Biography of Marcus A. Means

The successful career of Marcus Asbury Means, of Genesee, is an illustration of the trite saying that brains and perseverance will make their way against all obstacles. Yet it is the multiplication of this illustration in all parts of our country that makes America one of the great powers of the earth. Mr. Means may be said to have been a child of war. He was born at Seabrook, Illinois, October 16, 1862, while his father was fighting for the preservation of the Union on southern battlefields, a service in which he yielded up his life in defense of his … Read more

Elbert S. Todd of Los Angeles CA

Elbert S. Todd

Elbert S. Todd8, (Gabriel H.7, John6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born Feb. 9, 1845, in Rome Center, Mich., married: (1) June 11, 1867, Emma N. Shaw, who was born in 1848, in New York; (2) April 20, 1898, Emma Grubitz. Resided in China, and Napa, Cahuenga, San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles California. Children by Emma N. Shaw: 1832. Fred Foster Todd, born Sept. 12, 1868 in Kieu Kiang, China, married Oct. 23, 1895, Fannie Pruitt who was born May 10, 1875, in Crisfield, Maryland. He is now (1919) a Surgeon Dentist in Crisfield, Maryland. where they reside. Children: … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Curtis

Among the eminent men of the northwest whose life records form an integral part of the history of Idaho was numbered Hon. Edward J. Curtis. In his death the state lost one of its most distinguished lawyers, gifted statesmen and loyal citizens. As the day, with its morning of hope and promise, its noontide of activity, its evening of completed and successful efforts, ending in the grateful rest and quiet of the night, so was the life of this honored man. His career was a long, busy and useful one, marked by the utmost fidelity to the duties of public … Read more

Uebelacker, Geneva Bronson – Obituary

Geneva Bronson, 97, of Yakima, passed away on Sunday, January 4, 1998 in Crescent Convalescent Center. She was born on June 17, 1900 to Frank and Anna (Michels) Uebelacker in Ellensburg, WA where she was raised and educated. She and her husband resided in San Jose, California, where Mrs. Bronson was a first grade teacher at Willow Glen Elementary School for many years. She has resided in Yakima for the past fifteen years. She is survived by two nephews, Don Uebelacker and wife Anna of Yakima and Bill Uebelacker and wife Jean of Milwaukee, Oregon; numerous great nieces and nephews, … Read more

Campbell, Robert – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Word was received here this week of the death of Robert Campbell which occurred at Palto Alto, California, where he had been confined in an open-air sanitorium for several months. Mr. Campbell spent his early life in North Powder with his foster parents Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Campbell, who moved to Portland several years ago, where Robert resided, until he answered the call of his country and enlisted for overseas service. It was while stationed in the Hawaiian Islands that he contracted tuberculosis which resulted in his death. The burial was held in Palo Alto … Read more

Reinecke, R. Douglas – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon R. Douglas Reinecke, 75, of Baker City, died Feb. 28, 2004, at his home after a lengthy illness. A memorial Mass to honor Doug’s life will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, 2235 First St. Graveside inurnment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Friends are invited to join the family in the praying of the rosary at 7 p.m. Thursday at the cathedral. The Rev. Rob Irwin will officiate. There will be a luncheon after the funeral in the Parish Hall. Doug was born at Seneca, S.D., on Sept. 8, 1928, … Read more

Biography of Sylvester Lyman

Sylvester Lyman deceased. American biography has always been considered to be of the greatest interest, far outranking in this regard the same study in any other country. The cause of this is the large proportion of self-made men in our population, men who have plucked the flowers of success from the thorns of difficulty. Mr. Lyman, the subject of this memoir, illustrates this fact. He was born at Westhampton, Blandford County, Massachusetts, February 26, 1826. At the age of fourteen years his father moved his family to Shiawassee County, Michigan, where Mr. Lyman assisted in the farm work for some … Read more

Burby, Ernest “Ernie” – Obituary

Ernest “Ernie” Burby, 80, a former longtime Baker City resident, died Nov. 27, 2005, at Idaho Falls, Idaho. His funeral and interment will be at Idaho Falls. He was born on June 7, 1925, at San Jose, Calif., to Ernest and Phoebe Burby. He attended school at Baker City and was a Baker High School graduate. He loved Baker City and returned often. Survivors include his wife, Joyce, of Idaho Falls; a daughter, Vickie Whitney of St. George, Utah; and his mother, Phoebe Burby, and his brother, Robert Burby, both of Baker City. Used with permission from: Baker City Herald, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank S. Towne

The lesson of the opportunities San Mateo County holds for its young men is taught by the life of Frank. K. Towne, assistant cashier of the First National Bank at Redwood City. Twenty-five years ago when Mr. Towne was still in his teens, he went to work for this bank as a clerk. This was on September 1, 1891. He has continued in its employ ever since, his advancement keeping pace with the growth of the institution. Mr. Towne is now assistant cashier and cashier of the San Mateo County Savings Bank. Mr. Towne has played a leading part in … Read more

Biography of Warren P. Elmer, M. D.

Dr. Warren P. Elmer, making a specialty of internal medicine, was born in Lodi, Ohio, October 1, 1879, a son of Warren Elmer, who was also a native of the Buckeye state and a representative of an old family of Ohio and New York. The Elmers are of English origin and the family was founded in America in 1650 by Edward Elmer, since which time representatives of the name have participated in the Colonial wars, the Revolutionary war and other military struggles, defending American Interests. Warren Elmer, Sr., was a breeder and stock raiser, who specialized in breeding and raising … Read more

Biography of Auren G. Redway

For thirty-six years Auren G. Redway has been a resident of Boise, and for many years was prominently connected with her banking interests, but is now living retired, enjoying that well earned rest which is the fitting reward of an honorable and active business career. He comes from the far-off east and is a representative of a family that was established in America in colonial days. His grandfather, Preserved Redway, served his country throughout the war of the Revolution, was one of General Washington’s bodyguard, and had the honor of being a corporal of the guard at the time of … Read more

Biography of Dr. F. Holmes Smith

Dr. F. Holmes Smith is a comparatively young man, yet he has already passed through a most interesting career, one phase of which was a stirring trip up into the frozen north where he faithfully followed the call of medical duty in Alaska, upon the shores of the Behring Sea, as the company doctor for the North American Commercial Company. Upon his return to civilization he took up the less arduous duties of a practicing physician and surgeon at San Bruno in 1909. Dr. Smith was born at Lake City, Minnesota, on October 29, 1879, and received his college education … Read more

Biography of Isaac W. Whitaker

Isaac W. Whitaker is the pioneer of Ontario. In January 1883, Mr. Whitaker was a resident of San Francisco, broken in health, and it became a matter of absolute necessity that he seek a mild climate. He decided to try Southern California, and on the 11th day of that month himself and his brave wife pitched their tent upon the land which he has since occupied. The colony lands had been surveyed and work was in progress in grading avenues and piping water, but Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker were the first settlers to occupy the lands. All about them was … Read more

Cole, Horatio W. Mrs. – Obituary

Word reached Floyd Leonard Monday that his aunt, Mrs. Horatio W. Cole, had passed away at her home in San Jose, California, February 23. She had been seriously ill about ten days. Her two daughters and her husband were by her bedside and cared for her throughout her sickness. Had she lived until May 25, she and Mr. Cole would have been married fifty six years, about half of which time was spent in Wallowa county. Besides her aged husband she left to mourn her loss, Mrs. Grace Keifer and family, who live in San Francisco, and another daughter, Miss … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Yount

Henry Yount of Tustin, was born in Platte County, Missouri, December 11, 1845, his parents being Henry and Deborah (Doherty) Yount, the former a native of Indiana and the latter of Pennsylvania, who moved to Missouri in 1832, locating upon a farm, and there the senior Yount died in 1845, when his son Henry was but two weeks old. His mother subsequently married Abraham Van Vranken. May 5, 1865, Mr. Yount started for California with an ox team; and after arriving he followed farming the first year in Santa Clara County; then he was a wheat-raiser in San Joaquin County … Read more

Hindman, Anna Serene – Obituary

Durkee, Oregon Anna Serene Hindman, 90, a former longtime resident of Durkee died Nov. 30, 2003 at Los Gatos, California. Rosary for Ms. Hindman will be held on Saturday, Jan. 10, 2004 at 11 a.m. at Gray’s West & Company Pioneer Chapel with Deacon Jim Watt of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church officiating. Inurnment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. A reception will be held at the Mac Hindman home in Durkee. Contributions may be made to a charity of one’s choice in care of: Gray’s West & Co., P.O. Box 726, Baker City, OR 97814. Used with permission … Read more

Biography of George Harvey Emerson

GEORGE HARVEY EMERSON. – It is ever with peculiar interest that we observe the career of one who has been a soldier of the union. It was noticed that in the England of 1670, if any man was an exceptionally industrious and sober mechanic or man of business, it usually proved that he was an old soldier of Oliver Cromwell. In much the same way the severe discipline and the exercise of elf-devotion in our great war educated the soldier and prepared him for large and difficult enterprises. The subject of this sketch was born in Chester, New Hampshire, in … Read more

Biography of John D. Daly

It is with pleasure that we are permitted to write concerning the talented and enterprising business man whose name appears above, since he is one of those men of honor and stability who form the real strength of any community, and since he is numbered as one of the leading business men of the county of Harney, and has here and elsewhere achieved a success which is very gratifying both in the results to him individually and in the general business world of eastern Oregon, where he has operated. Mr. Daly was born in Canyon City, Oregon, on May 13, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph B. Gordon

Few men owe their success more to their own efforts than Joseph B. Gordon, junior member of the law firm of Kirkbride & Gordon of San Mateo. His path was not strewn with roses. It was one over which only sheer pluck, courage and perseverance can take the traveler. Mr. Gordon had had only a high school education when he aspired to be a lawyer. After preliminary study he became a law clerk with Mr. Charles N. Kirkbride in 1904. While so engaged Mr. Gordon took a four year law course at the San Francisco Law School. Before its completion … Read more

Biography of Alfred A. Wood

Alfred A. Wood, the senior partner of the well-known firm of Wood & Cunningham, proprietors of the leading hardware establishment of Riverside, is a native of California, dating his birth in Sonoma County in September 1859. His father, William B. Wood, came to the State in 1850, and spent many years of his life in Sonoma and Monterey counties, and later, in Riverside, he was a businessman and engaged in mercantile life. The subject of this sketch was reared and schooled in Castroville, Monterey County, and after his attendance in the public schools entered the State Normal School at San … Read more