Mr. Lyman, the subject of this memoir, illustrates this fact. He was born at Westhampton, Blandford County, Massachusetts, February 26, 1826. At the age of fourteen years his father moved his family to Shiawassee County, Michigan, where Mr. Lyman assisted in the farm work for some … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph J. Bullock

Of the names connected with the San Mateo County Bar few stand out more prominently than Joseph J. Bullock. Mr. Bullock is still practicing at Redwood City and is finishing the twenty-fifth year that he has been before the courts of this county. Mr. Bullock has also played a leading role in the public life of the county. In 1897 he was elected to succeed H. W. Walker as District Attorney. In 1901 he was elected to succeed himself in that office and in 1905 he was returned to that position for a third time. Being for 12 years in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse O. Snyder

In charge of the great plant of the Western Meat Company at South San Francisco which employs hundreds of men and turns out thousands of dollars worth of products monthly, is Jesse O. Snyder, a resident of South San Francisco for the past twenty years or more and one of its leading boosters. Mr. Snyder is a native of Pennsylvania and it was in Chicago that he gained his fundamental knowledge of the packing business. Before coming west he was with Swift & Co. He worked himself up to a responsible position with these interests who sent him out to … Read more

Biography of Judge James H. Fee

JUDGE JAMES H. FEE. – The present judge of the circuit court of the sixth judicial district, although having attained an eminent position is still a young man, having been born in Wisconsin in 1858. His early opportunities were of the best character. At the upper Iowa University of Fayetteville, and at Waterloo, Iowa, he laid the foundations of his education. Coming to California in 1873, he completed his course at San Jose’, and began the study of law, enjoying in his preparatory work the instructions of a priest of that city; and in 1880, at Walla Walla, he concluded … Read more

History of Santa Cruz Mission

(Holy Cross). The twelfth Franciscan mission established in California. The proposed site was personally examined by Fr. Lasuen, who found the natives friendly and ready to help. Supplies and native assistants were sent from the neighboring missions, especially Santa Clara, and the mission was formally founded Sept. 25, 1791, at the place where is now situated the town of Santa Cruz, Santa Clara County. At the end of the year there were 84 neophytes. In 1792 there were 224, and the highest number, 523, was reached in 1796. In 1800 there were 492. At this time the mission had 2,354 … Read more

Biography of Raymond Griffin Barnett

Raymond Griffin Barnett, who had the well earned title of captain of the American army in the World war and who is now engaged in the practice of law in Kansas City, was born at Carthage, Hancock county, Illinois, October 8, 1882, and is a son of Fred P. and Adele (Griffin) Barnett, the former a native of Missouri and the latter of Illinois. The father went from this state to Iowa and afterward returned to Kansas City. He is by profession a court reporter and is now the vice president of the Shorthand Reporting Company, with offices in the … Read more

Biography of Laurits Walse Therkelsen

Laurits Walse Therkelsen was born in Denmark, twelve miles east of Copenhagen, in 1842. He had limited educational advantages and early in life became apprenticed to the carpenter’s trade, at which he worked in his native town until he arrived at the age of eighteen years when he came to America, and, in 1861, landed in San Francisco. Here for the next ten years he followed his trade with the exception of one year at San Jose, when he engaged in contracting. In 1871, he came to Portland and for ten years following was largely engaged in contracting and building … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Curtis

Among the eminent men of the northwest whose life records form an integral part of the history of Idaho was numbered Hon. Edward J. Curtis. In his death the state lost one of its most distinguished lawyers, gifted statesmen and loyal citizens. As the day, with its morning of hope and promise, its noontide of activity, its evening of completed and successful efforts, ending in the grateful rest and quiet of the night, so was the life of this honored man. His career was a long, busy and useful one, marked by the utmost fidelity to the duties of public … Read more

Santa Clara County, California Cemetery Records

Most of these cemetery listings are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Santa Clara County California Tombstone Transcription Project) Gavilan Hills Memorial Park Santa Clara Catholic Cemetery Following Cemeteries (hosted at Gavalin Hills Memorial Park & Catholic Cemetery    

Biography of Alfred A. Wood

Alfred A. Wood, the senior partner of the well-known firm of Wood & Cunningham, proprietors of the leading hardware establishment of Riverside, is a native of California, dating his birth in Sonoma County in September 1859. His father, William B. Wood, came to the State in 1850, and spent many years of his life in Sonoma and Monterey counties, and later, in Riverside, he was a businessman and engaged in mercantile life. The subject of this sketch was reared and schooled in Castroville, Monterey County, and after his attendance in the public schools entered the State Normal School at San … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph B. Gordon

Few men owe their success more to their own efforts than Joseph B. Gordon, junior member of the law firm of Kirkbride & Gordon of San Mateo. His path was not strewn with roses. It was one over which only sheer pluck, courage and perseverance can take the traveler. Mr. Gordon had had only a high school education when he aspired to be a lawyer. After preliminary study he became a law clerk with Mr. Charles N. Kirkbride in 1904. While so engaged Mr. Gordon took a four year law course at the San Francisco Law School. Before its completion … Read more

Uebelacker, Geneva Bronson – Obituary

Geneva Bronson, 97, of Yakima, passed away on Sunday, January 4, 1998 in Crescent Convalescent Center. She was born on June 17, 1900 to Frank and Anna (Michels) Uebelacker in Ellensburg, WA where she was raised and educated. She and her husband resided in San Jose, California, where Mrs. Bronson was a first grade teacher at Willow Glen Elementary School for many years. She has resided in Yakima for the past fifteen years. She is survived by two nephews, Don Uebelacker and wife Anna of Yakima and Bill Uebelacker and wife Jean of Milwaukee, Oregon; numerous great nieces and nephews, … Read more

Biography of Alma Whitlock

Alma Whitlock, the pioneer dentist of Southern California, first commenced the practice of his profession in San Bernardino in 1857, and has been continuously in practice in the city ever since 1859. He was born in Missouri in 1831. His parents, who were both natives of New England, were brought up from childhood in Ohio. His mother, formerly Miss Abbot, was a relative of the Garfield family. They started for California across the plains from Tipton, Iowa, in the spring of 1850, and spent the winter of 1850-’51 in Utah, and resumed the journey on the following spring, reaching Hangtown, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Keller

Henry A. Keller is a “native son of the Golden West,” born in Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, in 1859. At fourteen yeas of age he entered a telegraph office as messenger boy, with the purpose of learning telegraphy. At sixteen he was in the Agent’s office as operator, and when eighteen years old was train dispatcher on the Central Pacific Railroad. Later he was in the employ of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company; and for sixteen months was train-dispatcher for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company at San Bernardino. He has filled that difficult and responsible … Read more