Planting, Gustav Wilhelm – Obituary

G. W. Planting, a well-known pioneer farmer of this section, died at 5 o’clock this morning at his home three miles west of Adams. The deceased was 66 years of age. Gustaf W. Planting was born in Finland, May 27, 1845. From Finland he came to Calumet, Mich., and after a residence of a few years moved west to Oregon. That was in 1877 and he was therefore among the early settlers in Umatilla County. The deceased leaves a wife, two brothers, one sister, and 11 children to mourn his death. The children are Walter, John, Arnold, Mrs. Isaac [Sophia … Read more

Christopher, Isaac Albert – Obituary

Isaac Albert Christopher, a resident of Umatilla County for 78 years, died in his sleep early Sunday in Pendleton, where he resided at 908 SE Byers Ave. Death came to the former wheat farmer at the age of 84. He was born at Hancock, Mich., Dec. 15, 1870. At the age of six, he came with his parents, Peter and Johanna Christopher, on the first continental train to San Francisco and by boat to Astoria and Umatilla County where his parents homesteaded on land four miles west of Adams. He married Sophia Planting of Adams on October 31, 1897. Mr. … Read more

Molstrom, Joanna Margaret Tengman – Obituary

Mrs. Margaret Molstrom, aged 82, a pioneer of this vicinity, died this morning [March 12, 1931] at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Somppi. She was born in Haaparanta, Sweden, November 30, 1848. At the age of 17 she moved to Trondjem, Norway. Here she was married to Henry Molstrom on June 24, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Molstrom moved to Calumet, Michigan in the same year. In 1877 they went to Centerville, Washington. Ten years later they came to this vicinity. Her husband preceded her in death by 22 years. She is survived by four sons and three daughters, … Read more

Christopher, Sophia Marie Planting – Obituary

Funeral for Mrs. Isaac (Sophia Maria) Christopher, 89, who died Monday [November 25, 1963] at Hirsche’s Nursing Home here, will be Friday. Notice is on page 4 today. Born in Calumet, Mich., June 22, 1874, she came to the Adams area at the age of four with her parents who homesteaded in that section of Umatilla County. She married Oct. 31, 1897, and she and her husband later moved to Pendleton. She was active in the Apostolic Lutheran church, holding offices of secretary or treasurer all her mature life. Survivors are sons, Walney A. and Franklin A., both Pendleton; Alvin … Read more

Reuben Wright Genealogy

Oliver Wright 1. Reuben2 Wright, son of Oliver1, was b. in Keene, Apr. 29, 1772, of Oliver and Sarah Wright; d. Houghton, Mich., Aug. 18, 1852; m. Dec. 30 (or 31), Olive Atwood, b. Templeton, Mass., July 5, 1775, d. Washington, N. H., Aug. 15, 1842; dau. of John and Elizabeth (Lawrence) Atwood of Packersfield. Ch.: Roxana3, b. Marlboro, Sept. 8, 1800, m. Dec. 18, 1827, Amos Corey, Jr., of Washington, N. H., b. there, Sept. 19, 1802; d. Antrim, Apr. 6, 1872, son of Amos and Achsah (Townsend) Corey. She d. at Antrim, Sept. 7, 1872. They had moved … Read more

Biography of Hon. Michael Carey

Hon. Michael Carey, a member of the Idaho state senate (session of 1899), and one of the leading mine-owners of the commonwealth, now residing at Ketchum, Blaine County, is a native of the Emerald Isle. He was born December 12, 1844, a son of Michael and Mary (Tracy) Carey, both of whom were natives of Ireland, whence they crossed the Atlantic to the United States in 1850, bringing with them their family of seven children. They settled in Keweenaw County, Michigan, where the parents spent their remaining days. The father was a man of intelligence and a surveyor by profession. … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Houghton County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Calumet Township – James N. Cox, Charles Niles. Casper Shellman, [Henry Kempper. Charles T. Carlson. Joseph H. Lathrop. Jacob Renther, Peter Knechgles. Thomas Merter. Antoine Gipp]. Village of Calumet – Clefts Terrian. William A. Childs. Jos. Manser. Henry Colton. Charles Grimmer. Village of Red Jacket – W. H. Hull. Harry Storms. Jno. A. Low. Chassell Township – William Allen. James Bodie. Duncan Township – Patrick Ryan. Alanson Handlin. John H. Wentz, William W. Fraiharty. D. Snyder. William Nesbitt. … Read more

Wiidanen, Charles – Obituary

Funeral services were conducted at the Phillips Funeral Home Monday afternoon for Charles Wiidanen, pioneer Centerville resident. Interment was made in the Centerville Grange Cemetery with committal services by the Centerville Grange. Rev. J. A. Dunn was officiating minister at the rites. Wiidanen was born April 21, 1877 in Calumet, Michigan and died at the Klickitat Valley Hospital, November 28 at the age of 75. He was the oldest son of Andrew and Amanda Holm Wiidanen and was six months old when he and his parents arrived in the Klickitat Valley. They came by train to California and by boat … Read more

Planting, Eva Maria Toulanen – Obituary

Mrs. Eva Maria Planting died yesterday [June 2, 1929] at her home 123 North Logan Street, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Planting was born in Sweden April 1, 1851, being 78 years old. She came to Calumet, Michigan in 1873 and was married that year to Gustaf W. Planting. In 1877 she came to Umatilla County and settled on a homestead near Adams, Oregon, being one of the early settlers in that section. In 1911 her husband Gustaf W. Planting died. In 1917 she retired and came to make her home in Pendleton where she lived until her death. She … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Bennett Siddall

Siddall, George Bennett; attorney-at-law; born, Oberlin, O., Dec. 13, 1866; son of Dr. James F. and Orinda Candee Siddall; educated, Oberlin public schools, Oberlin College, from whence he graduated with degree of A. B., 1891, Western Reserve Law School; married, Calumet, Mich., Aug. 17, 1892, Nettie M. Danielson; admitted to the bar, March 13, 1896; became member of firm of Henderson, Quail & Siddall (J. M. Henderson, F. A. Quail and G. B. Siddall), Jan. 1, 1904; sec’y and gen. counsel The Peerless Motor Car Co.; pres. The Peerless Motor Car Co. of Illinois and Philadelphia; director Dean Realty Co. … Read more